Class of 2001 - 20th Year Reunion
Details TBA - Planning started June 28, 2020 for Summer of 2021. Please contact Nicole Bond: nicoleabond@gmail.com if you would like further details regarding this event.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1975 40th Reunion
The Bridges Golf Club
NOTE: There is a $3.95 service fee (per ticket) if you purchase tickets with a credit card online. If you would rather pay by check, make check payable to HHS Class of 1975 and mail to:
Missy Bryant
2182 Archet Ln
Frederick, MD 21702
For more information email Missy Barnhart Bryant: raed8s@hotmail.com or call 240-422-7451
Please send email to Missy with your selection of dinner entrees:
CHOICE of Chicken Cordon Bleu OR Roast Beef/gravy.
Friday, October 2nd, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1969 45th Reunion
Bay City Restaurant
To download Announcement and Registration forms, go to the HHS'69 webpage on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/193403997373293/. RSVP ASAP to Debbi Rhodes at dbirhodes@comcast.net or (H) 717-846-6443, (C) 717-578-7126.
Saturday, September 20th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30th Class Reunion
Bay City Restaurant - 110 Eisenhower Drive - Hanover, PA 17331
We need help finding the following classmates: Susan Adams Jeffrey Bechtel Judy (Berwager) Bealing James Brown Mark Denisch Kathryn (Elder) Cole Sally Kehr Robin Laughman Dawn Ledfors Wanda Miller Kelly (Negley) Rogers Jamie Nelson Kathleen (Phee) Moore Barry Schreiber Cathy Sherwood Janice (Trump) Small Cheryl Wachtel Sandra Wagner Tina Wolford
Saturday, September 25th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20th Reunion
Classmates Due to only 37 out of 130 classmates responded to the reunion. Sadly we had to cancel our 20th Class Reunion. The RSVP date was extended and that still did not help our numbers. With very little responses we could not continue in the planning. As everyone was told initially we now have LOST the $500.00 deposit on the banquet room, but this could not be avoided in the lack of responses. We want to thank those who have put personal time and energy into the planning, fundraising, emails and mailings that were done. For those of you who were coming from a distance (FL & TX) we are deeply sorry and hope you can recoup or still use any travel arrangements you have made. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us. Sincerely, The Reunion Committee
Invited Classes:
Event Details