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Monahans High School Class Of 1974


September 19th, 2014
(ending September 21st, 2014)


Undetermined - Please send suggestions.

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About Event

Hey everyone. Well can you believe it's been "40" years. Whose counting right? I am excited to get back and see everyone, hope y'all are also. Homecoming is Sept 19, and I wanted to get the process started by asking you to help me gather address and/or phone numbers for any of our class mates. Please help me spread the word and the dates, so we hopefully will have a great turnout. I will have more info, motels, itinerary, at a later date. Please send any ideas that you might have, that you think would be fun. The more of us that work on this, the better it will be, so let me know if you want to help. My # is 580.470.5341 if you have question, or better ideas. Thanks, Dianne Presley Saunders

Class of 1974
Reunion Committee

Reunion Apparel