Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Byron Jensen
Byron Jensen
Class of 1989
Navy, 18 Years

I have been in the Navy since 1990, this photo is taken transitioning from Morocco to Spain.
charles gunnell
charles gunnell
Class of 1962
Marine Corps, 8 Years

marine reserve
Clarence J Struthers
Clarence J Struthers
Class of 1961
Navy, 4 Years

I was in communications
Clarence Struthers
Clarence Struthers
Class of 1961
Navy, 4 Years

Served as a radioman in Adak Alaska, 1962-1963
then the destroyer USS Brush DD745 out of Long Beach, California 1963 - 1965
David G. Walling
David G. Walling
Class of 1981
Army, 11 Years

Basic Training OSUT Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo 1985 Combat Engineer 12B (21B)
Active duty Ft. Lewis, Wa 1986-1989 SGT, A co. 15th Eng Bn, 9th Inf Div.
C co. 321st Eng Bn, USAR North Ogden, Utah 1989-1996. 1LT Combat Engineers
David G.Walling
David G.Walling
Class of 1981
Army, 11 Years

1985 OSUT 12B Combat Engineer Ft Leonard Wood Mo. 1985-1986 Co 321st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1986-1989 A co 15th Combat Engineer Battalion,9th ID Ft. Lewis, Wa. 1988 Yellowstone Fire Fighting and Sapper Leader Course, 1990 Airborne School, 1990-1992 Utah State University Army ROTC and C co 321 Combat Engineer Battalion SMP, 1992-1998 C co 321st Combat Engineer Battalion. 1996 Task Force Eureka Nuevos Horizontes, Panama.
David Holbrook
David Holbrook
Class of 1960
Army, 2 Years

Dee A Sessions
Dee A Sessions
Class of 1966
Navy, 4 Years

QM3, Treasure Island, 1 year in Vietnam brown water Navy
Frank Bernal
Frank Bernal
Class of 1964
Navy, 4 Years

Served as a Radioman,commissioned a new ship Guided Missile Destroyer USS FOX DLG 33. Married l my Ogden High School sweetheart Carole Jensenl when in the service .
Jack Pledger
Jack Pledger
Class of 1956
Air Force, 20+ Years

Entered USAF 31 Jan 1957, 4 years Aircraft Mechanic. 24 years Flight Engineer on C-119, C-123, C-124, C-141 and last 2 years as C-5A, Squadron Chief Flight Engineer. Accumulated 10,000 Flight Hours and 8,000 Simulator Hours, Highest Medal, Decoration and Award is the Distinguish Flying Cross from Vietnam. Retired 1 Mar 1985 as a CMSgt (E-9) at Travis AFB CA. Awarded 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran from Agent Orange. Enjoyed every minute of my career.
Johnny J. Moncada
Johnny J. Moncada
Class of 1984
Army, 20+ Years

Retired Warrant Officer
Joseph Saunders
Joseph Saunders
Class of 1971
Army, 20+ Years

Servicesd as a Personnel Admin Supervisor for several FA units and Combat Engr Units. Service as a recuiter in the Provo, Ut recruiting station.
Joshua Jacinto
Joshua Jacinto
Class of 2018
Army Reserves, 3 Years

Human Resource Specialist, 42A
Kent Brown
Kent Brown
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20+ Years

I entered the service and was a C-130 mechanic. I went to the Pacific in support of Vietnam and came back to the states in 1976. I got off active duty in Feb 1977 and returned back to the Air Force Reserve. After retiring from the fire dept. at Hill AFB then I worked in several jobs pretty well full time until my retirement Sept 2009 as a Senior Master Sergeant E-8. I supported the Vietnam war and Operation Desert Storm. I did two Middle East tours in 2006 and 2007-08.
Larry Rasmussen
Larry Rasmussen
Class of 1969
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired 1994. Recruiter Chicago, Korea 1988
Larry Woolsey
Larry Woolsey
Class of 1962
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

BMCS Small Boats and Law Enforcement
Larry Woolsey
Larry Woolsey
Class of 1962
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

Coast Guard Reserve law enforcement and port secuirty. We kept the Russians out of San Francisco Bay.
Larry Woolsey
Larry Woolsey
Class of 1962
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

I did 30 years in the CG Reserve. Spent time on both the left and right coasts. I also spent many happy days on cutters. I was trained in boat operations and law enforcement. SEMPER PRATUS.
Lindsey Brewer
Lindsey Brewer
Class of 1975
Army, 20+ Years

Served 24 years in the United States Army, completing airborne training, scuba training, and helicopter flight school. Completed tours in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Panama, and Korea. Served as test pilot for the AH-1S Cobra and UH-1 Huey helicopters.
Class of 1999
Army, 7 Years

sgt maria toscano is currently serving as a automated logistical specialist. sgt toscano return from camp bucca iraq in dec 28 2007 after serving 12month deployment. she deployed with the alpha battery 5/52 air defense feb 2003 to july 2003
Nathan Hoskins
Nathan Hoskins
Class of 2000
Army, 6 Years

