Westmont High School Alumni

Campbell, California (CA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Carmen Camilla YOUNG
Carmen Camilla YOUNG
Class of 1999
Coast Guard, 6 Years

Constance Haynes Abshire
Constance Haynes Abshire
Class of 1967
Navy, 3 Years

Served in the Public Affairs office at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego, California. Served as a Dental Technician at NTC, California.
Damon M. Morrow
Damon M. Morrow
Class of 1988
Army, 20+ Years

5 tours overseas to include Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Macedonia and Bosnia. Stationed in Germany twice and various parts of the U.S. I am still serving to this day and will retire in 2013.
David Greenaway
David Greenaway
Class of 1973
Air Force, 6 Years

Frank M. Jozwiak
Frank M. Jozwiak
Class of 1970
Air Force, 10 Years

Voice Processing Specialist, Interrogator/Translator, 6912th Security Squadron, Berlin Germany 1972-1975. 6944th Security Wing, Offutt AFB, NE 1975-1981, 20th Transportation Squadron, RAF Upper Heyford, Oxon, England 1981-1982.
Fred Cormier
Fred Cormier
Class of 1972
Navy, 6 Years

Machinist Mate on the USS Gridley CG 21from Feb 1979 until Nov. 1981. Many travels and experiences
Greg Walker
Greg Walker
Class of 1971
Army, 20+ Years

United States Army Special Forces (the "Green Berets"). Counter insurgency El Salvador 1982-1985 / Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003/2004.
James Wayne Starkey
James Wayne Starkey
Class of 1965
Army, 2 Years

Jim Starkey served in Vietnam and was killed in action on May 21, 1968. He was a Sergeant in F TRIP, 17TH CALVALRY, 196TH INFANTRY BDE, AMERICAL DIV, USARV. (The information was obtained from the VIRTUALWALLorg website)

His many friends still remember him and the good times experienced with him.
John f Grillo
John f Grillo
Class of 1968
Marine Corps, 2 Years

Quang Tri Viet Nam 1969
50 cal machine gunner on convoys
Keith Ufheil
Keith Ufheil
Class of 1986
Army, 3 Years

Joined 1988. Stationed in Ansbach, Germany with 1st Armored Division. Deployed to Desert Storm/Shield. Ended service 1991.
kelly carter
kelly carter
Class of 1967
Marine Corps, 2 Years

USMC vietnam 69-70
Lynn O'Neal Traylor
Lynn O'Neal Traylor
Class of 1965
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired E6, Precision Measurement Elect. Spec. Served 1965 to 1989. Tours in Karamasel Turkey, Okinawa Japan, Nevada, Arizona twice. Retired 1989.
Marika Olmstead
Marika Olmstead
Class of 1999
Army, 8 Years

E-5; 88H; Stationed out of Ft. Eustis;Two overseas tours: one in Kuwait and one in Iraq. ETS'd March of 08.
Mario Quintana
Mario Quintana
Class of 1992
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Matthew Allison
Matthew Allison
Class of 1984
Navy, 12 Years

Served as a Medical Officer.
Michael Alan Wenzel
Michael Alan Wenzel
Class of 1975
Coast Guard, 6 Years

Stationed at the USPHS as Coast Guard Public Health Liaison - Served at the USCG Academy Hospital
Michael Richard Sieg
Michael Richard Sieg
Class of 1975
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

Stood on the actual North Pole and went down to Antarctica my last year in. Then retired no way to top that.
Michael Wenzel
Michael Wenzel
Class of 1975
Coast Guard, 6 Years

Served in Hawaii and at the Coast Guard Academy
mike martinez
mike martinez
Class of 1971
Navy, 4 Years

Vietnam Veteran
Mike McGuire
Mike McGuire
Class of 1971
Navy, 28 Years

Retired Lieutenant Commander Aircraft Maintenance. 11 years enlisted. Started as hospital corpsman then changed to aviation as Aviation Structural Mechanic. CPO and Flight Engineer. Commissioned 1981 Served: USS Twinning DD-540, Fighter Squadron 161 USS Midway, Patrol Squadron 48, 31, Patrol Wings Pacific Fleet, NAS Moffett Field, Royal Netherlands Navy, Royal Canadian Air Force, Naval Air System Command.
pat keenan
pat keenan
Class of 1968
Army, 2 Years

