Dulaney High School class of 1969
Can you believe it’s been 50 years??!!
Well . . ., it has and it’s time to reconnect, meet & greet and enjoy catching up with (old) friends and former classmates in a relaxed, party-oriented weekend of celebration!! This party is for EVERYONE!!
Dulaney Senior High School’s
Class of 1969 invites you to a 2-day
Beach Blowout Bonanza!
Bring your spouse, significant other, family and friends, or come alone, for a full weekend of Ocean City memories, amusements, recreational activities, beach, boardwalk and of course Thrasher’s French Fries and a box of Saltwater Taffy! OBTW, the ocean temperature is perfect in September! There is much going on and something for everyone! Ok, Yes, I know, a hotel ballroom with round tables for ten and white table cloths for a three-hour session of “I this” and “I that” sounds, uh . . ., like a lot of fun (?), but wouldn’t you rather reconnect with as many former classmates as possible and to spend quality time getting reacquainted and having real fun doing what you enjoy??!! Well, here is the opportunity! This celebration weekend has been planned for YOU!!
When was the last time you ate a dozen steamed crabs at Higgins, played miniature golf or 18 holes, rode the rides of an amusement park, went night club hopping, sunbathed on a pristine white sandy beach or rented a bike to ride the boardwalk. How about a jet ski, parasailing, deep sea fishing or sailing a Hobie? How about a helicopter tour or a coastal ride up to visit Dewey and Rehoboth beaches? Several years ago, Ocean City went through an urban renaissance, modernization and social shift. Yes, it’s still Ocean City, but much, much nicer! You have to experience Ocean City - again - for the first time!
We are also inviting our fellow schoolmates from the Class of 1968 and the Class of 1970 as many of us had friends in both classes and vice versa! This is the opportunity to reconnect, say “hello!” and catch up and reminisce the pinnacle years!! Yes! “We” set the bar, achieved the academic and athletic standards and lettered in most of our sports to State Champions! Remember those fabulous dances with top 40 bands playing live in our gymnasium?? How about painting the rocks and Brother Tom’s Cheering Society? How about the Friday night pep rallies? The football, baseball, basketball and lacrosse games. Remember our gymnasts, cheerleaders and wrestling? How about seeing someone do an iron cross on the rings for the first time? Do you remember??!!
Are you smiling??
Wonderful memories aren’t they!
So, here is what the reunion committee has planned for you:
Friday September 6, 2019
5:00 Pm to 7:00 PM
Fager’s Island
201 60th Street
Ocean City, MD 21842
To kickstart our weekend celebration, a Friday evening gathering with cash bar on Fager’s pier and gazebo overlooking Assawoman Bay to watch the sunset while listening to the traditional 1812 overture (with an optional cocktail) will be spectacular! If you haven’t experienced it, it’s a must do! Fager’s requests reservations for dinner well in advance as Friday’s are busy dinner nights!
This very popular bayside restaurant is an institution in itself! We will be conducting a “meet & greet” for those who arrive Friday to kick off the weekend. Attendees can check-in and receive their weekend program early to better coordinate their plans and schedule activities to rendezvous with friends, family and of course former classmates!
Saturday September 7, 2019
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Princess Royale Resort Hotel, Suites & Condominiums
9100 Coastal Highway (on the ocean)
Ocean City, MD 21842
1-800 – 4- royale
This hotel and resort is fabulous! It offers full amenities, is ocean front with an enormous inside swimming pool under its multi-story atrium, and hosts Schooners Oceanfront Restaurant, Palm Court Atrium Café, patio bar, high-rise parking garage, sun deck hot tubs, whirlpools and sauna. Come relax and treat yourself to a restful weekend while reconnecting with friends and former classmates from Dulaney!
The Princess Royale is offering high-season discounted rates for their rooms and suites for reunion attendees and their guests. (Group Code: 4865) We have a banquet room and hospitality suite off the atrium and premium select foods offered in an open buffet and cash bar. Rain or shine Fager’s Island and the Princess Royale have the facilities to accommodate everyone!
The reunion cost is only $50.00 per person!
The Princess Royale high-season discounted lodging rates are based on single and double occupancy exclusive of tax. Children under 12 stay free in parent’s room. Additional adults (12 and over) over and above double occupancy will be charged $20.00 per person, per night (September 6th and 7th, 2019).
