Class of ‘73 Reunion, 50 years! 6 to 10 PM
Sparrows Point Country Club
This event will feature hot and cold buffet, open bar, and a band. Dressy attire, no jeans, cut offs, t-shirts, etc. Consult Sparrows Point Country Club web page for attire info. There will be raffle tickets for a week’s stay off season at very nice condo in Ocean City. And a 50/50.
Saturday, October 14th, 2023
Invited Classes:
1972, 1973, 1974
Event Details
Class of '73 45th Reunion, Waves of Memories
Waves of Memories, wear beach attire if you like. Flip flops not required, but encouraged! A full buffet and pit beef included. We will have a keg of Coors' Lite and red and white wine. Other drinks are available at a low low cost. Live music. Make check payable to Patapsco High School Class of '73. Send checks to Karen Rzeppienik 14 Bonnie Ave Bel Air, MD 21014 Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Saturday, October 6th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Patapsco Class of '67 50th Reunion
Princess Royale Oceanfront
Special Hotel Rates - $99/night Mon - Thurs; Must make hotel reservations by August 1st.
There is a heated pool and the hotel is on the beach.
Tues 10th - check -in and Meet & Greet with hors d'oeuvres and cash bar. Dinner on your own.
Weds 11th - breakfast/lunch on your own, 2 - 4:30 PM - Patapsco/'60'sTrivia Games in our Hospitality Suite Poolside with snacks, sodas, beer and wine provided. 7 - 11 PM Dinner Dance with DJ featuring Delectable Chesapeake Bay Buffet
Thurs 12th - Breakfast on your own and checkout, unless you are extending your stay.
Send checks to PHS Class of '67 Reunion, 300 Lothian Way Unit 304, Abingdon, MD 21009.
Tuesday, October 10th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Patapsco 1966 50th Reunion
PHS 1966 50th Class Reunion
It is that time again Classmates, can you believe it has been 50 years since graduation from Patapsco High School. Below you will find all information needed to attend the reunion. You may call me anytime if you have any questions.
We are having the 50th reunion at Rosedale Gardens 8037 Philadelphia Road, Rosedale, MD 21237 on October 1st, 2016 from 8 pm – 12 midnight. There will be a Bull Roast, beer and music.
Price is $35.00 per person and checks should be made out to PHS 1966 Reunion.
Checks to be sent to Ramona Vollerdt Chinquina call me for the address. 410-802-8011
Tickets will be located at the door and will be attached to your name tag with photo.
Dress is business casual.
Any questions please call me 410-802-8011. Or if you know of someone that is interested in attending and we have not contacted yet please give them my number and address. Or if you have their information please send it to me and I will contact them reference the reunion.
Overnight Stay for the Class of 1966 Reunion
Anyone interested in having a hotel room for Friday September 30, Saturday October 1 or both, we have a block of rooms reserved for us at the Hampton Inn in the White Marsh Mall area. The address of the Hampton Inn is 8225 Town Center Drive, Baltimore MD 21236. These rooms will be held for us until September 2, 2016.
The room cost will be $115 for a room with a King bed and a pullout or $139 for a room with two double beds (they both includes a hot breakfast).
All reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card. If you need to cancel, it must be done no later than 24 hours in advance of your check in date.
To make your reservations:
1. Call the hotel at 410-931-2200
2. Identify our group code, which is PHS 367485
Walk through PHS
We have planned a walk through on October 1st from 1 pm to 2 pm to tour PHS. You should park in the Inverness Ave parking lot. We will meet at the door right up from the parking lot. They have a call button if no one is standing there at the time you arrive.
It will be nice to see all the changes that have been made over the past 50 years, and reminisce a little. There will be no cost for this. It may take approximately 1 hour.
Please call me or e-mail me and let me know if you will attend the walk though as we need a count so we can have enough tour guides for the tour. We need this information by September 29, 2016.
Ramona (Vollerdt) Chinquina 410-802-8011
Saturday, October 1st, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1966 50th Reunion
Rosedale Gardens
Below you will find information on the reunion, hotel accommodations (thanks to John Ennis), location and cost of each. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me.
Call 410-802-8011 - Ramona (Vollerdt) Chinquina, to purchase tickets for the 50th Reunion. Business casual attire.
Reunion held at Rosedale Gardens
8037 Philadelphia Rd, Rosedale, MD 21237.
*** Entrance to building is handicapped accessible with a ramp and everything is on one floor. ***
Checks to be made out to PHS 1966 Reunion, call me for my address. Tickets to be picked up at door night of (50th Reunion) October 1, 2016
Hotel Information
Anyone interested in a hotel room for Friday September 30, Saturday October 1 or both, we have a block of rooms reserved for us at the Hampton Inn in the White Marsh Mall area is 8225 Town Center Drive, Baltimore MD 21236. These rooms will be held for us until September 2, 2016.