SSG Hoskins has served in the United States Army for six years, been deployed to Iraq three times currently serving his third one now been stationed in germany and now out of Ft Campbell Kentucky love every min of the Military.
Nicholas N Hoyt
Nicholas N Hoyt
Class of 1982
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Severed as avionic tec HMH 464 New River Air Station Jacksonville North Carolinia
nino d livaudias
nino d livaudias
Class of 1998
Army, 4 Years

army ranger
Richard T. Maughan
Richard T. Maughan
Class of 1966
Army Reserves, 13 Years

Charlie Company, 321st Eng Bn. (Cbt)
96th Army Reserve Command (ARCOM)
Robert Miller
Robert Miller
Class of 1982
Army, 20+ Years

Tank mechanic. Desert Storm and Iraq freedom.
Roger Hinton
Roger Hinton
Class of 1978
Air Force, 20+ Years

Comm Tech in a few places:
New Jersey (Maintenance),
Texas (Instructor for awhile),
DC (a little o'this, a little o'that...),
Georgia (Joined the MOB),
with a little time overseas in between...
Fun stuff... ;-)
Roger Nasfell
Roger Nasfell
Class of 1964
Navy, 6 Years

Navy Sea Bees
Roger wilde
Roger wilde
Class of 1962
Army Reserves, 23 Years

Retired in 1991 as as a SGM at 96th ARCOM
Russell Bennion
Russell Bennion
Class of 1972
Navy Reserves, 20+ Years

Served 32 years, active and reserve duty. 10 years enlisted and 22 commissioned, retiring as a Lieutenant Commander in 2008. Primary duty station was the U.S. European Command (EUCOM), Stuttgart, Germany, working with the Special Operations Command (SOCEUR). I also served with the Joint Intelligence Center Pacific, Honolulu, HI; Office of Naval Intelligence, Suitland, MD. and Joint Task Force 6, El Paso, TX., duty station, Laredo, TX.
Ryan Bryner
Ryan Bryner
Class of 2000
Army, 8 Years

I'm a mechanic in the Army. Recently promoted to Sergeant First Class. Spent 2 and a half years in South Korea and another 6 years stationed in Texas. I'm on my 3rd trip to Iraq. First two were to Baghdad and this time I'm in Kirkuk.
Seamus Barry
Seamus Barry
Class of 1994
Army, 6 Years

I am currently a Judge Advocate serving with a Special Forces unit in Afghanistan. I deployed to Iraq in 2006. Spent 11 months in Korea and deployed to Afghanistan in 2008. I am now on my second deployment to Afghanistan
Sean De Heer
Sean De Heer
Class of 2004
Army, 6 Years

I am a Military Police officer in the Army Reserves and I was also on active duty for 6 years and have been to Iraq.
Shawn L Putnam
Shawn L Putnam
Class of 1980
Navy, 8 Years

Shawn entered the Navy in September 1984, and was selected to be the company's Yeoman, in the fist day of in-processing. That conferred upon him 2nd in charge command duty after the Company's Recruit Chief Petty Officer-in-Charge. As a result of his outstanding performance as Yeoman. He was also selected by his Company Commanders as the Company Yearbook's example photos of recruit life in barracks due to never having suffered a Hit (discrepancy) during any of the numerous inspections conducted during training. He was then selected as his company's nominee for the 1984 Navy League Honor Recruit. After Boot Camp Graduation he moved on to advanced training in Great Lakes, IL. Shawn graduated Hospital Corps School in March 1985, as Valedictorian of his class group, and received a Letter of Commendation from his Commanding Officer. Several months of training for Marine deployment followed at Camp LeJeune, NC.
He was hen released to reserve status in Vermont.
After serving in reserve status for about 3 months Shawn chose to return to active duty, where was first stationedat the local reserves center. His owrk ther resulted ni another Letter of Commendation from the OIC.
His regular Naval service began in July of 1985 at Portsmouth Naval Hospital in Virginia.
Shawn L. Putnam
Shawn L. Putnam
Class of 1980
Navy, 8 Years

Hospital Corpman - Petty Officer

Great Lakes, IL
Camp LeJeune, NC
Burlington, VT
Portsmouth, VA
Naples, IT
Philadelphia, PA
Bethesda, MD
Skip Goich
Skip Goich
Class of 1978
Marine Corps, 10 Years

Information Tech.
Camp LeJeune, El Toro
Recruiter Mansfield Ohio
Stephen Alder
Stephen Alder
Class of 2003
Army, 8 Years

2 Tours of fun!
Steven Jackson
Steven Jackson
Class of 1969
Navy, 4 Years

PO 3rd Class Point Mugu, California
Tanya Wagoner
Tanya Wagoner
Class of 1989
Navy, 16 Years

Navy Corpsman both active duty and reserve. Now serving in National Guard Reserve, 2 1/2 years, awaiting transfer back into Navy Reserve.
Todd Little
Todd Little
Class of 1989
Army, 24 Years

Retired Army Master Sergeant.
Travis Golden
Travis Golden
Class of 1992
Army, 20+ Years

Spent 20 years with some of the best people ever. Including a tour to Kosovo and Iraq.

Classmates Spotlight

Ogden High School Classmates

Rick Hanson
Class of '69

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School News

I wrote a novel , Djerkiss, set in ogden which will be out next year.

check my Facebook page for details.I was sorry to miss the reunion this year but heard after talking g to Mitzi Sanders,...
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Our Ogden High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Ogden High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Ogden are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!