JHHS Class of 1978 45-Year Reunion
House of Music and Entertainment
The 45-year reunion of the John Hersey High School Class of 1978 is planned for Friday, September 29, 2023, at the House of Music and Entertainment after the Hersey varsity football game. Our reunion will be held in conjunction with Hersey’s 2023 Homecoming celebration. Also, there will be a tour of the school offered at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 30. (The school has changed.) Please save the dates.
Send your email address and cell phone number to
hersey1978reunion@gmail.com so we may stay in contact. If you have questions about the reunion, call (224) 540-9800.
Cathy Deamant ‘78
Lori Wittern '78
Brian Caputo ‘78
Friday, September 29th, 2023 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Band Reunion - Classes of 1970 - 1982 (Geevumfest 2022)
Rob Roy Country Club
1. 9/30/22 (after the homecoming football game) - House of Music & Entertainment, 1227 N. Rand Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004
2. 10/1/22 (5:00 p.m.) - Rob Roy Country Club
Friday, September 30th, 2022 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982
Event Details
Class of 1975 Reunion
Durty Nellie's
"We're the greatest class alive, we're the class of Seventy-Five"
Did we say that FORTY years ago?? Say it isn't so!
To commemorate that long-ago day with fellow '75 Hersey grads, please reserve Friday, August 7th, at 7 p.m. to frolic rooftop at:
Durty Nelly's
180 North Smith Street
Palatine, IL
There will be plenty of cocktails, appetizers, music, and laughter. Cost is $25/person, $50/couple (reading glasses available at nominal charge)
Bring along or wear something from 1975 – win a prize!
Have more than 10 grandkids – win a prize!
(step grandkids, ex-grandkids, ex-step grandkids….they all count. wink emoticon
Any other suggested prize categories? Bring ‘em on! – win a prize!
Please RSVP by June 30th to:
Paula (Turnbull) Urbaniak at Paulajeanurbaniak@gmail.com or
Linda (Guderian) Monslow at LM11815@yahoo.com or
Joni (Flauter) Liddy at j_liddy@msn.com
Include in your email whether or not you'd be interested in also doing something Saturday the 8th. If there is enough interest, we will try to put something together for then as well.
Also, please pass this information on to as many ‘75 Hersey grads as you can, via email, text, Facebook, LinkedIn, Classmates.com, or any other social media. Feel free to tag them from this post.
Hoping to see as many of you as possible!
Joni and Paula and Linda
Friday, August 7th, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
'71 Homecoming Gama reunion
Hersey football stadium
Hersey's homecoming is October 10 against Elk Grove. Several of us from the class of '71 are meeting there for an informal sort of mini reunion. Would love to see many '71 alums there. If you're in the area that weekend please stop in. Pass the word to your friends. We are some of the original Husky's so let's go rep '71!!
Friday, October 10th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1993 20th Reunion
Durty Nellies
Family are friends are welcome to join us root on the Huskies Friday night. We will meet at H.O.M.E. bar across the street afterward. Saturday night head to Durty Nellies in Palatine to catch up with old classmates.
Wednesday, June 5th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20th reunion
TBD - - or 10/12/13
http://www.makesurvey.net/cgi-bin/survey.dll/14014ECE0615486F99778191B99D0A9E please complete the survey and join the facebook page to help plan our 20th reunion
Saturday, October 5th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 Year Reunion
We are in the midst of planning our reunion! Homecoming will be October 12, 2012. - Post Game gathering at Sports Page - Saturday hors d'oeuvres and cocktails at Bogie’s (formerly Stagger Lee’s)
More details to come....just trying to get the word out there that it is happening. Please rsvp via the website or contact one of the committee members Thanks!
Friday, October 12th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
All Class Hersey Reunion
Racine Plumbing Bar & Grill - 2642 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL
Hey guys! So my sister Katie and I were talking and we thought it would be fun to have an informal get-together for all our Hersey friends (and suburb friends). We figured so many people already live in Chicago or the burbs (or coming in for the holidays) that it would be a blast to hang out! We will be at the Racine Plumbing Bar & Grill on Dec 23rd starting at 6:30. www.racineplumbingchicago.​com The bar is between Diversey and Wrightwood on Lincoln and is close to the Diversey "el" stop. If you can swing by for a drink or two, please come! Also, please add anyone to the invite that isn't already included. We look forward to seeing you!
Friday, December 23rd, 2011
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
JHHS Class of 1970 40th Reunion Fiesta
Midtown Athletic Club - 1760 North Hicks Road - Palatine, Il 60074
Eat, drink, swim, get acquainted or REacquainted with "old" classmates! Make checks payable to: Midtown Athletic Club Mail to location address, ATTN: Rea Kulick
Saturday, July 3rd, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
WWW.JOHNHERSEY2000.COM DAY 1 - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 , 2010 John Hersey High School - Football Field 1900 E. Thomas Street Arlington Heights, IL 60004 1. 6:30PM: Check-In @ Hersey Football Field 2. 7:30PM: Homecoming Game 3. Half-Time: Tour of Hersey 4. 10PM: Drinks @ Jimmy D's District 1718 W. Northwest Highway Arlington Heights Illinois 60004 DAY 2 - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2010 Semi Formal Dinner & Drinks Westwood Tavern 1385 N. Meacham Rd. Schaumburg, IL, 60173 Phone: 847.969.9500 1. 7:30PM: Check-In 2. 8PM-Close: Dinner & Drinks DAY 3 - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2010 Walker Bros. 200 Marriott Drive Lincolnshire, IL (847) 634-2220 1. 9am-Noon: BRUNCH 2. Noon: The End - See you in 2020!
Friday, October 8th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '85 25 Year Reunion
Allgauer's in Northbrook - Visit our site for more! - http://www.herseyclassof85.com/ - - $65 until Sept 15, $75 after Sept 15, cash at the door
Hey there class of '85-er! I hope all is well. You may have heard a rumor, but it's true. We are indeed having a 25th Class Reunion. Kim Jones and I, along with a handful of other '85-ers have set a date and have begun planning this event. Please visit our website for all of the details we have so far. http://www.herseyclassof85.com/ The date is set, but these times may be amended. See you soon! Paul Patricelli
Saturday, October 9th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
35 Year Reunion for the class of 1975
Odyssey Cruises
We are the event coordinator for the reunion. There are still quite a few alumni that have not responded. Please let me know if you are interested in attending this event. We have hotels reserved in Arlington Hts and at O'hare for your convenient. The $300 is for the welcome party on Friday, July 23, cost for the dinner cruise, entertainment and a keepsake. This fee does not include your hotel costs or any additional food required. Please email with any questions. We look forward to meeting you! We were contracted by one of your alumni; Linda Guderian (Monslow) to organize this event. Thank you!
Saturday, July 24th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 89 - 20 yr reunion
The night starts off at Pete's of Palatine (POP'S) Bar & Grill, 19 N Bothwell St, Palatine, IL at 5 pm with cocktails for 1 hour. This is a cash bar. Then the party continues at LampLighters Tavern & Grille of Palatine from 6 pm until 10 pm. There will be
Please email me asap your RSVP to ckh521@comcast.net. I will get the info out to you. Hope to see everyone, it will be a blast!!
Saturday, October 10th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details