Sachem High School Alumni

Lake Ronkonkoma, New York (NY)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

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Honored Military Alumni

Al Martin
Al Martin
Class of 1967
Marine Corps, 2 Years

Layed his life down for his country, died in Nam
Anthony S Kolakoski
Anthony S Kolakoski
Class of 1967
Coast Guard, 6 Years

After graduation in 1967 I enlisted in the US Coast Guard and attended Radioman/Communication School in 1968. After completion of communication
school I was assigned to COMGANTSEC/Base San Juan, Puerto Rico. I worked in the communication section and was then
transferred to USCG Cutter Courageous. After
working at SAR/Comm/Patrol I was transferred
to Third District Coast Guard Communication Section/Governors Island, NY in 1970. I completed
my tour of duty there and joined the New York State Police in 1974. I retired in 1995 after 21 years of service.
Arthur E. Meyer
Arthur E. Meyer
Class of 1967
Navy Reserves, 20+ Years

Enlisted 1969, served 30 years active & reserve, discharged as a CW4. Joined Army Reserves & did 11 more years active & reserve, CW4, Team Chief in Military Intelligence. Security Manager & Counter TerrorismTrainer Level II.
Basil Ginas
Basil Ginas
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20 Years

Active duty, Supply Specialist served in Turkey, Germany, Utah, NJ, NY, and New Mexico.
Bernard Eterno
Bernard Eterno
Class of 1968
Army, 2 Years

Drafted in 1970, Went to Vietnam in 1971, returned home in 1972.
Bob Cahill
Bob Cahill
Class of 1976
Navy, 4 Years

U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman III
Bob Grant
Bob Grant
Class of 1980
Navy, 6 Years

US Naval Submarine Service.
Naval Nuclear Propulsion Engineering School, Orlando, Florida.
Prototype training Balston Spa, NY.
USS Richard B. Russell SSN 687, Vallejo, Ca.
Sub Tender duty San Diego, Ca.
Class of 1966
Army, 20+ Years

Charlie Matranga
Charlie Matranga
Class of 1987
Navy, 20+ Years

Served in the US Navy with various SEAL Teams for 26 years.
Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee
Class of 1986
Air Force, 18 Years

Job Titles
Crew Chief Air Force One
Training Manager Presidential Logistics Squadron
Dana Wade
Dana Wade
Class of 1975
Marine Corps, 8 Years

Served from 1978 to 1987
Darryl Karp
Darryl Karp
Class of 1987
Air Force, 6 Years

Served 6 years in Personnel Support Operations. Actively served in support of the initial phases of Desert Shield and Desert Storm from 1987-1993.
David A. Williams
David A. Williams
Class of 1963
Army, 3 Years

Enlisted two weeks after high school graduation in July, 1963.Did my basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey. From Sept. to Dec. 1963 I took ordinance training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Aberdeen , Maryland.
Domenico Santorufo
Domenico Santorufo
Class of 1984
Army, 9 Years

Member of the ARMY National Guard 2001- 2008
ARMY Reserves 2008-Present
306 Engineer Company- Amityville, NY
Dorothy (Ross) Moore
Dorothy (Ross) Moore
Class of 1974
Air Force, 20+ Years

I joined the Air Force in 1977 as a Russian Linguist. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I spent 22 Years on active duty and loved every minute of it. I met my husband of 32 years while I was on active duty and I am still very active in the American Legion. I am the District Commander for The Department of Florida, District 17.
doug keltner
doug keltner
Class of 1989
Army, 13 Years

joined after grad.Took a couple years off then went back in and am still serving. I have been on 4 combat tours so far.
Douglas Berscak
Douglas Berscak
Class of 1984
Army, 8 Years

Communication Specialist
Drew Palmer
Drew Palmer
Class of 1977
Navy, 10 Years

Machinist Mate Served on both Coast on Destroyers and Carriers. Station on land Cuba, New London, CT. Dam Neck,VA. Long Beach, CA.
Edward Chavez
Edward Chavez
Class of 1978
Marine Corps, 21 Years

1980 -2001
Frank Campbell
Frank Campbell
Class of 1975
Navy, 4 Years

USS Ainsworth FF 1090
Frederick C Brace III, Capt, USAF Ret
Frederick C Brace III, Capt, USAF Ret
Class of 1972
Air Force, 20+ Years

