Harper Creek High School Alumni

Battle Creek, Michigan (MI)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

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Honored Military Alumni

Class of 0
, Years

Bob teegardin
Bob teegardin
Class of 1989
Army Reserves, 8 Years

United States Army served durning operation desert storm as a diesel mechanic with the 4th and 20th field artillery. Rank corporal
Brian Teegardin
Brian Teegardin
Class of 1990
Army, 20+ Years

Rank Sargent first class served in kora many different bases in United States also was in Afghanistan
CPT John Rees
CPT John Rees
Class of 1990
Army, 20+ Years

Served as a Medic and Medical Material Officer on both Active Duty and the Reserve participating in Operation Dragon Hammer in Africa, Operation Provide Promise in the former Yugoslavia, and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Howard W. VanValkenburg
Howard W. VanValkenburg
Class of 1971
Army, 3 Years

Obtained the Rank of Specialist 4th Class during my tour of the U.S.Army.Served in S. Korea and Germany Worked in different fields while there (construction,Truck driving).
James Avery
James Avery
Class of 1961
Army, 4 Years

Korea on the DMZ
Kevin Martin
Kevin Martin
Class of 1975
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

81 mm Mortar Gunner; Legal Clerk, Drill Instructor; Infantry Platoon Sergeant; School Instructor; Embarkation Officer (Desert Shield/Storm); Legal Admin Officer; Senior Watch Officer, Combat Support Operations Center, USS Fort McHenry (LSD-43), Operation Kernel Blitz '88-89; Retired CWO-3
Lee Palonen
Lee Palonen
Class of 1977
Air Force, 20+ Years

Servede as a ground equipment technician from 1977 (a week after graduation) until 1997. Stationed in Michigan, California, Nevada, England,and North Carolina.
Richard C Frantz
Richard C Frantz
Class of 1969
Air Force, 3 Years

Aircrew Life Support Combat Survival Instructor
Richard Finkbeiner
Richard Finkbeiner
Class of 1994
Navy, 4 Years

Aviation boatswain mate on the USS Eisenhower CVN-69
Samuel Townshend
Samuel Townshend
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20+ Years

Flew KC-135 Tanker aircraft at Kincheloe and Wurtsmith Air Force Bases in Michigan. Staff position at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois. Completed career at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio flying EC-135 research aircraft. Served as Chief of Safety, 4950th Test Wing and Chief of Flight Safety, Air Force Materiel Command. Awards included Air Force Commendation Medal, Air Force Meritorious Service Medal and Defense Meritorious Service Medal. Retired in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, April 1995.
steve miller
steve miller
Class of 1987
Army, 4 Years

fort brag
William Struble
William Struble
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20 Years

Stationed on Guam, Japan, and at KI Sawyer AFB, MI, Grissom AFB, IN, and Edwards AFB, CA.

Classmates Spotlight

Harper Creek High School Classmates

Shelley Iverson
Class of '85

Alumni Stories

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