Clearwater High School Alumni
Clearwater, Florida (FL)

Recent Members
Courtney Coons | 2002 |
Courtney Niedzielski Courtney Niedzielski | 2003 |
David David A Burkhart | 1967 |
Glenn Zimmerman | 1982 |
James Parady | 1996 |
Michael Rende | 2015 |
Milton Williams | 1973 |
Vicki Rehm | 1964 |
Military Alumni
Honoring Our Heroes
This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!
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Honored Military Alumni

Barry Ronal Delphin
Class of 1958
Air Force, 8 Years
United States Naval Academy 4 years
United States Air Force 4 years
Class of 1958
Air Force, 8 Years
United States Naval Academy 4 years
United States Air Force 4 years

Benjamin Futral
Class of 2002
Army, 4 Years
Basic training in Ft. Benning, GA
AIT in Ft. Lee, VA
PVOC in Ft. Leonardwood, MO
2 years in Seoul, South Korea
2 years in Ft. Lee, VA
Class of 2002
Army, 4 Years
Basic training in Ft. Benning, GA
AIT in Ft. Lee, VA
PVOC in Ft. Leonardwood, MO
2 years in Seoul, South Korea
2 years in Ft. Lee, VA

Bonnie A. Conklin Allman
Class of 1974
Army, 3 Years
55G20 Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Specialist, Served in Greece
Class of 1974
Army, 3 Years
55G20 Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Specialist, Served in Greece

C Frank Wreath
Class of 1957
Navy, 24 Years
Retired as CWO-4 in1979. Served 24 years in the submarine service.
Class of 1957
Navy, 24 Years
Retired as CWO-4 in1979. Served 24 years in the submarine service.

Carla Hunzinger (Warren)
Class of 1970
Navy, 20+ Years
Completed 20 years in the United States Navy in the communication field.
Class of 1970
Navy, 20+ Years
Completed 20 years in the United States Navy in the communication field.

Carla Hunzinger (Warren)
Class of 1970
National Guard, 20+ Years
20years in the USN as a radioman serving overseas and also did 3years as a drill instructor at bootcamp in Orlando, FL
Class of 1970
National Guard, 20+ Years
20years in the USN as a radioman serving overseas and also did 3years as a drill instructor at bootcamp in Orlando, FL

Charles C. Myers
Class of 1965
Marine Corps, 2 Years
Served in Viet Nam for 13 months.
Class of 1965
Marine Corps, 2 Years
Served in Viet Nam for 13 months.

Charles Wood
Class of 1998
Army, 5 Years
Combat Engineer
3 Tours overseas whooping terrorist ass!!
Class of 1998
Army, 5 Years
Combat Engineer
3 Tours overseas whooping terrorist ass!!

David Dinger
Class of 1985
Army, 20+ Years
Colonel, US Army
Currently Stationed in The Netherlands
Class of 1985
Army, 20+ Years
Colonel, US Army
Currently Stationed in The Netherlands

Debra Slade
Class of 1977
Air Force, 18 Years
US Army - Redar Intercept/Analyst - Military Intelligence/Attaced NSA with 8th InDiv West Germany and other classified assignments. Transferred to USAF as a Combat Communications Analyst. Graduated 1st in Army Basic Training, 3rd in MI Radar/ Intercept School and 1st in USAF Combat Communications School. Soldier of the quarter 8th Inf Div West Germany. Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom Vet.
Class of 1977
Air Force, 18 Years
US Army - Redar Intercept/Analyst - Military Intelligence/Attaced NSA with 8th InDiv West Germany and other classified assignments. Transferred to USAF as a Combat Communications Analyst. Graduated 1st in Army Basic Training, 3rd in MI Radar/ Intercept School and 1st in USAF Combat Communications School. Soldier of the quarter 8th Inf Div West Germany. Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom Vet.

Dennis Sheppard
Class of 1970
Army, 20+ Years
Colonel (Retired), Army and Army Reserve 29 years. Senior Army Aviator both rotary and fixed wing. Airborne, Air Assault, Pathfinder.
Class of 1970
Army, 20+ Years
Colonel (Retired), Army and Army Reserve 29 years. Senior Army Aviator both rotary and fixed wing. Airborne, Air Assault, Pathfinder.

