Abraham Lincoln High School Alumni

San Jose, California (CA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Alan R Lateer
Alan R Lateer
Class of 2001
Navy, 6 Years

Electronics Technician First Class, Reactor Operator on the submarine USS-Helena (SSN-725) for two Western Pacific Deployments.
Bill Edwards
Bill Edwards
Class of 1965
Navy, 20+ Years

Served 26 years as Aviation Electronics Technician, Reserve Police Officer, CRF Team Sniper and small arms instructor. Retired in 1994 and moved to Texas
Bobby Herrmann
Bobby Herrmann
Class of 1979
Navy, 9 Years

AT1 Aircrewman EA3-B & EP-3E, Electronic Warfare Operator, VQ-1 Guam, Point Mugu,CA and VQ-2 Rota Spain. 1987-1996
Carlos Gonzales
Carlos Gonzales
Class of 1979
Air Force, 5 Years

Served: Lackland AFB TX, Chanute AFB IL. Travis AFB Fairfeild, CA Ramstein AFB, Rein Mein AFBs W. Germany
Carolyn Kirmil
Carolyn Kirmil
Class of 1980
Navy, 20+ Years

I joined the US Navy shortly after graduation and served for over 21 years. I was an Informations Systems Tech (Surface Warfare Specialists) and traveled to many places around the world. I have 4 children, 3 whom are serving in the US Navy currently. This is a picture of me (rt) with one of my twin daughters at her Navy bootcamp graduation.
Dan Joyce
Dan Joyce
Class of 1975
Army, 13 Years

Active duty w/1st INF DIV, Ft. Riley, KS: reserve duty w/496th MP BDE, San Jose. Ten years reserve duty w/351st Civil Affairs Command, Mountain View, CA.
David A Young
David A Young
Class of 1965
Navy, 6 Years

Recip-T56engine mechanic RVAW110san Diego then R3350engine mechanic VW4 Jax Fl CIC flight controller hurricane hunters
David C. Straughn
David C. Straughn
Class of 1986
Air Force, 30 Years

One team one fight
David Thompson
David Thompson
Class of 1962
Coast Guard, 4 Years

Hospital Corpsman
Don Andrews
Don Andrews
Class of 1987
Army, 8 Years

Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA
102 Military Intelligence Battalion, Rep. of Korea
Erika S. Heinrich
Erika S. Heinrich
Class of 1987
Air Force, 2 Years

Air Cargo Specialist
McChord Air Force Base, Wa
Erin Ruehr-Marcotte
Erin Ruehr-Marcotte
Class of 1998
Army, 4 Years

Communications/Signal Support System Specialist
Served at Hunter Army Airfield, Ga., Bamberg, Germany, and currently at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
One tour of duty in Taji, Iraq and getting ready to deploy again to Iraq.
Erin Ruehr-Marcotte
Erin Ruehr-Marcotte
Class of 1998
Army, 5 Years

Signal Support System Specialist. Stationed at Hunter Army Airfield, GA. Bamberg, Germany and currently at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Did a tour of duty to Iraq in '05 and '08-'09.
Fernando M. Abundis
Fernando M. Abundis
Class of 1999
Navy, 8 Years

Frank Dominguez
Frank Dominguez
Class of 1985
Navy, 20+ Years

Navy Musicain, vocalist/ Saxophonist. Currently stationed at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. Current leader/Chief in Charge of the US Navy's premeir rock band the "Electric Brigade".
Frank Dominguez
Frank Dominguez
Class of 1985
Navy, 20+ Years

Retired Navy, Musician Senior Chief, Vocalist, Sax-Flute-Piccolo, Piano, Guitar. stationed at the United States Naval Academy. Chief in Charge/Vocalist of the Navy's Premier Top-40/Rock Band the "Electric Brigade".
Gene Weitzel
Gene Weitzel
Class of 1966
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired as Major. Primary job was KC-135 navigator. (Done by machines now) Assignments included Spokane, Wa, Atwater, Ca, RAF Mildenhall, UK, Berlin Ge, and Barksdale AFB La. 2987.3 flight hrs including a little over 13 going down to Libya and back. Saw a lot of the historical places we studied about in Europe. Great time.
Gerard Aldama
Gerard Aldama
Class of 1975
Army, 4 Years

Served honorably w/172nd Inf. Bde. in AK and with 7th Inf. Div. at Ft. Ord. Reserve duty w/496th MP BN in San Jose. Passed away at age 49 May 17, 2006.
Hector A.Davila
Hector A.Davila
Class of 1982
Army, 20+ Years

I joined the Army right out of high school. I did 8 years active duty working on helicopters then served in the National Guard as a Military Policeman. I was called to active duty days after 9/11 and served two more years on active duty, one year stateside and one year in beautiful sunny Iraq. I have since retired.
Jacob V Perez
Jacob V Perez
Class of 1962
National Guard, 6 Years

Basic training at Fort Polk , LA and advance training at Fort Ord, CA. Served 2 weeks in Los Angeles during the Watts riot, and spent many weekends throughout the Bay Area during Anti-War demonstrations in mid to late 60's.
Class of 1962
Army, 15 Years

James Taylor
James Taylor
Class of 1969
Army, 20+ Years

Served in Vietnam, The Netherlands, North Carolina, Italy, Georgia, Retired 1990
James Taylor
James Taylor
Class of 1969
Army, 20+ Years

