Ellison High School Alumni
Killeen, Texas (TX)

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Military Alumni
Honoring Our Heroes
This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!
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Honored Military Alumni

Al Owens
Class of 1984
Air Force, 20+ Years
Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, Allergy/Immunology Technician, Unaccompanied Housing Manager.
Class of 1984
Air Force, 20+ Years
Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, Allergy/Immunology Technician, Unaccompanied Housing Manager.

anthony l. evans
Class of 1998
Army, 12 Years
Food service NCO. Happy making sure my fellow troops are strong and healthy. And plan on keeping it that way.
Class of 1998
Army, 12 Years
Food service NCO. Happy making sure my fellow troops are strong and healthy. And plan on keeping it that way.

AO1 (AW) Robert Ravelo
Class of 1987
Navy, 15 Years
I have served at NAS Oceana (VF-143, VFA-131), NSAWC Fallon NV, Weapons Station Sigonella, Italy and FRC Site Norfolk Midl Atlantic. My tours have included 6-8 month deployments aboard the aircraft carriers USS George Washington, USS John C Stennis and USS Dwight D Eisenhower.
Class of 1987
Navy, 15 Years
I have served at NAS Oceana (VF-143, VFA-131), NSAWC Fallon NV, Weapons Station Sigonella, Italy and FRC Site Norfolk Midl Atlantic. My tours have included 6-8 month deployments aboard the aircraft carriers USS George Washington, USS John C Stennis and USS Dwight D Eisenhower.

Brett Gordon
Class of 1985
Army, 14 Years
Graduated from Sam Houston State Univ. Served in Hawaii, Haiti, Kentucky, Alaska. Iraq, finally back at FT Hood.
Class of 1985
Army, 14 Years
Graduated from Sam Houston State Univ. Served in Hawaii, Haiti, Kentucky, Alaska. Iraq, finally back at FT Hood.

Christopher J. Riley, Sr.
Class of 1993
Army, 6 Years
I was a Staff Sergeant, dealing with Supply Management(76Y). I got gurt in 1994 and got out in 1999. I enjoyed the service.
Class of 1993
Army, 6 Years
I was a Staff Sergeant, dealing with Supply Management(76Y). I got gurt in 1994 and got out in 1999. I enjoyed the service.

Dave Myrda
Class of 1987
Army, 16 Years
Infantry, Signal, Special Forces and now Force Management. Looks like I'm the guy in the Army that nobody wants. :-) Here's a pic of me and my wife Bethany at the Kenny Chesney concert in May 08. Hope all is well with everyone!!!
Class of 1987
Army, 16 Years
Infantry, Signal, Special Forces and now Force Management. Looks like I'm the guy in the Army that nobody wants. :-) Here's a pic of me and my wife Bethany at the Kenny Chesney concert in May 08. Hope all is well with everyone!!!

djahnn a. mcclellan
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 13 Years
Still on active duty in irak, for one year.
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 13 Years
Still on active duty in irak, for one year.

djahnn mcclelan
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 12 Years
Stationed at cali looking for friends of mine want to know if there will be a reuion . Still in the marine corp. Shawn skirvin class of 88 and scott sanderson class of 1989
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 12 Years
Stationed at cali looking for friends of mine want to know if there will be a reuion . Still in the marine corp. Shawn skirvin class of 88 and scott sanderson class of 1989

Floyd Hill
Class of 1989
Army, 13 Years
I'm an airborne paratrooper still serving in the Army. I have been in Operation Desert Storm/Shield, Kosovo, and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Class of 1989
Army, 13 Years
I'm an airborne paratrooper still serving in the Army. I have been in Operation Desert Storm/Shield, Kosovo, and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Floyd Hill
Class of 1989
Army, 13 Years
I have been in Operation Desert Shield/Storm, Kosovo, and Enduring Freedom. I am currently at Fort Benning, Ga.
Class of 1989
Army, 13 Years
I have been in Operation Desert Shield/Storm, Kosovo, and Enduring Freedom. I am currently at Fort Benning, Ga.