Stationed in Wiesbaden Germany, Army Intelligence 1973 - 1975.
Robert Burgess
Robert Burgess
Class of 1972
Army, 3 Years

Basic at Fort Ord, California, AIT at Fort Belvoir Virginia and stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado.
Shawn Patrick Ireland
Shawn Patrick Ireland
Class of 1978
Army, 8 Years

Joined the Army in my Junior year on the Delayed Entry Program. Took the ASVAB TEST in the Westmont Library in 77 as the program gives you one year before going active. I started 7/11/78. Basic Training at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. AIT at Ft. Benning, GA. Came home for one month after my training for being a top graduate from AIT, to be a Home Town Recruiter. Three units that I was assigned to in order are, 1/54th Infantry, 1st Armored Division Bamberg, West Germany 78-80. Second duty station was Ft. Lewis, WA. 3/47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, 80-83. Third duty station was 2/30th Infantry, 3rd Infantry Division, Schweinfurt, West Germany,83-85.Reached the rank of E6, Staff Sergeant, MOS: 11B30C2. I was injured in line of duty and was hospitalized and then Medically Discharged Honorably in 85. I broke my hip ducking for cover so as not to get shot. I landed on my LBE, ( Load Bearing Equipment ). The Army was going to operate and replace my hip but two days before being discharged from the hospital my Orthopedic Surgeon decided not to as he thought he would do more damage than good yet told me that I would have terrible pain as I got older. I respectfully told him that he was just passing the buck. I fought with both the Army and the VA to have them do the hip replacement but to no avail. It took thirty years before I was finally able to get my hip replaced. Not only did I have a break but I also had a bone fragment the size between a nickel and a dime in the socket that they made me crush by walking for a week with crutches and then I was given a cain. I got the surgery done by Kaiser Hospital as I had private medical insurance from working as a Union Carpenter. I asked me doctor for a consult to Orthopedics and two months later had my hip replacement surgery done. While serving in the Army, I was an APC Driver for the Company Commander, Infantry Squad Leader, TOW Rocket System Squad Leader, Prisoner Guard, NCOIC for the 3rd Brigade at Ft. Lewis, Special Base Gate Guard in Bamberg, Battalion PAC Worker for 3rd Battalion, at Schweinfurt, 3rd Platoon 2nd Squad APC Driver, and my secondary MOS: 64C30 which was a Truck Driver. I was made to get a license for every vehicle that we had in our TOE. This meant that I was qualified to drive every vehicle that our company used. Was the Acting Platoon Sergeant for my entire time in Basic Training and was also a Acting Squad Leader for my entire time in AIT. I was also made to attend any and all available schools while serving as well. In Basic Training on our Battalion Sports Competition Day I came in Second for doing as many pushups in one minute, being Awarded the Silver Medal, was only a difference of three pushups between first place and second place. Qualified Expert with every weapon that I was issued, M16, M2, M3, 1911 .45 pistol, Dragon Rocket System, TOW Rocket System, Grenade, M203 Grenade Launcher, M60. Graduated Top of my class in the course Small Arms For Air Defense. I was the only soldier to shoot down both flying targets with the M2 and M60.
Shawn Patrick Ireland
Shawn Patrick Ireland
Class of 1978
Army, 8 Years

Staff Sergeant in the US Army, Infantry from 78/85. Was Medically Discharged Honorably. Broke my hip in line of duty. Would have retired from the Army otherwise. Did two tours overseas in Germany, during the Cold War.
Steve Braziel
Steve Braziel
Class of 1976
Army, 20+ Years

21 Years of service retired from the 3ID Fort Stewart Ga.

Classmates Spotlight

Westmont High School Classmates

Tony Cattaneo
Class of '66

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School News

Club Max Westmont PTSA Fundraiser

We've arranged an event at Club Max at the DoubleTree by Hilton San Jose on Friday, February 3rd from 8:00pm-10:00pm. T...
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Our Westmont High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Westmont High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Campbell are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!