CLASS of 1969 ~ 50th year reunion / CLASS of 1970 almost 50th
Class of 1969 celebrates 50th Anniversary Reunion and Class of 1970 celebrates 'almost' 50th. Weekend begins on Thurs, Oct 03 with Homecoming Parade, which usually steps off @ 6PM. Friday evening is a plan for bonfire @ home of Jack Miller. Saturday will be gathering with food, fun, and probably a picnic again, although that is not 100% certain at the moment. Sunday will be a breakfast, details as they become confirmed. PLEASE save the dates!!
Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1969, 1970
Event Details
50th Class Reunion
Maple on the Lake (Warner’s Lake)
As attendees arrive appetizers and/or dinner orders will be placed from menu. Available on line
Attendees are asked to bring one or two items to be used as door prizes
Friday, July 13th, 2018
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Back to our Roots~ Party in the Park~ '82 '83 '84
Lasalle Park
Family Picnic/Barbeque at Lasalle Park from noon – ?.
Reunion Committee will supply Food, Water and Soft Drinks.
BBQ Cost:
**Age 14 and Up: $25.00
**Age 7 to 13: $15.00
Please feel free to bring your own alcohol.
Tickets must be purchased prior to July 7, 2017 in order for us to get the food order submitted.
Online ticket sales through our website http://waymandesigns.com/reunion/buy-bbq-tickets/
What should you bring to the Picnic?
– Walking shoes for trail walks to Palentine House, cemetery, Main Street, etc.
– Chair for Sitting by the after the Picnic
Overnight camping is available for Tents and Campers until 11:00 AM the next day
Stay tuned for Prices and additional event information
* Please visit the Sign Up page http://waymandesigns.com/reunion/ and send your information to us so we can update our records
* Stay tuned for additional event information
Any Questions, please email or call
Les Foland – (518) 231-2696
Pam Foland – (518) 231-2709
Friday, July 21st, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
SCS Class of 1966 Reunion
The Apple Barrel
PLEASE NOTE: The actual deadline for RSVP's is August 1st, this program wouldn't let me post it before Sept.15th. AGAIN THE RSVP DEADLINE IS ACTUALLY 08/01/16. This reunion is for the Class of 1966 only. Final information will be posted within the next few days. Please check back.
Saturday, September 10th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Classes of 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1968 Reunion
Best Western
Saturday, July 25th, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968
Event Details
Class of 1969 REUNION
Fox Creek Pavillion
For all those who have asked (as well as those who have not asked!) ... there WILL be a Class Reunion to celebrate 45 yrs of being out of SCS. I've scratched my head multiple times, and I cannot tell you where the time has flown to, either!!! Here's the details:
Our reunion 5 yrs ago was very casual and relaxing ... we decided that it was just the ticket and we'll do it that way once again. Therefore, we have again secured the pavillion by Fox Creek.
Saturday, August 30, 2014 from 12N until the park closes at Fox Creek
Pavillion. We (the committee) will supply hamburgers, hot dogs, rolls, condiments, paper supplies, trash bags and toilet paper (can't forget that detail!).
Those who attend are asked to bring a dish to pass and their choice of beverage.
We'll keep the fire burning ... last time it turned chilly in the evening and we enjoyed sitting around that fire visiting and keeping toasty warm. Feel free to bring your own out-door lawn seating if you wish!
Please respond to me if you are attending, as we'll need a 'head count' for our planning. We are looking forward to this casual reunion of our friends ... don't forget pictures!!
I will post this information on Facebook and the Schoharie Alumni site, as well.
