Okanogan High School Alumni

Okanogan, Washington (WA)

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Okanogan High School Alumni, WA

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OHS Class of '72 held their 50th reunion last week-end. We had a great turnout, and much time spent laughing, hugging, and reminiscing. The Okanogan High Class of '72 Reunion group from Saturday night: Back row: Mike Hinger, John Lee, Kurt Rains Next Row: Mike Hofer, Scott Robbins, Bill Fletcher Next Row: Bob Newmann, Scott McIlhenny Next Row: Hillford Anderson, Jim Miller, Jack Charleton, Matt Mills, Next Row: Scott Duncan, Jim Tweden, Blair Shaw, Frank Thompson, Larry Attridge, Sam Cain Next Row: Jean Woodrow Prizant, Sheri Tangen McIlhenny, Debbie Delfeld Houston, Nancy Bennett Danelo Bottom Row: Rene Workman Hinderer, Peggy Schindler Hail, Ann Blomdahl Davin, Renee Wall Matson
Okanogan High School Shared Photo

Classmates Spotlight

Okanogan High School Classmates

Scott Rodvelt
Class of '82

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School News

Kristi Ewer Memorial

A memorial gathering for Krist Ewer is in the planning stages by her sister, Diane Ewer. This will be a picnic in one of...
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