55th Reunion Class of 1968, Sidney High School, Sidney, NE
Hampton Inn
Friday, August 4th, 2023 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970
Event Details
Class of 1979 -- 40th Class Reunon
The Rock on Friday (7:00) -- Matzkes on Saturday (6:00)
SHS Class of '79 40th Class Reunion -- October 4 and 5 - Oktoberfest Weekend in Sidney!
Friday: Reception at The Rock at 7:00 p.m. (1540 10th Ave.)
Saturday: Oktoberfest Parade Float (9:30); Followed by School Tour; BBQ Dinner at 6:00 at Matzkes (2311 Maple St.)
Facebook Pages: "SHS Class of '79 40th Reunion" and "SHS Class of 1979"
Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe259ZwyJrY_rPn8uzAOLmjSWQTpo1sAwkCBcNrgh9oiqKRFQ/viewform
Friday, October 4th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class 50-Year Reunion Registration
We're taking registrations for our class 50-Year reunion. To register online, connect to: https://tinyurl.com/sidney1969. To receive a registration form by email that you can complete and return, email: SidneyHS1969@gmail.com with your request. If you cannot attend but would like to provide information for, and receive a memory booklet, connect to: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jQW8bWbedZBqEUgf1_jMQtbfwxwP795oyceX3D02dBs/edit.
If you have any questions or would like assistance in registering, message back or call Jim at (308) 254-7354
Friday, August 16th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
SHS Class of 1964 - 55th Reunion
Hampton Inn
The cost will be $25 per person payable in advance. Please send your check to Dick Bales, 19360 G Street, Omaha, NE 68135 by no later than July 26, 2019 as we need a head count for the Hampton Inn, as well as the caterer providing the Saturday evening meal. If you have questions, please contact Dick at (402) 660-6049.
EVENTS: Friday, there will be a private tour of the Cabela House and Museum on 10th St. starting at 2pm. The reception at the Hampton Inn will start at 7pm. There will not be a cash bar, so please bring your beverage of choice and snacks will be provided.
Saturday, there will be golf for those interested. Details to be published later. Saturday afternoon is free time for everyone. The evening meal starts at 6pm at the Gehrig-Stitt Conference Center on 10th St. Sunday, the Hampton Inn Sunset Board room is available for anyone wishing to meet and visit until noon.
Friday, August 23rd, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Request for Email Addresses
Classmates: We have quite a few classmate's email addresses and use that mailing list to share classmate information and reunion updates. We also share information here on our class FaceBook page, and FaceBook group page in an effort to reach as many people as possible.
Email is our preferred way to share information because a mailing list is very efficient and the other web sites have limitations like a limited number of characters allowed or not allowing file attachments, email addresses or web addresses in posts.
If you are NOT already receiving reunion information by email, would you consider sharing your address with the reunion planning committee? We respect our classmate's privacy and send email with all addresses hidden so they are not displayed, and we will not post them online anywhere.
So...If you are NOT already receiving reunion information via email, please consider sharing your email address. You can email: sidneyhs1969@gmail.com with the address to be added.
Thank you very much, and have a GREAT Easter weekend!
Friday, April 19th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
SHS Class of 1969 March 20th Planning Meeting Notes
SHS Class of 1969 50-Year Reunion Planning Meeting Notes
6th Planning Meeting – March 20th, 2019 7:00 PM
Rood’s Tire Center (Thanks for Hosting!)
Those attending included: Dwayne Ahlberg, Keith Nienhueser, Loren and Geri Rood and Jim Copley
It was noted that our reunion now 5 months out
Recent posts to our class FaceBook page were discussed. Online digital archives of the “Telegraph” dating back to 1875 are available at the Sidney Public Library web site. It is key word searchable…pretty neat!
It was confirmed that St Pat’s would like to participate in a combined reunion. Jim will talk to their contact to get input for a press release.
Loren and Dwayne are in continuing discussions with Dude’s about dinner and negotiating pricing. Our date of Saturday August 17th has been reserved.
We discussed a registration form that Sandy White had developed. When pricing and Saturday events are finalized it can be updated and ready to go live.
Souvenirs: Sarah Johnson Bourlier called with input about souvenirs. Her nursing group’s reunion ordered coffee cups/mugs that were well received. We’ll include her suggestion in future discussions. Thanks Sarah! It was noted that souvenirs would add to the total per person cost which will be taken into consideration in any final decisions.
We discussed the approximately $700 on hand for a donation to the school. Timing for individual scholarships is probably short considering applications, review, awarding. Ten years ago, the district provided a list of potential purchases all of which were out of our budget. Steve Mattoon will talk to the school about a donation to the school foundation.
We began discussions about planning a program for Saturday evening which will certainly include a memorial to deceased classmates.
Dwayne and Jim got together Wednesday morning to update and share new classmate contact information. We have just about exhausted publicly available searches for still missing classmates. Many phone numbers and email addresses from ten years ago are no longer working. There are commercial lookup services that can provide US Postal addresses and phone numbers for a fee. We may consider their use for remaining missing classmates.
