Mark Keppel High School Alumni

Alhambra, California (CA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Class of 0
, Years

Anthony Martin
Anthony Martin
Class of 1987
Army, 12 Years

Served in 2 war campaigns Persian Gulf war and Iraq war . Served proudly as an infantryman and will never forget my buddies that served with me in those difficult times...."GO AIRBORNE"
Bill E. Hernandez
Bill E. Hernandez
Class of 1966
Air Force, 4 Years

Station in Italy
Bill Moss
Bill Moss
Class of 1974
Navy, 4 Years

Hospital Corpsman
Catherine Chen
Catherine Chen
Class of 2005
Air Force, 1 Years

I have surrive Hurricane Katrina. Currently station at Nellis. Going be deployed to Balad in August of 2007.
Chris Esparza
Chris Esparza
Class of 1985
Army, 4 Years

Great time in my life. Learned about life and helping others. Many leadership schools including Ranger school.
Chris V. Lomeli Sr.
Chris V. Lomeli Sr.
Class of 1968
Navy, 4 Years

Ships Lithographer. My job was to print up the plan of the day, and distribute copys to the officers lounge and the captain. My job was about over by 9am. (gravey job) Did 3 tours to viet nam, and on my 4th cruise, my 4yrs was up. I was pit off in Da nang, and thats when my treck home started.. I also did my 2yrs inactive service. So i guess i did my obligated 6yrs.
chuck saulino
chuck saulino
Class of 1959
Navy, 6 Years

fighter jet plane captain non commision petty officer
Daniel Martinez
Daniel Martinez
Class of 1967
Air Force, 4 Years

Dann L. Duncan
Dann L. Duncan
Class of 1967
Navy Reserves, 6 Years

US Naval Support Activity, QM3, DaNang, RVN, 1970-1.

Friends gained: Paul Kunst, Brendan Donohue (lending a hand on my days off) Corpsman USS Sanctuary).

Friend met in VN, Brent Witt (crossing paths and happened to look up!!

Friend lost David P. Zimmerman LNCP USMC Panel 51E, Line 27.
Dave Engelmann
Dave Engelmann
Class of 1973
Air Force, 6 Years

Flight crew, c130 gunship.
David kok
David kok
Class of 2004
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Deployed to Afghanistan in 2005 returned in 2006.
Currently deployed in Iraq.
david nava
david nava
Class of 1979
Army, 6 Years

Rank: Sgt 82nd airborne division Ft Bragg NC
Davone Phetphouthay Eady
Davone Phetphouthay Eady
Class of 2000
Army, 6 Years

US Army Combat Medic/Healthcare SGT. Trained at Ft Jackson, SC, Ft Sam, TX, Ft Lewis, WA.
Stationed in Uijongbu Camp Red Cloud, Korea, 212th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, Germany, and USA MEDDAC, Fort Irwin, CA.
denver (denny) buffo
denver (denny) buffo
Class of 1956
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Staff Sgt....pathfinders...atomic veteran...played football, baseball and basketball for usmc..named marine of the month twice and promoted twice due to being named marine of the month.
Don Otis
Don Otis
Class of 1947
Navy, 8 Years

usn medic with usmc
aviation medicine (hi altitude instructor)
also attached to special usn med unit attached to usarmy
Don Otis
Don Otis
Class of 1947
Navy, 8 Years

navy corpsman with aviation medicine hi altitude pressure chamber and ejection seat instructor, also with marine corps as medic, and duty in naval prison hospital, handled air evac patients out of korean conflict etc
Feminiano Martinez
Feminiano Martinez
Class of 1987
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

20 years as a US Marine and I still can't type.
Did all my time in the Marine Corps in the Computer Field which was later renamed Information Technology.
Went to a lot of different places and did a lot of different things, and now as I look back I just wonder at it all... Wow! 20 years seems like only yesterday I walked across Aztec Field in my "way cool" knit tie and capezzios shoes.
What can I say it was the 80's.
Fred Hernandez
Fred Hernandez
Class of 1971
Army, 3 Years

Paratrooper in the 82ND Air Borne Division, @ Fort Bragg, N.C., in a unit, I trained future Officers@ West Point. lived in the jungles in Panama for 3 month, that was a real gas!
Garry Wayne Varga
Garry Wayne Varga
Class of 1962
Army, 3 Years

U.S. Army (5/63-5/66) Artillery Surveyor- Airborne Qualified-Sp4 (2/64-5/66) Ft. Campbell, KY
Geoffrey Toman
Geoffrey Toman
Class of 1958
Air Force, 6 Years

Spent my time in Gemany at Spangdahlem/Bitburg Air Bases working in Accounting & Finance/Military Pay. Les DeVito was also at the same location. Jim Johnson was at Rhein Main
Gilbert Maldonado
Gilbert Maldonado
Class of 1981
Army, 10 Years

