Homecomming Reunion of All Years
Dundee VFW
Dundee Class of 1975 invites all Dundee Alumni and friends to join in a MASSIVE CLASS REUNION. Our goal is a celebration/dance/reunion at Dundee VFW Hall October 9th it is a prepaid event of $10 single person or couple $15 a.s.a.p. to reserve hall. In order to make this happen the deadline is August 10th. In addition, we are planning a gathering of the class of 1975 on the eighth for dinner and going to homecoming. ... All is subject to change depending on who responds. Come on lets get together and have a great time! Please contact Joy or Deb at 734-587-3775 or 419-878-3367 with questions.
Saturday, October 9th, 2010
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
45 Year Class Reunion
Walnut Bar in Petersburg, Michigan
Please join us for drinks between 6-7 and dinner at 7 p.m. We will be ordering off the menu. This is a casual affair. Hope to see you there! Email if you have questions.
Saturday, August 21st, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Andrea's House, Sylvania, OH
We are meeting to at my house to discuss possible options for our 10 year reunion. Contact me by email if you'd like directions to come to the meeting. andrea@schuele.cc
Saturday, December 5th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Dundee Class Re-Union 1972-1976
Dundee Vet's Club (Upstairs)
There will be a band (TRB) featuring Dundee graduates Tom Rowe, Denny White & Ron Snell. Also Jerry Herkimer (from Ida) Dress is casual. Admission will only pay for the band, hall rental, snacks and ice. BYOB!
Saturday, November 28th, 2009
Invited Classes:
1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976
Event Details
DHS 30 Year Reunion for 1979
The Main Street Stables (The Loft) - 116 N. Main Street - Blissfield, Michigan 49228 - 517-486-2144
6:00 p.m. Appetizers and Cash Bar 7:00 p.m. Prime Rib Buffet, includes fresh fish, baked chicken, potato, salads and desserts. Payment needs to be mailed to me before the end of September. 20170 Welch Rd. Milan, MI 48160-9250
Saturday, October 10th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25th Reunion
October 23 - High School Varsity Football Game followed by a Bonfire at Judy Carpenter Funchion home. - - Octover 24 - Gathering at Thirsty's in Dundee, across the street from Kroger 7 pm - ?
Hello Classmates, We have made a decision regarding our reunion. With the economy the way that it is, and the number of classmates that have confirmed they will attend the reunion,(approximately 15) we could not see spending an astonomical amount of money like we did for our 20th reunion. With that being said, Judy Carpenter Funchion has graciously invited the classmates, including the classes of 1983 and 1985, to her home after the Homecoming Football game for a bon fire and snacks. On Saturday evening Oct 24th, the Homecoming dance will also be at school. Quite a few classmates have kids that will be attending the dance that evening, and would not have been able to attend the the reunion dinner. We have decided to gather @ Thirsty's in Dundee (across the street from Kroger). That way classmates can come and go as they please, and will be responsible for their own food and beverages for the evening. This is not what we intended a few months ago when Denise and I started planning the reunion. Unfortunately, time slipped by and we just didn't have the help or time to put together an evening like we had 5 years ago. We hope to see you at the football game on Friday evening Oct 23rd, and then at Judy's afterwards. When the date gets closer we will give directions to her home. We ask that you bring a dish to pass or some munchies and what ever you wish to drink. We will be providing some veggie trays, 1 keg, and some soda. Also, if you are in touch with other classmates, please pass this infomation on. Unfortunately, we haven't had the time to confirm everyone's address from our last reunion and we know many people have moved. We will have something in the Monroe Evening News, the Dundee Independent, and the school website with our class e-mail address. Again, we were in the process of having the same type of evening as we had 5 years ago, but the economy is not being very friendly to many, so we wanted to make our reunion as reasonable as possible for everyone. Thanks for your support, and we look forward to seeing you!!!
Saturday, October 24th, 2009
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
25 year Reunion for Class of 1984
We are in the process of getting this started....We want to meet at Homecoming on Friday night and then have a bomfire afterwards and then have a get together on Saturday......
If you have any ideas, please let me know.....We need others to help..... dhs1984@live.com
Saturday, October 24th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1982 30th Class Reunion with Guests from 1981 and 1983
Rod Park.Rigel building and pavillion.
Homecoming weekend. Causal jeans, Whiskey Dunn, beer and pizza with our friends from 1981 and 1983 to join us in the celebration. Any teacher staff member who wants to attend will be our guest. $20 per person $35 per couple. PayPal at $1.50 Make check to "DHS Class of 1982" and mail to : 5301 Deergrass Court, Raleigh NC 27613. Need at least 75 attendees to make budget.
Saturday, September 29th, 2012
Invited Classes:
1982, 1981, 1983
Event Details