Prairie Du Chien High School Alumni
Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin (WI)
Recent Members
Angela Picha | 1989 |
Bonnie M Noe Bonnie M Noe | 1966 |
Chuck Kramer | 1965 |
Gordon Hackett | 1970 |
James Lee | 1962 |
Markus Graap | 1973 |
Sadie Hoge | 2017 |
Tyler Bell Tyler Bell | 2009 |
Military Alumni
Honoring Our Heroes
This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!
Lost Class Rings
Have you lost your Prairie Du Chien High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Blackhawks lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.
Honored Military Alumni
Cathy Barrett
Class of 1971
Air Force, 20+ Years
Served 24 years across Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Europe and U.S.
Class of 1971
Air Force, 20+ Years
Served 24 years across Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Europe and U.S.
Denny P. Reger
Class of 1975
Navy, 20+ Years
Boot Camp - San Diego, CA - 1975
USS Piedmont (AD-17) - Naples, Italy
USS LaSalle (AGF-3) "Great White Ghost of the Arabian Sea" - Baharain (Volunteer Tour #1)
NAS Memphis Naval Air Station - Millington, TN
USS Coral Sea CV-43 - Alameda, CA
USS Goldsbourgh DDG-20 - Pearl Harbor, HI
Great Lakes, IL - Training Center
USS LaSalle (AGF-3) "Great White Ghost of the Arabian Sea" - Baharain (Volunteer Tour #2)
USS Sierra (AD-18) Charleston, SC
SIMA, South Carolina
Class of 1975
Navy, 20+ Years
Boot Camp - San Diego, CA - 1975
USS Piedmont (AD-17) - Naples, Italy
USS LaSalle (AGF-3) "Great White Ghost of the Arabian Sea" - Baharain (Volunteer Tour #1)
NAS Memphis Naval Air Station - Millington, TN
USS Coral Sea CV-43 - Alameda, CA
USS Goldsbourgh DDG-20 - Pearl Harbor, HI
Great Lakes, IL - Training Center
USS LaSalle (AGF-3) "Great White Ghost of the Arabian Sea" - Baharain (Volunteer Tour #2)
USS Sierra (AD-18) Charleston, SC
SIMA, South Carolina
Derek Krahn
Class of 2003
Air Force, 6 Years
Military weather forecaster. Duties have included , but are not limited to, aviation meteorology (providing weather forcasts for heavy transport aircraft, training sorties, close-air-support, attack operations, and emergency combat rescue operations), advanced notice of hazardous weather conditions for resource and personnel protection, ground troop combat operations weather support, and yes, the occasional golf weather forecast. ^_^
My service has taken me to Mississippi (Gulf Coast area before and after hurricane Katrina), Texas, Korea, Japan, and Afghanistan.
Class of 2003
Air Force, 6 Years
Military weather forecaster. Duties have included , but are not limited to, aviation meteorology (providing weather forcasts for heavy transport aircraft, training sorties, close-air-support, attack operations, and emergency combat rescue operations), advanced notice of hazardous weather conditions for resource and personnel protection, ground troop combat operations weather support, and yes, the occasional golf weather forecast. ^_^
My service has taken me to Mississippi (Gulf Coast area before and after hurricane Katrina), Texas, Korea, Japan, and Afghanistan.
Donald Fernette
Class of 1963
Air Force, 4 Years
Served at Truax Field Madison WI and over seas in Viet Nam
Class of 1963
Air Force, 4 Years
Served at Truax Field Madison WI and over seas in Viet Nam
Galen Govier
Class of 1974
Marine Corps, 3 Years
Infantry (Mortarman) > Helicopter Support (The Red Patch Batch) Achieved E4-Corporal.
EAS March 1980.
Class of 1974
Marine Corps, 3 Years
Infantry (Mortarman) > Helicopter Support (The Red Patch Batch) Achieved E4-Corporal.
EAS March 1980.
Joseph Elliott
Class of 1959
Navy, 4 Years
Sonarman 2nd class. Had the chance to see the world. Served on Destroyers which visited the Med, the Red Sea, the North Atlantic, and the Caribean. Visited Hamburg Germany during the Berlin Wall crisis, was on recovery for John Glenns space shot and off Cuba during the Cuban missle crisis.
Class of 1959
Navy, 4 Years
Sonarman 2nd class. Had the chance to see the world. Served on Destroyers which visited the Med, the Red Sea, the North Atlantic, and the Caribean. Visited Hamburg Germany during the Berlin Wall crisis, was on recovery for John Glenns space shot and off Cuba during the Cuban missle crisis.
Michael T. Hemmer
Class of 2000
Army, 4 Years
Served 4 years at Ft. Campbell KY. One year in Iraq for OIF 1.
Class of 2000
Army, 4 Years
Served 4 years at Ft. Campbell KY. One year in Iraq for OIF 1.
Alumni Stories
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School News
Do you have any news to share? Keep our classmates informed on news and current events! Please post all reunion information in the reunion area.
Our Prairie Du Chien High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Prairie Du Chien High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Prairie Du Chien are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!