Family Practice Physician Asst. Stationed Wurstmith AFB, Sheppard AFB, Mather AFB, Castle AFB, WP AFB, Comiso AS, Dover AFB
gary moore
gary moore
Class of 1976
Navy, 4 Years

electronic warfae tec ew2
James E. Fragapane
James E. Fragapane
Class of 1974
Navy, 20+ Years

Flight deck catapults and aresting gear (launch and recovery) leading supervisor. Division leading petty officer.
Jerry Kurz
Jerry Kurz
Class of 1984
Air Force, 15 Years

Started out in communications for the Air force (ANG) after I returned from college. I stayed there for 10 years and switched to combat search and rescue where i am now. Still enlisted and still love it. I’ve managed to make it around the world in one piece.
Jim Kelly
Jim Kelly
Class of 1973
Air Force, 6 Years

FB-111A aircraft engine mechanic.
John Blessinger
John Blessinger
Class of 1976
Air Force, 3 Years

KIA Desert Storm.
Posted by: Ralph Buehler in honor of John
Joseph Kiernan
Joseph Kiernan
Class of 1989
Navy, 4 Years

USN 89-93
Keith C Pollanen
Keith C Pollanen
Class of 1987
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired Air Force and now a DoD Civilian.
Kenneth Caron
Kenneth Caron
Class of 1984
Air Force, 20+ Years

Join the Air Force after graduation in October 1984. Fire Protection Specialist served at Holloman AFB, NM till I transferred to the Air National Guard in 1988 back home on Long Island. For the next 17 yrs I served all over the world and at many states side bases on assignments or training. Member of NASA's Space Shuttle Rescue team at two different Fire Department during my career. Retired as Deputy Chief, Oct 2005. Very proud and honored to serve my country to protect freedom. An experience of a lifetime. Aim High
Kevin Woods
Kevin Woods
Class of 1980
Air Force, 20+ Years

Colonel USAF-Reserves...Military Director of the Air Traffic Services Cell based in Herndon VA
Marialena Bridges (Mango)
Marialena Bridges (Mango)
Class of 1977
Marine Corps, 22 Years

My graduating class was 1977 but I graduated a year early to join the Marine Corps. I was stationed all over California, Japan, Hawaii, Washington, DC, and retired from Quantico, VA. After I retired I went on to get my Doctorate in Education and was the Counseling Director at Brooke Point High School in Virginia. I am now fully retired and enjoying life to its fullest!
Mark Anthony Reyes
Mark Anthony Reyes
Class of 1975
Navy, 20+ Years

I was an armor crewman in the U.S. Army and later as a registered nurse in the U.S. Navy. I served 21 years with world-wide assignments in Europe, Middle East and the South Pacific.
Michael Finnegan
Michael Finnegan
Class of 1966
Army, 2 Years

Company clerk US 9MORDINCE CORP Aberdeen Md
Michelle Bissett Pospischil
Michelle Bissett Pospischil
Class of 1973
Navy, 4 Years

Air Traffic Controller
Petty Officer 2nd Class
Phil Shernofsky
Phil Shernofsky
Class of 1983
Air Force, 20+ Years

Transportation and Logisitics Specialist.
Richard Beaudoin
Richard Beaudoin
Class of 1966
Air Force, 13 Years

1971 to 1973 was on active duty with assignments in Vietnam, Biloxi Mississippi & Washington DC.
1973 to 1985 Air Force Reserves
Class of 1959
Navy, 20+ Years

Richard Williams
Richard Williams
Class of 1959
Navy, 20+ Years

I joined the Navy in April 1960. Boot Camp was at Great Lakes Illinois. Class A Yeoman School, NTC Bainbridge, Md. Duty Stations: Naval Headquarters, Europe, Kondon, UK; USS SHASTA AE6, HO, Norfolk, VA; Office OF CNO, Washington, DC; Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; 6TH FLEET STAFF, USS LITTLE ROCK CLG4, Gaeta, Italy; Naval Station, Brooklyn, NYC; USS COMPASS ISLAND AG153, Charleston, SC; Staff, Submarine Group SIX, Charldston, SC; Prrsonnel Support Activity, Charleston, SC; USS FRANK CABLE AS40, Charleston, SC. Retired April 1984.
Robert Mauro
Robert Mauro
Class of 1966
Army, 20+ Years

US ARMY 23 years active duty. retired 1993
robert mauro
robert mauro
Class of 1966
Army, 20+ Years

Served 23 years active duty.

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Sachem High School Classmates

Vivian Tomasevic
Class of '80

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