Loren can provide tables and chairs for the Friday evening at Steve’s house. He has a trailer and can load ahead of time. We’ll put out a call for a crew to help on Friday to set up. He can park the trailer at Keith’s house across the street until it’s time to pickup. Loren and Geri’s children have volunteered to help as needed. Thank you!
Steve will order PortAPotties for Friday evening and reserve the Shelter House as a backup venue in case of inclement weather.
We’ll meet again the third Wednesday in April which is the 17th.
Wednesday, March 20th, 2019
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Reunion Planning Meeting Notes (2/27/2019)
Class of 1969 Reunion Meeting Notes
February 27, 2019, 7pm, at Rood's Tire Center
Thank you Sandy for writing up meeting notes
Those attending included: Loren Rood, Keith Nienhueser, Mike Sutton, Linda Berlage, Dennis Contratto, Gwen Stone, Duane Ahlberg, Steve Mattoon, Sandy White and Jim Copley. Gerald Thompson and Dean Walmsley joined the meeting electronically.
We discussed the list of classmates with no contact information, and how/who would reach out to try to get their information before the next meeting. JIM will contact the local media with information about dates, and continue to get the word out on social media. The class reunion e-mail address is SidneyHS1969@gmail.com (password available upon request). Please talk the reunion up among fellow classmates and help get their contact information to us if they are not already receiving reunion details.
We decided Dude's would be the venue for Saturday evening activities. Some of the committee would like to do a site visit. LOREN and DUANE will contact Dude's to confirm the SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 date asap. Final menu choices and costs will be determined soon so that information can be included on the registration form. Some classmates have requested that dancing be available. The decision of having a DJ to provide music for dancing OR using a CD or streaming service will be considered.
A block of hotel rooms has not yet been set up. It was noted that the America's Best Motel is just across the street from Dude's and would be convenient. We will advise people to use Google for lodging availability and pricing at if other lodging is desired.
People from the St. Pat's 1969 Class have expressed interest in attending the reunion. They have not planned one of their own and it was the consensus of our planning committee to combine reunions for St. Pat’s graduates who would like to attend. They will be invited via a contact person from their class.
STEVE will look into donating the monies collected at the last reunion as a donation to the school, (about $700?) to the Sidney Public Schools Foundation designated for scholarships.
We decided to have Outlaw's Catering provide food for the Friday evening event at Mattoon's. The final menu, to include BBQ beef, will be determined at a future meeting. LOREN will secure the FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 date with Shawn at Outlaw's asap. Steve will reserve the shelter house at the park in the event of inclement weather. Tables, chairs, bathroom facilities need to be determined. This can be a Bring Your Own Beverage event.
JIM is going to work on a Google form for registration. We might want people to include some personal information so a booklet can be put together. Keith brought a booklet from his wife's reunion that was very nicely done...and lots of work.
Lot’s of out of towners have asked about how they might help. Suggestions discussed previously include: Memory book, memorial table, nostalgia boards or photo collages, pictures, souvenirs, name tags.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 20. Same time and place, Rood’s Tire Center at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 27th, 2019
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Reunion Planning Meeting Notes
Included below is a link to our January 16th class reunion meeting planning notes. Thank you very much Linda Berlage for taking and writing them up!
We are sending reunion information to email addresses we have on file, through a class FaceBook account and group, Classmates.com and the Sidney Schools alum site, but there are still classmates we are not reaching. Please talk the reunion up with classmate friends and if you know of someone the information is not reaching it would be a big help if you would share the dates (August 16-18, 2019) with them, and get their contact information (e-mail, phone and address) to a member of the planning committee or in a reply to this email address,
We'll share an updated list of classmates we have not heard from as well as reunion registration information and details as they become available.
Thanks, and hope to see you all in August!
Meeting notes link:
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Reminder: Class Reunion Planning Meeting
Reminder: Class Reunion Planning Meeting, Wednesday January 16, 2019 7:00 P.M. Rood's Tire Center, Sidney, NE.
Any and all classmates are welcome to attend on site or participate by conference call.
Participate by telephone (toll call)
Dial 1-408-638-0968
Meeting ID = 916 387 0903
Participate with your computer, tablet or mobile device using the Zoom video conferencing app '(Install prior to connecting)
Connect to: https://zoom.us/j/9163870903
The Zoom free conference calls are limited to 40 minutes. Previously our 40 minutes started when the first participant connected. On Wednesday, we'll start the call at 7:00 PM for all remote participants.
Hope to see you at Rood's Tire Center or talk with you on the conference call!
Wednesday, January 16th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
SHS Class of 1969 October 17th Planning Meeting Notes
Included below is a link to meeting notes from our October 17th class reunion planning meeting. Thank you Sandy White for writing them up.
We will not meet in November and December but everyone's homework is to talk the reunion up among classmates and make sure everyone is aware of the dates for planning purposes. We've reached many classmates who use Facebook, Classmates.com, the Sidney Schools alumni site and for who we have email addresses, but there are many we are not sure the information is getting to. Please reach out to your classmate friends to make sure they know a reunion is being planned, the dates, and share their contact information if they were not already receiving updates.