L.R.S.T-long range recon surveillance team
Gilbert Maldonado
Gilbert Maldonado
Class of 1981
Army, 10 Years

Henry J Reyes
Henry J Reyes
Class of 1975
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Served in the Marine Corp the fall of Saigon Vietnam & Lebanon.
joe Genovese
joe Genovese
Class of 1964
Army, 3 Years

Served in the Medical Core as NCOIC of Clinics at Walson Army Hospltal Fort Dix New Jersey
John Gordon
John Gordon
Class of 1966
Army, 2 Years

B Co.,1/502nd Infantry,101st. Airborne. 13 mo. VN service. Did mostly patrolling in the Ashua Valley near Laotian border. Missions were 35-60 days in the jungle. A buddy got me a job for the last 4mos of my tour working for Division G-2 as the division artist...Greg, If somehow you read this, I owe you Big Time...I've devoted most of my life the the Arts and the education of young adults.
John Henricks
John Henricks
Class of 1982
Air Force, 20+ Years

John Henricks
John Henricks
Class of 1982
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired after more than 20 years.
John Karnos
John Karnos
Class of 1971
Navy, 16 Years

Nuclear Reactor Controls technician
John Paul Henricks
John Paul Henricks
Class of 1982
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired Satellite Wideband and Telemetry - 2E1X0
Keith Walters
Keith Walters
Class of 1993
Army, 13 Years

Major, U.S. Army
Serving as an Armor/Cavalry officer in the 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson, CO. Previously served as a writer for the Army Training and Doctrine Command (2009), Instructor at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY (2007-09), Cavaly Troop Commander, B/2-14 CAV, Tal Afar, Iraq (2004-05), Squadron Staff officer, 2-14 CAV, Ft. Lewis, WA (2002-04), Battalion staff officer, 2-72 AR, Camp Casey, ROK (2001-02), Platoon Leader and Executive Officer, 1-32 AR and 1-14 CAV, Ft. Lewis, WA (1997-2001). He is a graduate of the U.S. MIlitary Academy at West Point (B.S., 1997) and Stanford University (M.A., 2007).
Larry Robinson
Larry Robinson
Class of 1977
Air Force, 4 Years

Worked security at Yokota Air Base Japan and F.E Warren Air Force Baee Cheyenne Wyoming
Leonard J Luzell
Leonard J Luzell
Class of 1958
Air Force, 4 Years

DIA/Security Service
Margarita Stephens
Margarita Stephens
Class of 1992
Navy, 10 Years

Administration with the Reserve and Active Duty compoments
Michelle Stephanie Gauthier
Michelle Stephanie Gauthier
Class of 1964
Marine Corps, 2 Years

Mark Keppel High School gave me the skills to become a Marine musician
Michelle Stephanie Gauthier
Michelle Stephanie Gauthier
Class of 1964
Marine Corps, 2 Years

Thanks to MKHS high school band, I was in the Camp Pendelton 1st Marine Division band
Mike McCarley
Mike McCarley
Class of 1973
Air Force, 20+ Years

Air traffic control
Mike Planty
Mike Planty
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

Active duty Air Force- 1971-1973
Calif. Army National Guard- 1987-1991
U.S. Naval Reserve- 1991-1996
Calif. Air National Guard- 1996-1999
Air Force Reserve- 1999-2007
Mike Planty
Mike Planty
Class of 1970
Air Force, 20+ Years

Active Duty Air Force as a Security Policeman, serving at Rhein Main and Bitburg Air Bases in Germany. California Army National Guard as a Combat Military Policeman in Los Alamitos, Naval Reserve Master-at-Arms at Naval Station San Diego and USS Lewis B. Puller FFG23, Air National Guard as a Supply Sergeant, and the Air Force Reserve as an Air Transportation Specialist in Cargo Handling, Ramp, and Passenger Service, As an Air Force Reservist, I traveled quite a bit to various military installations in the United States including Virginia, Texas, Washington, Washington D.C. Delaware, and Louisiana. I retired in 2007 at the rank of Staff Sergeant. A most diversified and interesting military career. Proud to have served.
milton rodriguez
milton rodriguez
Class of 1969
Army, 20+ Years

special forces medical supervisor, was also combat diver qualified and dive medical technician qualified, graduate of the operations and intelligence course and advanced non-commissioned officers course

Classmates Spotlight

Mark Keppel High School Classmates

Chris Lomeli
Class of '68

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My novel "Flagler's Island" ( has been picked up by the British publisher,...
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Our Mark Keppel High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Mark Keppel High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Alhambra are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!