Hillcrest High Class of 72
UofU Crimson Rm & Hillcrest High
Hillcrest Class of 72 – 50th Reunion
Friday - August 12th, 5 – 8:30 pm – Crimson Room – Union Bldg – UofU Campus
Free Parking North side of Union Building and Adjacent lot to north
Dress Casual – Jeans, Shirt, tennis shoes, nothing fancy
Decorations, badges etc. by Dorothy, Colleen and Penny
Check in – Get name badge 5 to 6 pm
Cost per person – Voluntary Donations- Want all to attend
Dinner at 6 pm – Buffet by Chef Peter (makes potatoes taste good)
Drinks beer and wine – Limit TBA
7 pm - Introduction of Classmates by table
8:00 – Picture with Banner then get acquainted
8:30 pm Must leave so crews can clean up
Saturday – August 13th, 5 – 9 pm – Hillcrest High Alumni Room
Dress Casual – Jeans, Shirt, Tennis or dancing shoes, nothing fancy
Decorations, banner, badges, etc. by Dorothy, Colleen and Penny
Check in – 5 – 6 pm Name tags for those who did not attend Friday
Cost per person – Voluntary Donations – All attend
DJ 69 - 72 top hits
Dinner at 6 pm – BBQ Chicken, Brisket, Ribs, Salads
7 pm Tribute to deceased classmates
7:15 pm – Tom Heward Car Trivia, Brian, Cory and Rick – Fun activities
7:45 pm – Historic events Larry Lowder, Janine
8:00 pm – Picture with Banner – Build friendships
9:00 or 9:30 pm – Sing School Song, leave so crews can clean up
Friday, August 12th, 2022 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Hillcrest High Class of 1978 Reunion
Hillcrest High School Cafeteria
email Shauna Nelson Miller (millershauna@msn.com) to register and receive payment instructions.
Dinner served at 6:30 p.m. School will be open from 4:00 to 6:00 for touring.
Don't miss a last chance to see the school as you remember it. Hillcrest High School is scheduled for a rebuild over the next few years.
Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 2008 Reunion
HIllcrest High School
2008 Hillcrest 10 Year Reunion Details!
We'll be having the reunion in the cafeteria at Hillcrest. We'll have Café Rio for dinner, corn hole and other fun games, as well as videos and pictures from senior year. If you'd like more information, please visit the class page on Facebook or contact me directly-
Melissa Peterson
FB link-
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr style=""><td height="28" style="line-height:28px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style=""><table border="0" width="280" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse:separate;background-color:#ffffff;border:1px solid #dddfe2;border-radius:3px;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;margin:0px auto;"><tr style="padding-bottom: 8px;"><td style=""><img class="img" src="https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/c0.0.361.188/29512652_10215929459127525_3592287872091177820_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=c18e6e1153bb121dcecced3b19a07e0c&oe=5BD01476" width="280" height="146" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;padding:8px 8px 0px 8px;text-align:center;">Hilllcrest Class of '08</td></tr><tr><td style="color:#90949c;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;">Facebook Group · 302 members</td></tr><tr><td style="padding:8px 12px 12px 12px;"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse:collapse;width:100%;"><tr><td style="background-color:#4267b2;border-radius:3px;text-align:center;"><a style="color:#3b5998;text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;width:100%;" href="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/group/join/popup/?group_id=111539099042389&source=email_campaign_plugin" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" align="center" style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr><td style="border-bottom:3px solid #4267b2;border-top:3px solid #4267b2;"><img width="16" src="https://facebook.com/images/groups/plugin/email/app_fb_32_fig_white.png" /></td><td style="border-bottom:3px solid #4267b2;border-top:3px solid #4267b2;color:#FFF;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;">Join Group</td></tr></table></a></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr style=""><td height="14" style="line-height:14px;"> </td></tr></table>
Saturday, August 11th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1987 Reunion
Millcreek Inn
Please check out the Class of 1987 30-year reunion information at the following website:
There is a Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1877005272568746/) and invitation.
Welcome HHS Class of 1987! Here is the latest reunion information.