Dates 09/06/2019 09/07/2019 09/08/2019
# of Suites Available 30 30 C/O
Oceanview / Poolview $209.00 $209.00 -
Oceanfront $299.00 $299.00 -
2 Bedroom Condo $529.00 $529.00 -
3 Bedroom Condo $609.00 $609.00 -
Please note that a 2-night minimum is required.
Lodging is up to you. Stay at the Princess Royale, get a one, two, or three- bedroom suite or condo, rent a beach house, stay at a motel or with local friends. It’s up to you. We wanted to make this affordable for EVERYONE to participate! After all, 50 years comes only once in a life time, so lets all get together and truly celebrate this incredible milestone!!
As part of the reunion effort, we are also offering to help connect you with others planning to attend this celebration. Please refer to the registration form for more information.
Early registrations will be helpful for planning purposes and greatly appreciated.
We are looking forward to seeing YOU there!
The Class of 1969’s Reunion Committee
Mike Miginsky
Becky Ross
Alex Tarasco
Dulaney High School Reunion
Ocean City, Maryland
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY!! Date: __________
Name: ______________________________________________
Maiden name: _______________
Nickname: _______________
Class of: 1968 1969 1970
Address: ______________________________________________
Telephone: ( _ _ _ ) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ Day / Evening
Email: ______________________________________________
Number of guests: _____ at $50.00 each = $________
Make checks payable to: Dulaney High School Reunion
Guest Name(s): ________________________________ Classmate/Year?
________________________________ Classmate/Year?
________________________________ Classmate/Year?
Note: No personal information will be shared without your permission.
Do you want your contact information shared? (Yes / No)
If so, place a check next to each category above that you want to share.
Planning to attend Fager’s Island sunset reception? (Yes / No)
Planning to have dinner at Fager’s Island Friday September 6, 2019? (Yes / No)
Planning to stay at the Princess Royale? (Yes / No)
Handicap Accessibility Requested (Yes / No)
Name: _____________________________
Check your Interests. Note: all costs are a la carte.
Permission to share your interests with others: (Yes / No)
Beach / Sunbathing
Beach Volleyball
Miniature Golf
Amusement Parks
9 or 18 Holes of Golf
Beach Clubs & Restaurants:
Fager’s Island is always nice!
Seacret’s has an awesome Saturday all day and all night planned!
Rope Walk – sandy and bayside with fire pits
Fish Tails – sandy and bayside with fire pits
Fine Dining:
Harrison’s Harbor Watch
Ristorante Antipasti
Liquid Assets
Thrasher’s French Fries
Jet Ski or Jet Boat Rentals
Catamaran Rental
Board or Body Surfing
Deep Sea or Surf Fishing
Go Kart Racing
Horse Racing
A day pool side, Whirlpool and/or Sauna
Visit Assateaque and/or Chincoteague Island
Steamed Crabs (with Old Bay and National Bohemian) @ Higgins Crab House!
Other: _____________________________________________
Please print the two pages above and enclose them with your check made payable to Dulaney High School Reunion and mail them to:
Dulaney High School Reunion
805 Armistead Street
Winchester, VA 22601
Please address any questions to:
Mike Miginsky
(540) 723-9818 (evening)
(703) 431-2242 (day)
Friday, September 6th, 2019
Invited Classes:
1968, 1969, 1970
Event Details
Class of 1968
Red Lion Inn
There will also be an informal meet and greet from 7-10PM on Friday evening Oct. 5th, for anyone who will be attending Saturday's dinner. This will also be at The Red Lion, in the Atrium. Food will be available for purchase in the lounge on Friday.
Saturday's event will be a buffet dinner with a Juke Box. Also, a cash bar, which has been requested by many classmates.
Saturday, October 6th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1965 - 50th Reunion
The Class of 1965 will celebrate its 50th Reunion in June 2015. Exact dates and location to be determined. We welcome suggestions and comments. Please send me any information you may have regarding classmates and how to contact them. I can be reached through this website or at 'dulaney65@gmail.com'. Please keep in touch.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Dulaney Class of 1973 40th Reunion
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Tickets are limited and will NOT be sold at the door. Check out our Dulaney Class of 1973 Reunion on Facebook. Ask to be added to the group if you are a member of our class. Contact us at dulaney73reunion (at) g mail (dot) com.
Saturday, October 12th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
45th Class Reunion
The Lodge at Oregon Ridge
We'll be meeting at the Greene Turtle in Hunt Valley on Friday, the 13th.
Saturday, September 14th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40 Year Reunion!
Crowne Plaza Baltimore - 2004 Greenspring Drive - Timonium, MD 21093
Details are coming soon!
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details