Take a look at the meeting notes and please feel free to provide your input into activities you would like to see included.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1969 50th Reunion Planning Meeting
Rood's Tire Center
- Reunion Announcement -
Initial planning meeting for SHS Class of 1969, 50th reunion. All local classmates are on the planning committee and everyone is welcome if you're in the neighborhood!
We'll meet: Wednesday August 15th, 7:00 p.m. at Rood's Tire Center, 1744 Illinois St, Sidney, NE 69162 to plan our class reunion for the summer of 2019.
Agenda items include:
* Discuss reunion dates
* Brainstorm ideas for venues, caterers, events, programs, sub-committees
* Ways to reach the maximum number of classmates with reunion information
* Future meeting frequency, dates, times, locations
Please plan to attend (the planning meeting if you can), and our 50th reunion (for sure). And stay tuned for many more announcements and information as it becomes available.
Wednesday, August 15th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1967 50th reunion
Comfort Inn and Suites
Invitations have been mailed with details and reservation forms. Classmates have also been asked to submit biographies and photos for a memory book. Classmates who have not yet been contacted can email shs67reunion@gmail.com or join the Facebook group, “Sidney Nebraska High School Class of 1967 50th Reunion.”
Friday, July 28th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1967 50th reunion
We are beginning planning the reunion for the summer of 2017 in Sidney. Contact Irene Keiper Alexander or Kathy Hall with ideas.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
SHS Class of 1964 50th Reunion
Holiday Inn
FRIDAY: Tailgate at Dude's from 5-7pm and then attend part of the Sidney football game. The reception at the Holiday Inn starts at 7pm for those not attending the game. Sidney High classes of '63, '65 and St Pats '64 grads also invited. SATURDAY: Golf at Hillside Golf Course. Non-golfers can meet at the Hillside Bar & Grill for coffee and rolls between 9-11am. At 1pm tour the high school and around 3pm is the Cabela's event. 6pm-class photo. 7pm-Banquet and program. SUNDAY: Coffee, juice and rolls at Legion Park from 9-11am.
For additional information, questions, or where to send your money please contact Bill Eddy at: bandaeddy@windstream.net, Jerry Cronk at: jlcronk501@yahoo.com or Dick Bales at: rlbales@cox.net or call Dick at (402) 884-5056.
Friday, September 5th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
SHS Class of 1963 50th Reunion
We have reserved the Sidney Holiday Inn banquet room. My initial thoughts are a meet and greet on the 16th starting at 7:00. Then a dinner and slideshow on the 17th. We would start about 7:00 and finish whenever. Still looking for ideas during Saturday
Not sure yet, just getting started. Will update as time goes on. Still looking for ideas. Jerry has volunteered to show us around the new Sidney High School. Would some one like to set up a golf outing?
Friday, August 16th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40 Year Class Reunion
Security First Bank Community Room 1205 Jackson Street Sidney NE
Very Casual 2:00 Tour of new school 6:00 Social hour 7:00 3 meat buffet(includes coffee/tea) Please provide own soft drink/adult beverage. Group photo
Saturday, August 7th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40 Year Class Reunion
Cedar Lanes Bowling Alley 2605 11th Av Sidney NE
Event very casual-Registration-memento- Begin "re-acquaintance" portion of reunion Snacks and munchies provided..cash bar...group photo... $45.00 is for both Friday and Saturday night events
Friday, August 6th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 Year Class Reunion
Octoberfest and other sites yet to be determined.
Reunion will run from Friday Oct 1st through Sunday Oct 3rd.
Friday, October 1st, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1979 Reunion Date Set
Sidney Nebraska of course! See additional details for more specifics.
The Class Reunion will be held Labor Day weekend, September 4, 5 and 6. Friday night's social will be held at Jimmy's, 1540 10th Avenue in Sidney. On Saturday, there will be a tour of Sidney High School at 2:00 p.m. Saturday evening, there will be a casual supper at the Elks. Social hour will be at 6:30 p.m., dinner beginning at 7:00 p.m. The cost to attend the reunion is $12 per person for the entire weekend activities. For more info email sidneyclassof1979@live.com or search the blog www.sidneyclassof79.blogspot.com for the schedule.
Friday, September 4th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
10 Year Reunion
August 7th is a dinner/party at Bogey's. As soon as I have price I will post it. August 8th @ noon will be a family picnic in the park! More details to come!
Friday, August 7th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1979, 30 Year Reunion
TBA - We will have details in the next month or so. Please forward your email address to - rhpatten@comcast.net.
Friday, social hours. Saturday, tour of new school, party Saturday night. Sunday, possible BBQ.
Friday, September 4th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Reunion Planning Meeting
Rood's Tire Center - 1744 Illinois - Sidney, NE 69162
Planning meeting for Sidney High School class of 1969 Ya'll come!
Wednesday, February 11th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25th Class Reunion
in Sidney
details to come in Jan. 2009, date is not set in stone just summer of 2009
Saturday, June 20th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details