Dewaine Olson
Class of 1986
Air Force, 18 Years
Medical Technician, Flight Medic, Independant Duty Medical Technician (IDMT)
Deployments: Hati (Operation Secure Tomorrow), OEF-Afghanistan, OIF-Kuwait.
Class of 1986
Air Force, 18 Years
Medical Technician, Flight Medic, Independant Duty Medical Technician (IDMT)
Deployments: Hati (Operation Secure Tomorrow), OEF-Afghanistan, OIF-Kuwait.

Donald H. Flandreau
Class of 1955
Air Force, 9 Years
Flew C-130's based at Sewart AFB ,Tenn., Naha AFB , Okinawa , Dyess AFB , Tex. Elmendorf AFB , Alaska . Advisor to General Staff , 1st Air Cav. , Vietnam
Class of 1955
Air Force, 9 Years
Flew C-130's based at Sewart AFB ,Tenn., Naha AFB , Okinawa , Dyess AFB , Tex. Elmendorf AFB , Alaska . Advisor to General Staff , 1st Air Cav. , Vietnam

Gerald McGowan
Class of 1971
Air Force, 20+ Years
Chief Master Sergeant retired 2002 after serving 31 years.
Class of 1971
Air Force, 20+ Years
Chief Master Sergeant retired 2002 after serving 31 years.

James McGowan
Class of 1980
Navy, 20+ Years
Active duty Navy Registered Dietitian. Currently stationed at National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD
Class of 1980
Navy, 20+ Years
Active duty Navy Registered Dietitian. Currently stationed at National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD

Jeff Cleghorn
Class of 1980
Air Force, 20+ Years
Test flew B-1 bombers.
Fought roadside bombs in Iraq.
Class of 1980
Air Force, 20+ Years
Test flew B-1 bombers.
Fought roadside bombs in Iraq.

Jim Peck
Class of 1967
Air Force, 20+ Years
Viet Nam, Gulf War 1, Bosnia, Kosovo, Panama veteran. Retired in 2001 as a Lt Colonel. Now lives with wife Kristie (Snider Class of 67) in the Sacramento Mtns of southern New Mexico.
Class of 1967
Air Force, 20+ Years
Viet Nam, Gulf War 1, Bosnia, Kosovo, Panama veteran. Retired in 2001 as a Lt Colonel. Now lives with wife Kristie (Snider Class of 67) in the Sacramento Mtns of southern New Mexico.

John S Webb
Class of 1971
Navy, 20+ Years
13 years active duty, United States Navy and 11 years United States Naval Reserve. Navy Carrier Pilot.
Class of 1971
Navy, 20+ Years
13 years active duty, United States Navy and 11 years United States Naval Reserve. Navy Carrier Pilot.

John Schaller
Class of 1981
Air Force, 4 Years
Served most of my 4 years at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma with the AWACS units.
Class of 1981
Air Force, 4 Years
Served most of my 4 years at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma with the AWACS units.

Joseph C. Elliott
Class of 1962
Navy, 6 Years
USNR with two active duty years as a Jet Mechanic/Plane Captain on an F4-B Phantom. Served in VF-41 aboard USS Independence.
Class of 1962
Navy, 6 Years
USNR with two active duty years as a Jet Mechanic/Plane Captain on an F4-B Phantom. Served in VF-41 aboard USS Independence.

Larry Bird
Class of 1961
Air Force, 20+ Years
24 years. 306XX Career Field. Taipei, Taiwan; Siegelbach AS Germany, Andrews AFB, MD; Easter Island, Chile; Offutt AFB, NE; RAF Mildenhall, England; Sembach AB, Germany; Kapaun AS, Germany.
Class of 1961
Air Force, 20+ Years
24 years. 306XX Career Field. Taipei, Taiwan; Siegelbach AS Germany, Andrews AFB, MD; Easter Island, Chile; Offutt AFB, NE; RAF Mildenhall, England; Sembach AB, Germany; Kapaun AS, Germany.

Lauren Bondurant Canada
Class of 1991
Navy, 4 Years
Jet engine mechanic on A-6 Intruders, F/A 18 Hornets and F-14 Tomcats.
Class of 1991
Navy, 4 Years
Jet engine mechanic on A-6 Intruders, F/A 18 Hornets and F-14 Tomcats.

