Marysville High School Alumni

Marysville, California (CA)

Alumni Stories

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Keith Guynes.

Class of 1971

Hi class of 71! This is a blast from the past. I live in a small town called Nankin in Ohio. Not far from Cleveland. Just an hours drive South. I live on the edge of a large park split into by a major road running east and west. I live in what looks like a two story house. But is actually two apartments. My landlord and his wife live in the other. WE'RE in the middle of Green Acres Country. They try to grow every thing here. It's nice and quiet. It's only when you hear the klip klop of AMMISH wagons going by that it gets noisy. The nearest city is Ashland wich lies South of me. It's a lot like Down town Marysville. And believe it or not I'm good friends with both the Mayor and his State House of Repasentive wife but I'm good friends with the County SHERIFF as well. I do volunteer work at the local Library and at my Church. I also do military reenactments with the help of military Miniatures as well. I have gotten the nickname of man in black, because of the clothing I like to wear. And the AMMISH type black felt hat I wear. I try and do programs about our military history when ever I can. The young people really enjoy it. And I like to try to get them involved in this. I'm widowed, no kids. But I am always ready to spoil someone's kids. I even wrote a musical play. Don't know if it will ever be done or not but I hope one day it will. So take good care of yourselves Indians. Oh by the way I recently went to a High School Christmas Musical that had various bands, singers. And dancers in it. It sure brought back some fond memories of Christmases long ago. Especially when I played in our band in High School. The kids where really good. I was very proud of them. So bye bye for now take good care of yourselves again and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Oh! And by the way the School's nickname is the ARROWS!

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

Have you lost your Marysville High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Indians lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.

Do you have a fun holiday story or a great family tradition? Share them with our fellow Marysville High School alumni! Submit your own stories, achievements and photos in our Alumni Stories section. Read other classmate’s stories and see what they have been up to over the years.

Happy Holidays!