The room cost will be $115 for a room with a King bed and a pullout or $139 for a room with two double beds (they both includes a hot breakfast).
All reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card. If you need to cancel, it must be done no later than 24 hours in advance of your check in date.
To make your reservations:
1. Call the hotel at 410-931-2200
2. Identify our group code, which is PHS 367485
Walk through PHS scheduled
Lee McClelland and I met with PHS Principal and set a date and time, for the walk through. Everyone attending the walk through should meet at the Inverness Ave parking lot by 12:45 so we can start promptly at 1 pm, Saturday October 1, 2016. This should last approximately, 1 (one ) hour.
It will be fun to walk the halls again,seeing the changes made over 50 years.
Please call me (Ramona 410-802-8011) and let me know if you will be attend the walk through. We need to give a count of those attending so we have proper amount of tour guides PHS will provide.
Saturday, October 1st, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Patapsco Class of 1974
UAW Hall Local #239
UPDATE: Class of 1974! It's time for our 40th which will be bigger and better. So mark your calendar for this event!! If you know a Classmate that missed the last one let them know the our 40th will be on OCTOBER 4, 2014 from 12-5pm. Dress Casual. Shrimp & bull roast. OPEN BAR. Cost: $50.00 per person. Please make check payable to: Class of 1974/Lorraine Smith and send with a SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE to: Lorraine McCrary-Smith 2304 Chantaway Court Bel Air, Md. 20105. Payment Due: Sept. 20, 2014. You will also be contacted by a reunion committee member if we have your current information. Questions?? Call Lorraine 410-292-7438, Sharon Sheckells 443-496-0434, Karen Semones Parsons 410-391-6265, Kathi Beale Albanese 443-567-0131, Mark Lewis 443-467-7016.
We would also like to extend an "invite" to the Class of 1972, 1973, 1975 and 1976 as we were All Classmates and friends during our high school years.
Saturday, October 4th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976
Event Details
46th yr reunion
Del Capri on German Hill Road - Dundalk, MD 21222
Reunion cost is $35.00 per person. Call for address to send check.
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
PHS Class of '67 45th Reunion!
Aboard the USS Patapsco, departing from the dock at the Del Capri - 302 German Hill Road - Dundalk, MD 21222
Join the Class of '67 for our 45th Reunion as we set sail aboard the USS Patapsco from the dock at the Del Capri, 302 German Hill Rd, Dundalk, MD 21222, on Sat, Sept 8, 2012! Cruise from 7 -11 PM. Enjoy Appetizers, Buffet Dinner, Open Bar & DJ. Dress is casual- upscale - whatever! This is freestyle cruising! Tickets are $45 pp. Members of the classes of '65 through '69 are invited too, as are any faculty members, school administrators, guidance counselors, etc., from those years. Send checks payable to PHS Class of '67 Reunion to: Mary Cogley-Barron 300 Lothian Way, Unit 304 Abingdon, MD 21009 by August 25, 2012. Bring your cameras! This is going to be a Fab-U-Lous event! Please send your checks as early as you can to help us pay for the deposit and decorations. Thank you! Your reunion committee - Sherry Spurrier Shiroky, Mary Cogley-Barron, Bil Barron and Dennis Boland.
Saturday, September 8th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
PHS C/O 2001 10 yr. Reunion
Del Capri - German Hill Road
WHEN: Saturday, November 5, 2011 From 7:00pm -11:00pm WHERE: Del Capri 302 German Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21222 COST: $30.00 Per Person Check, Money Order, Cashier & Certified check ONLY ABSOLUTELY NO CASH PAYABLE TO: Patapsco High School Class of 2001 MONEY DUE BY: October 22, 2011 All tickets purchased AFTER Oct 22nd will be sold at $45.00 per person. E-MAIL Eric Augustiniack at Subject Line: PHS Reunion Eric will reply with his mailing address. **In E-Mail Message or Payment envelope: Please Include**: Name Mailing Address E-Mail Address Phone Number PRICE INCLUDES: Buffet, Beer, Wine, Soda, & DJ, and Hall Cash Bar Also Available DONATIONS: We are asking for donations for door prizes to hold a 50/50 raffle in order to raise money for our next reunion. All donations will be deposited into the Class Bank Account.
Saturday, November 5th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th reunion
Del Capri German Hill Rd Balto Md 21222
call for more details Marci 443 838-6072 or Cindy 443 798-1547
Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
35 year Reunion
Rosedale Gardens - Philadelphia Road - Rosedale, Md. 21237
Class of "74" will be holding its 35 yr Reunion. This will be a Bull and Shrimp Roast. Dress Casual. If you have NOT heard from a Reunion Committee Member PLEASE contact Sharon Sheckells 443-496-0434
Saturday, October 10th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details