Mort (Linard) Haddix
Class of 1970
Air Force, 16 Years
Aircraft mechanic - Charleston AFB (1970-78)
Avionics Technician/IInstructor (1979-1987)
Class of 1970
Air Force, 16 Years
Aircraft mechanic - Charleston AFB (1970-78)
Avionics Technician/IInstructor (1979-1987)

Neal Riendeau
Class of 1966
Air Force, 4 Years
Copied Morse code. Was stationed at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, Alaska for 2 years & loved it.
Class of 1966
Air Force, 4 Years
Copied Morse code. Was stationed at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, Alaska for 2 years & loved it.

Philip A. Bayly
Class of 1950
Air Force, 20+ Years
USMC ('50-'51), to Naval Academy Grad ('55), to USAF for 23 yrs.. Ret. O-6.
Class of 1950
Air Force, 20+ Years
USMC ('50-'51), to Naval Academy Grad ('55), to USAF for 23 yrs.. Ret. O-6.

Randy Cameron
Class of 1962
Navy, 6 Years
Enlisted, then OCS, then Flight School then Nam
Class of 1962
Navy, 6 Years
Enlisted, then OCS, then Flight School then Nam

Ray Johler
Class of 1965
Navy, 6 Years
Served on the USS Richard E Krauss DD-849 and USS Everglades AD-54. Cruised South America, Africa, Middle East
Class of 1965
Navy, 6 Years
Served on the USS Richard E Krauss DD-849 and USS Everglades AD-54. Cruised South America, Africa, Middle East

Rob Rasmussen
Class of 1964
Marine Corps, 20+ Years
Began my career as an infantryman/M-60 machine gunner.
Picked up for aviation avionics tech and qualified as combat aircrew on a UH-1E helicopter as an M-60 door gunner.
Selected for the Naval Enlisted Scientific Education Program and attended Auburn University as a Staff Seargent.
Commissioned a 2nd Leutenant upon graduation and attended the Basic School at MCB Quantico, VA.
Attended flight school at NAS Pensacola, FL.
Finished out my Career as an Aviation Logistics Officer with the rank of Captain.
Class of 1964
Marine Corps, 20+ Years
Began my career as an infantryman/M-60 machine gunner.
Picked up for aviation avionics tech and qualified as combat aircrew on a UH-1E helicopter as an M-60 door gunner.
Selected for the Naval Enlisted Scientific Education Program and attended Auburn University as a Staff Seargent.
Commissioned a 2nd Leutenant upon graduation and attended the Basic School at MCB Quantico, VA.
Attended flight school at NAS Pensacola, FL.
Finished out my Career as an Aviation Logistics Officer with the rank of Captain.

Robert C Scott
Class of 1951
Navy, 20+ Years
Served 20 years in Naval Aviation. Retired in 1972 Senior Chief Aviation Electronics Technician.
Class of 1951
Navy, 20+ Years
Served 20 years in Naval Aviation. Retired in 1972 Senior Chief Aviation Electronics Technician.

Rodger Grimes
Class of 1979
Navy, 8 Years
Served as an Electronic Technician onboard 2 different class nuclear powered submarines from 1982-1990
Class of 1979
Navy, 8 Years
Served as an Electronic Technician onboard 2 different class nuclear powered submarines from 1982-1990

Ryan Cottrell
Class of 1989
Coast Guard, 12 Years
First Class Petty Officer, flight mechanic stationed in Elizibeth City, NC
Class of 1989
Coast Guard, 12 Years
First Class Petty Officer, flight mechanic stationed in Elizibeth City, NC

Steve Wilson
Class of 1968
Army, 20+ Years
Retired NCO, Airborne Cavalry, 2 Tours Vietnam, Drill Sergeant
Class of 1968
Army, 20+ Years
Retired NCO, Airborne Cavalry, 2 Tours Vietnam, Drill Sergeant
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School News
Got Married!
'Janie" Berryman aka Laurel J Berryman is now Mrs. Ryan Scott Bailey
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Our Clearwater High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Clearwater High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Clearwater are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!