Saturday, August 30th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1992: 20 year reunion (other classes too)
McCaffrey Farm (Gallupville)267 Sholtes Rd.Schoharie, NY 12157
OPEN HOUSE- Class of 1992 (and anyone else who wants to come) Ok, here it goes.. This is not a formal anything, we will meet and have a good time. My parents are having a party the weekend before so the farm will be in good shape for another party. I hope this turns out to be a fun reunion; all kids (and spouses) are invited, if you can con friends from other grades to come, the more the merrier. Supplied: Tent, area for music (if someone wants to volunteer), picnic tables, Hay wagon to put the food on, some left over soda from the party, (if working- cold place to store soda and beer), Trampoline (same one we had over 20 years ago, so generally for the smaller kids!), Pond for fishing/swimming, big horses to pat, volleyball net, horseshoes, truck scale (for weighing the entire party, together, 50-50 bets), possible bonfire (if dad has wood scraps left) and the all important Port-a-john. I ask that you bring: a potluck dish to pass (I hope to start a list somewhere so we don't end up with lots of pork and beans and not enough of the good stuff.dessert), silverware, cups etc to use, lawn chairs/ blankets, Money for the 50/50. Any one who wishes to camp-out can set up a tent around the pond. There will also be a "rustic" area to park an RV. Anyone who plans on drinking should have a safe way to get home, or bring some blankets and a pillow, I am sure we can find a place for you in the barn. My one wish is that if you plan on coming, you can convince at least one other person (who didn't plan on attending "a stupid reunion") to come! I will post this in a few places, but if you can forward it on, I would appreciate. Anyone who wants to invite others to the event, just let me know and I will add you to the administration. I hope this invite gets to everyone and you can come; I would love to see everyone. Please understand I can't reach everyone (especially since I literally just started to plan this two days ago) Also I am not a great party planner, so if I have forgotten anything please let me know, You can email or call me at 734-735-4016.
Saturday, August 4th, 2012
Invited Classes:
1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990
Event Details
Reunion is the 3rd-4th-5th of August! Friday night: downtown Schoharie, Saturday night: dinner-dance at the Best Western in Cobleskill, Sunday: family picnic at the Esperance Elks.
Friday, August 3rd, 2012
Invited Classes:
1982, 1983, 1984
Event Details
Group Reunion
Boreali's Rt7 Howes Cave
If you can't make dinner, $5. donation is requested toward DJ; Not able to make Saturday night's dinner - Sunday breakfast @ VFW, Middleburgh, pancakes, donation
Saturday, August 14th, 2010
Invited Classes:
1962.1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968
Event Details
25th Year Reunion
Holiday Inn Express - Schoharie, NY
Pot luck picnic at Amy Frogleys (Colyer) on Sunday
Saturday, July 31st, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
SCS Reunion Classes 1970-75
SCS HS Reunion for the classes of 1970- 1975. Contact SCS7075Reunion@gmail.com for more information or visit the SCS Alumni page on Facebook.
Saturday, September 18th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
SCS Class of 1999 Ten-Year Reunion
Best Western Inn in Cobleskill
$15/person for class members and one guest $25/person for all others Coctail hour starts at 6:00 Buffet Dinner & DJ 7:00-11:00 Cash Bar Hotel rooms available for $80 (mention SCS 1999 reunion) Please email me if you would like to attend!
Saturday, October 24th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1969 40th Year Reunion
Fox Creek Park, Route 30, Schoharie, NY
Schoharie Central School, Class of 1969 Reunion The Schoharie Central School, Class of 1969, announces their 40th year reunion. The reunion picnic will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2009, at Fox Creek Park on Route 30, Schoharie, NY, from 2 – 10 PM. For further details please contact before August 30, 2009 : Kathleen Livingston Slater ( kscatskill@yahoo.com ), Stephanie Lucowicz Liddle ( pliddle@midtel.net ) or Sharon Aernecke Aitchison (sla51@nycap.rr.com) . Please put CLASS REUNION in the Subject Line. Please pass the word to other classmates who may not live in the area any longer and have access to this publication.   Class of 1969 Reunion Picnic Information: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009 ~ RAIN or SHINE Time: 2 – 10 PM Place: Fox Creek Park, Schoharie, NY Contact: Kathy Livingston Slater 868-2779 kscatskill@yahoo.com Stephanie Lucowicz Liddle 295-7756 pliddle@midtel.net Sharon Aernecke Aitchison 234-7861 sla51@nycap.rr.com The park has a large covered pavilion with over a dozen picnic tables. While there are benches with the picnic tables, some people may feel more comfortable in their own lawn chairs, and are encouraged to bring them! There is water, electric, and porta-potties on site. A large fireplace / cooking area is also next to the pavilion, and we have chefs lined up! The following will be provided: Hamburgers, Hot dogs, & Rolls Condiments Iced Tea & Lemonade Coffee / Cream / Sugar Everyone is asked to bring: Your own lawn chair Your own table setting (plate, cup, tools) Your own beverage if you prefer something other than Iced Tea or Lemonade And a Dish To Pass We seek donations of: Firewood Toilet Paper / Baby Wipes Plastic Trash Bags (LARGE) Bag of Charcoal Roll of Paper Towel
Saturday, September 26th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class reunion
Most likely at the Best Western in Cobleskill - We are looking at the 8th but that is not a definite yet
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
Invited Classes:
1988, 1989, 1990
Event Details