Floyd Hill
Class of 1989
Army, 13 Years
I have been a part of Operation Desert Shield/Storm, Kosovo, Enduring Freedom and returned from Afghanistan. I am currently stationed at Fort Benning, Ga.
Class of 1989
Army, 13 Years
I have been a part of Operation Desert Shield/Storm, Kosovo, Enduring Freedom and returned from Afghanistan. I am currently stationed at Fort Benning, Ga.

Francis Charfauros
Class of 1985
Army, 5 Years
81Q Terrain Analyst, Served a tour in Germany 649th Eng. Battalion, assigned to the 101st Airbourne Division in Ft. Campbell and served in Desert Storm.
Class of 1985
Army, 5 Years
81Q Terrain Analyst, Served a tour in Germany 649th Eng. Battalion, assigned to the 101st Airbourne Division in Ft. Campbell and served in Desert Storm.

George Vanderpool
Class of 1988
Navy, 19 Years
I currently a Chief Warrant Officer seriving onboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. I've been stationed in great places like Italy, Japan, and Guam.
Class of 1988
Navy, 19 Years
I currently a Chief Warrant Officer seriving onboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. I've been stationed in great places like Italy, Japan, and Guam.

James Miller Jr
Class of 1984
Air Force, 6 Years
Communications - Computer Operator (E5/SSgt)
Mountain Home AFB, ID: 1988-1992
San Vito AB, Italy: 1992-1994
Class of 1984
Air Force, 6 Years
Communications - Computer Operator (E5/SSgt)
Mountain Home AFB, ID: 1988-1992
San Vito AB, Italy: 1992-1994

John E. Young
Class of 1989
Army, 15 Years
mechanic, and multiple deployment around the world.
Class of 1989
Army, 15 Years
mechanic, and multiple deployment around the world.

John Ford
Class of 1985
Army, 17 Years
Desert Shield/ Storm, Dec. 1990 to June 1991
Joint Guard/Joint Endeavor, Bosnia Aug 1997 to May 1998
Iraqi/Enduring Freedom Mar 2003 June 2004
Class of 1985
Army, 17 Years
Desert Shield/ Storm, Dec. 1990 to June 1991
Joint Guard/Joint Endeavor, Bosnia Aug 1997 to May 1998
Iraqi/Enduring Freedom Mar 2003 June 2004

John Y. Ford
Class of 1985
Army, 17 Years
Desert Shield/ Storm, Dec. 1990 to June 1991 Joint Guard/Joint Endeavor, Bosnia Aug 1997 to May 1998 Iraqi/Enduring Freedom Mar 2003 June 2004
Class of 1985
Army, 17 Years
Desert Shield/ Storm, Dec. 1990 to June 1991 Joint Guard/Joint Endeavor, Bosnia Aug 1997 to May 1998 Iraqi/Enduring Freedom Mar 2003 June 2004

Jose Hernandez
Class of 1981
Army, 20+ Years
Retired after 22 years (1984-2006). Served as a Military Policeman. 1SG for the 410th MP Company in Ft. Hood from Nov 00-Oct 02. Several deployments including Haiti, Egypt, Hungary, etc.
Class of 1981
Army, 20+ Years
Retired after 22 years (1984-2006). Served as a Military Policeman. 1SG for the 410th MP Company in Ft. Hood from Nov 00-Oct 02. Several deployments including Haiti, Egypt, Hungary, etc.

Jose QUinones Jr.
Class of 1983
Army, 20+ Years
I am in the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Most people only recognize us by Green Berets or Snake Eaters. I have been in this unit longer than we have been fighting Global Terrorist since 9/11.
Class of 1983
Army, 20+ Years
I am in the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Most people only recognize us by Green Berets or Snake Eaters. I have been in this unit longer than we have been fighting Global Terrorist since 9/11.

