Harper Creek High School Alumni

Battle Creek, Michigan (MI)

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Harper Creek High School Reunions

Class of 1969 55th Class Reunion
Location: Tom and Mary Price's home
Details: Location: Tom and Mary Price's Home
Details: At 4:00 pm there will be a informal get together at the home of Tom and Mary Price's home at 19896 East Avenue North Battle Creek Michigan.

Menu: BBQ Meat and Chicken, Mac and Cheese; Coleslaw, Vegetable tray and Cake.
Table Service is provided,
BRING YOUR OWN Lawn Chair and Beverage.

Donations from the prior reunion are helping support this event and it does not cover all expenses. Please be prepared to donate a suggested contribution of $15/person.
To help plan the amount of food needed, please RSVP to Tom and Mary email address
pricetom50@gmail.com by September 1, 2024.
When: Saturday, September 14th, 2024 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1969
Event Details

Past Reunions:

Class of 1964 50th Class Reunion
Location: Battle Creek Country Club
Details: At 6:00 pm there will be a informal get together at the home of Walt and Nellie Briggs at 22444 East Avenue North Battle Creek Michigan. Bring a snack and lawn chairs if you can. Soft drinks will be provided. And then on Saturday June 14th starting at 5:30 dinner at 7:00 at the Battle Creek Country Club. Cash bar and dress is business casual. Please contact Michael Talbot at 269.965.8919 or mwtalbot46@comcast.net for reservations.There will be a $35.00 per person charge for the dinner
When: Friday, June 13th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1964
Event Details
25th Class Reunion
Location: Brandi Norton Gillison's House - 2599 Watkins Road - Battle Creek, MI 49015
Details: Final price will be determined as plans are still being worked out for Pig Roast. Pig Roast/Bonfire BYOB. The cost will be for the food and DJ
When: Saturday, July 20th, 2013
Invited Classes: 1988
Event Details
30th Class Reunion
Location: Riverside Country Club - 245 E Columbia Avenue
Details: $25 per person in advance; $30 at the door. Extra charge for golf package on Sunday, July 1, 2012. Dinner provided. Cash bar.
When: Saturday, June 30th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1982
Event Details
HCHS Class of 90 20th REUNION
Location: July 23rd at millers time out from 8pm-til whenever.then sat july 24th 2010 at Holiday inn by menards at 7pm-1am.sat night the cost is $35 per person and $70 per couple.send money to tresa keefer 150 Saratoga ave. bc mi 49037
When: Friday, July 23rd, 2010
Invited Classes: 1990
Event Details

Plan a Reunion Event

Anyone can plan a reunion on our Harper Creek High School site.

1. Choose a date and location.
2. Invite graduating class(es).
3. Sell Tickets & Merch (optional).

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