Served in Washington, New Jersey, Vietnam, California, The Netherlands, North Carolina, Naples Italy, Georgia. Retired in 1990
James Taylor
James Taylor
Class of 1969
Army, 20+ Years

Station in Vietnam, Calif, The Netherlands, North Carolina, Italy, Georgia. Then I retired in 1990
James Taylor
James Taylor
Class of 1969
Army, 20+ Years

One Tour Viet Nam, stationed at Ft Ord Ca, The Netherlands, Ft Bragg NC, Naples Italy, Ft Gordon Ga. Retired Sept 1990
jeff burns
jeff burns
Class of 1967
Army, 4 Years

senior medical specialist OD 141 5th special forces group airborne 1971-1974
Joe DeMarco
Joe DeMarco
Class of 1979
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

In my 22 years of service I was in many units, such as VMA-133, VMA-134, VMFA (AW) 242, all dealing with aviation maintenance.
John Fleenor
John Fleenor
Class of 1987
Army, 4 Years

All gave some...some gave all

SPC David Harrison Ford IV 16 Sep 2005
SGT Matthew L. Deckard 16 Sep 2005
1SGT Alan N. Gifford 16 Sep 2005
SSG Paul R. Marek WIA 16 Sep 2005
SGT Victor M. Cortes III 29 May 2005
SGT Jerry L. Bonifacio Jr 10 Oct 2005
CPT Michael J. Mackinnon 27 Oct 2005
SPC Jose A. Rubio Hernandez 24 Mar 2008
SSG Christopher M. Hake 24 Mar 2008
PVT George Delgado 24 Mar 2008
PFC Andrew J. Habsieger 24 Mar 2008
SGT Steve A. McCoy 10 Jun 2008 WIA 23 Mar 2008
PV2 Joshua C. Schichtl WIA 06 Jan 2008
SFC Aaron D. Cornelius WIA 15 Apr 2008
SGT Mario A. Ojeda Jr WIA 05 May 2008

3rd Infantry Division
4th Brigade
4-64 Armor Battalion

You will NEVER be forgotten....
Joseph Larry Daubek
Joseph Larry Daubek
Class of 1959
Army, 14 Years

Graduated Johns Hopkins Medical, served 3 tours in Viet Nam, died 4 Nov 1984.
Joseph Larry Daubek
Joseph Larry Daubek
Class of 1959
Army, 14 Years

Graduated John's Hopkins Medical School. Served three tours in Viet Nam as Battalion Surgeon.Passed away 4 Nov 1984.
Julie Williams
Julie Williams
Class of 1975
Marine Corps, 6 Years

2 1/2 years active1979, HqBtry 12th Mar, 3d MarDiv, Okinawa, HqBn MCLB Barstow. 3 1/2 years I & I Staff, Washington DC
Ken Becker
Ken Becker
Class of 1964
Army, 2 Years

Served as information specialist/correspondent, first at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle Barracks, PA and then at Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam.
Ken Becker
Ken Becker
Class of 1964
Army, 2 Years

Public Information Specialist 71Q20. Served at U.S. Army War College in Carlisle Barracks, PA and HHDUSASUPCOM Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. Left with E-5 rank.
Larry LaForm
Larry LaForm
Class of 1960
Army, 3 Years

Trained in Fort Ord, served in Germany and has since died of cancer

You are to be honnored Larry
Manuel Bettencourt
Manuel Bettencourt
Class of 1972
Air Force, 20 Years

Aeromedical/Flight Medicine Tech
Michael David Wakefield
Michael David Wakefield
Class of 1967
Army, 2 Years

Served in Vietnam
Mitchell Derr
Mitchell Derr
Class of 1989
Army, 3 Years

Conducted Infantry operations in Bosnia Herzegovina in support of Operation Joint Endeavor.
Norma J. Lopez
Norma J. Lopez
Class of 1976
Air Force, 20+ Years

In my 23 years of service, I participated in numerous assignments in support of various Wing and National Deployments and/or Operations at Incirlik AFB, Turkey; Chicksands Air Base, England; Comox Canadian AF base. I also was blessed to have participated in numerous humanitarian and support assignments in 23 states with the 129th Civil Engineering, Support Services Squadron, Tactical Hospital Unit and the Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Operations Squadrons. As a Retired Senior Master Sergeant from the California National Guard based at the 129th Rescue Wing Moffitt Field, California, I will always be proud to have been able to serve this great country of ours and to wear the uniform of the United States Air Force.
Phil Nielsen
Phil Nielsen
Class of 1959
Army, 3 Years

After graduating from college and OCS, I served as an Infantry Platoon Leader with the First Infantry Division at Fort Riley Kansas, and Vietnam.
Phil Soliz
Phil Soliz
Class of 1991
Army, 10 Years

U.S. Army Medical Corp. This June I will have a total of 10 years in the reserves. I was commissioned on the same day I graduated from SCU. I am now a Captain.

Classmates Spotlight

Abraham Lincoln High School Classmates

Leanne Sanders
Class of '87

Alumni Stories

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School News

1959 Birthday Party

The class of 59 is having a 75th birthday party on Sept. 10th at the home of Marla Duino Lenz. The time is 4:00 PM. The...
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Our Abraham Lincoln High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Abraham Lincoln High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in San Jose are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!