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Lost & Found Walled Lake Central High School Class Rings

Class rings are the mark of school pride and accomplishments. If you have lost or found a fellow Vikings class ring post the information here. If you lost a ring, describe it and include a contact email address. If you found a class ring describe it, post where you found it and include your email address. Your email address will not be made visible on the site. We will use it to contact you if need be.

Please contact us if you have information about any of the posts below:
Year correct

posted March 20th, 2022
Class 1971 walled ok central. BCP unitials

posted March 20th, 2022
Lost ring 1972 BCP intials

posted August 28th, 2021
1969 walled lake Central class ring gold with the inscription ldd on the inside

posted March 26th, 2021
Class of 1998 women’s silver ring, amethyst stone and drafting image, Jennifer.

posted July 28th, 2018
1965 Girls class ring- WLHS-my initials are PLS. It was lost not too long after I got, chances of it being found are pretty much nil...doesn't hurt to try.

posted March 15th, 2018
Bottom left on your photo

posted August 3rd, 2017
1969 CLASS RING Walled Lake Central

posted June 23rd, 2017
1975 blue stone, lost somewhere in Warren sometime in 1978. It was there one day, and the next it was gone so I've always wondered if it was taken and not lost.

posted June 23rd, 2017
Hello!!! I lost my 1965 class ring. I really don't know what to do about the loss, except in my own way, just grieve (a bit overly stated, but). My initials are as follows: a c w (maybe fancy script). Thank you for your assistance.

posted August 3rd, 2016
1965 girls class ring ... Initials LVS on inside. Yellow gold

posted May 28th, 2016
1972 Blue Stone Ring - Engraved - Female Size - contact me at

posted April 13th, 2015
Found a class ring - Class of 1993. Inscribed with the name of Beth J. Senior. If someone is in touch with this person, please have them contact me at

posted February 9th, 2015

posted September 25th, 2014
Lost....1967 class ring with mother of pearl background and the mounting sits flat and cockeyed. please contact

posted September 19th, 2014
Walled Lake Central High 1989, blue stone with engraving inside. Let me know the size, the name on the ring and initials on the engraving to prove ownership. Thanks

posted April 1st, 2012

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Walled Lake Central High School Classmates

Thomas Corey
Class of '60

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finally retiring

I've called it quits, reluctantly, after 45 ( 45 !?!). If you're in the area, come visit at my graduation party Sept 2...
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Help make someone’s holiday season even better by reuniting them with their class ring. Class rings can hold a lot of meaning for some people and losing it can be heartbreaking. Our Walled Lake Central High School Lost Rings page is the perfect place to post and reunite someone with his or her lost class ring. If you have lost your class ring or found someone else’s simply enter all the details you can about the ring so it can be easily identified. Be sure to put your contact information on the post so that the owner of the ring can reach you.

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