LaKeshia Payton (Penn)
Class of 1991
Army, 15 Years
I've been to everywhere between Panama and Alaska. Met some awesome friends that I will have for the rest of my life.
Class of 1991
Army, 15 Years
I've been to everywhere between Panama and Alaska. Met some awesome friends that I will have for the rest of my life.

Mark Q. Ingram
Class of 1979
Army, 20+ Years
Us Army Special Operations Intelligence
Class of 1979
Army, 20+ Years
Us Army Special Operations Intelligence

Michael Cobb
Class of 1987
Army, 11 Years
I am currently a Major commanding a company in Balad, Iraq. I have been in Iraq for 8 months and wish I could be home in time for the 20th year reunion. I wish everyone wll and hope to see you when I return in August.
Class of 1987
Army, 11 Years
I am currently a Major commanding a company in Balad, Iraq. I have been in Iraq for 8 months and wish I could be home in time for the 20th year reunion. I wish everyone wll and hope to see you when I return in August.

Miguel Lasanta
Class of 1996
Army, 11 Years
going on third deployment, recently hurt in Iraq in 06 but alot of Physical Therapy helped alil, getting ready to go back. Have questions hit Trisha Ojeda up.
Class of 1996
Army, 11 Years
going on third deployment, recently hurt in Iraq in 06 but alot of Physical Therapy helped alil, getting ready to go back. Have questions hit Trisha Ojeda up.

Netza H. Gonzalez
Class of 1999
Army, 8 Years
Completed most of my time in Washington D.C. as a military policeman and Seoul, South Korea as a military police investigator. As a gov't contract employee I also went to the Middle East as a Force Protection Specialist.
Class of 1999
Army, 8 Years
Completed most of my time in Washington D.C. as a military policeman and Seoul, South Korea as a military police investigator. As a gov't contract employee I also went to the Middle East as a Force Protection Specialist.

Paul Leismann
Class of 1981
Air Force, 15 Years
6 years AD at Lindsey Air Station & 9 years A.F. Reserve (IMA)at Ramstein AB. Finance
Class of 1981
Air Force, 15 Years
6 years AD at Lindsey Air Station & 9 years A.F. Reserve (IMA)at Ramstein AB. Finance

Philip Tooke
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 14 Years
served 14 years in the Marine Corps fought in Desert Storm/ Desert Shield, Operation Iraqi Freedom got out as a SSGT (E-6) after being injured in Iraq.
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 14 Years
served 14 years in the Marine Corps fought in Desert Storm/ Desert Shield, Operation Iraqi Freedom got out as a SSGT (E-6) after being injured in Iraq.

Randy Gamble
Class of 2001
Marine Corps, 7 Years
Graduated early and enlisted into Marine infantry. Served with 7th Marines (Cali) and 3rd Marines(Hawaii), Squad leader in Afghanistan and did not have vacation..you know what I mean..Now a substabce abuse counselor for the Marines.
Class of 2001
Marine Corps, 7 Years
Graduated early and enlisted into Marine infantry. Served with 7th Marines (Cali) and 3rd Marines(Hawaii), Squad leader in Afghanistan and did not have vacation..you know what I mean..Now a substabce abuse counselor for the Marines.

Rebecca Tieszen-Stevens
Class of 1999
Army, 5 Years
Military Police/K9 Handler/Specialized Search Dog Handler. Korea, Fort Bliss, and Hawaii
Class of 1999
Army, 5 Years
Military Police/K9 Handler/Specialized Search Dog Handler. Korea, Fort Bliss, and Hawaii

Robert L. Petersen
Class of 1982
Army, 20+ Years
Military Police & MP Investigations
Class of 1982
Army, 20+ Years
Military Police & MP Investigations
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Ellison 30th Year Celebration
Ellison is celebrating its 30th year of Eagle Excellence! Please join us for a community-wide celebration and pep rally ...
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Our Ellison High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Ellison High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Killeen are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!