Miramonte Class of 2000: 20 Year Reunion
Hi Class of 2000! More information coming in the next few weeks around our reunion date and venue. It will be late September or early October and it will be on a Saturday night in Lamorinda. Check back here, and also join our Facebook private group called "Miramonte Class of 2000 Alumni" -- more to come from your reunion committee soon: Lisa Coe Villarosa, Jenny Lyons Wilhite, Beth McDowell Cleveland & Reed Robertson
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Fifty Year Reunion
Orinda Country Club
Details subject to change. Pass the word to everyone in the Class of 1964 an event will occur.
Saturday, August 16th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Miramonte Class of '75 Reunion!
Siobhan Thornton's House - 1407 Casa Vallecita - Alamo, CA
Please join us for a a fun evening at Siobhan Thornton's house in Alamo. Enjoy food, drinks and plenty of laughs. $65 per person / Classmate, Spouse, Date No children please! Payment required by October 2, 2010 via PayPal or mail to: Janie Reid 2102 Devonshire Court Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Please make check payable to "Miramonte Class of 1975." RSVP by October 2, 2010. See you there! * We are not currently coordinating a Sunday picnic. If anyone wants to coordinate it, please let us know and we will be happy to add it to the invitation!
Saturday, October 9th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Miramonte High School Class of 2000 10-Year Reunion
The Blue Light – www.bluelightbarsf.com - 1979 Union Street - San Francisco, CA - 94123
The Blue Light in San Francisco has graciously offered their bar as the location for this get-together. There will be a no-host full bar from 8:00 PM-2:00 AM, and the kitchen will be open and serving food until 10:00 PM. This event is closed off to MHS Class of 2000 graduates and spouses only. We have contact information for about 220 of our 280 classmates (which is great!), but that still means there are a number of people out there who need to get this information. Please email lisa.b.coe@gmail.com or jenny_lyons04@yahoo.com with any contact information you have for “missing†classmates. If you are on Facebook, please visit the event page for many more details (or email Lisa). We'll see you in May! Lisa Coe and Jenny Lyons
Saturday, May 15th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 78 30th Year Reunion
Claremont Country Club, Oakland
In addition to dinner and dancing Saturday night, there is a cocktail get-together Friday night, August 22nd, in Orinda - location TBD. Please e-mail all contact information to Ann.
Saturday, August 23rd, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details