Miramonte High School Alumni

Orinda, California (CA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

Have you lost your Miramonte High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Matadors lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.

Honored Military Alumni

Gary Woodcock
Gary Woodcock
Class of 1966
Navy, 3 Years

Lt. Cdr. USNR DC
Three years active duty(1975-1978). Transfered to inactive reserve.
Greg Patton
Greg Patton
Class of 1964
Marine Corps, 2 Years

Served during the Vietnam era:
MAG-13, First Marine Air Wing, Chu Lai
Intelligence clerk
John F. Davies
John F. Davies
Class of 1974
Marine Corps, 8 Years

Navy ROTC Battalion, U.C. Berkeley

Marine Corps Recruit Battalion, Platoon 3074

Weapons Platoon
2nd Bn, 23rd Marines, USMC Reserve
San Rafael, California

Officer Candidate School / Basic School
Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. USMC(R)
Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia

US Army Armor School, Fort Knox, Kentucky
2nd Tank Battalion
2nd AMTRAC Battalion
2nd Marine Division Camp Lejeune, North Carolina

Division Classified Documents and Nuclear Weapons Officer
HQ Battalion, 2nd Marine Division

HQ Battalion, 23rd Marines, Alameda, California
Executive Officer, HQ Company
Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Officer

Honorably Discharged, 30 June 1985
Rank : 1st Lieutenant

Photo to be submitted at later date
Ken Thomas
Ken Thomas
Class of 1967
Army, 4 Years

Observation & Attack helicopter pilot.
Michael Gillivan
Michael Gillivan
Class of 1960
Air Force, 4 Years

50 years this month I was assigned to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida for the Cuban Missle Crises.
Patrick McKim
Patrick McKim
Class of 1972
Navy, 20+ Years

US Naval Academy (72-76); Active Navy (76-81): USS Ramsey, Damage Control Assistant, Admin Officer, Navigator; Office of CNO Pentagon, EW Analyst; Naval Reserve (82-06)
S Scott Tielemans
S Scott Tielemans
Class of 1983
Marine Corps, 18 Years

Scott serves as an F/A-18D Weapons and Sensors Officer (WSO) in San Diego, California. He has served two tours of duty in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.
shane potter
shane potter
Class of 1972
Air Force, 20+ Years

Space Operations - Program Security Officer
Tony Roegiers
Tony Roegiers
Class of 1962
Army, 2 Years

2nd Platoon, C-2-2, 1st Cavalry Division, 1967 11-Bravo
William Sommers
William Sommers
Class of 1963
Air Force, 3 Years

Global Weather Center, SAC Headquarters, Omaha, NE
Xavier Lerch
Xavier Lerch
Class of 1969
Air Force, 4 Years

B52 bombing computer and radar specialist stationed at Mather AFB, Sacramento, Ssgt

Classmates Spotlight

Miramonte High School Classmates

Linsay Marsted
Class of '89

Alumni Stories

High School Alumni Stores

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School News

NFL Football player Drew Bennett Speakin at Orinda Country Club

Orinda Chamber of Commerce Guest Speaker
Miramonte Alumni Drew Bennett
Wide Receiver for Titans and Ram...
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Our Miramonte High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Miramonte High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Orinda are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!