The actual reunion will be held on Saturday, August 12, at the Millcreek Inn in Salt Lake City. For all of the details we have to date, and to purchase tickets, please click on the 30 Year Reunion Tab on the left side of the home page.
There will be a "Pre-Reunion" activity on Friday, August 11, at Hillcrest High School. That event is being offered at no charge but please register for the event if you plan to attend so we can get a head count.
We are working on getting bulk discount rates at several hotels and will let you know once those prices are secured.
Register and pay for the reunion at 80.00/person until Saturday, July, 22. The following week the prices will increase to 96.00/person, July23-July29. After that, all ticket sales will close. (In order to accept credit cards, we incur a vendor fee which is why the price is 5.00 more per person than we originally intended.) We are unable to offer any tickets at the door as the venue requires a head count and payment in advance of the event. Please understand that if you arrive on the day of the reunion and have not registered in advance, we unfortunately, will not be able to accommodate you.
The reunion evening will begin at 6:00 for a Check-In/Happy Hour/Meet and Greet. 7:00-8:00: Welcoming Introduction and Dinner. If you require special meal accommodations, please indicate so on the meal selection when you purchase your tickets. If you need something very specific, contact Casey Forman Varner with details. 8:00-11:00: Dancing, Visiting, and lots of fun!!!!!!
Your Profile: This is very important. All of your information is private on this site. But, in order for you to be moved from the "Missing Classmate" column, you must do at least a brief profile registration. Fancy it up as much as you want. But, in doing so you allow the rest of us to know whom we still need to locate.
Pass this information on to as many Hillcrest High Class of 87 Grads as possible. We want to see as many of our friends at the event as possible. With everybody's help, this will be a very fun weekend.
One more thing, if you have a particular event you would like to plan (brunch, golf, bike ride, etc.) we can post it on this site and people can register for your reunion event as well. Just reach out to us and let us know.
There are bound to be gliches in the system as this gets underway. Please be patient. We are all working hard to make this a success. Let us know if you want to help! -Your Reunion Committee!
Friday, August 11th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
50th Reunion Class of '66
PAY AT THE DOOR! Help us find our classmates! R.S.V.P. up to Sept. 1st. Just show up no matter what! We plan on people finding out last minute! It's the LAST REUNION!!! George Richards, george@chapmanrichards.com or 801.631.9963. Dress is Casual Nice. Check out our website: http://hillcrestreunion66.com
Friday, September 9th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1983 30 year reunion
Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel
Can you believe it's been 30 years since we graduated! A reunion is planned for August 3, 2013 at the Sheraton In Salt Lake City, Utah. We want you there! Check out our blog at http://1983huskies.blogspot.com/ . Please respond so we can get your accurate information. If you want, we can also add you to our facebook page. 161 of us are there already and it's fun to reminisce with each other. Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon!
Your reunion committee
Saturday, August 3rd, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 81 reunion in August
Location: Red Pine Lodge at the top of the Canyons Gondola - 4000 Canyons Resort Drive - Park City, Utah 84098 - - (This was Parkwest back in the day)
See the notice at www.hillcrest81.com
Saturday, August 20th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 year reunion
Marriott Hotel, downtown Salt Lake City. - The hotel is giving us a rate of $99 for a room, if anyone would like to stay the night at the hotel. - Marriott address is 220 So State St. - Please make check out to Steve Erickson. You can take your check to
We are also inviting everyone to join us on Friday, September 24 for the Homecoming game. All family members are invited, as well. We are then considering having a little get together after the game, we're just not sure yet where it will be.
Saturday, September 25th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 Year Reunion
Salt Lake City Hilton 255 W. West Temple, SLC, UT 84101 - 801-328-2000
Go to http://www.hillcrest89.com for more details and to register.
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 year reunion
the location not yet set. but look at www.hillcrest1991.com for more info. Tom H.
Friday, June 17th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Reunion
Hillcrest High School
Details and registration: www.hillcrest69.com
Saturday, June 13th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 Year Reunion
The Gathering Place at Gardner Village, - 1100 W. 7800 S., West Jordan, Utah
Saturday, November 8th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details