C. M. Russell High School Alumni

Great Falls, Montana (MT)

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C. M. Russell High School Reunions

Class of 1975 50th Reunion
Details: SAVE THE DATES!!!! Plans are in the works so watch for details!
When: Friday, August 1st, 2025 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1975
Event Details

Past Reunions:

Class of 1976 Reunion
Location: Black Eagle Community Center
Details: See details and registration at cmrclassof1976.weebly.com
Send questions to cmrclassof1976@gmail.com
When: Friday, July 30th, 2021 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1976
Event Details
CMR Class of 1980 40th Reunion
Location: Halftime Bar
Details: Friday night at the Halftime Bar, 6:30 pm. Saturday at the Black Eagle Community Center, 6:30 pm.
When: Friday, July 29th, 2022 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1980
Event Details
Class of 1970 50th reunion
Location: Elks club Friday night with GFHS
Details: If you have not received the registration information, please contact PAtti Eidel ASHMORE at peashmore at gmail.com
When: Friday, August 21st, 2020 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1970
Event Details
Class of 1980 Reunion
Location: Halftime Sports Bar
Details: Friday Night at Halftime Sports Bar, Saturday Night at Black Eagle Community Center
When: Friday, July 23rd, 2021 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1980
Event Details
Class of 1988 30th Reunion
Location: Black Eagle Community Center
Details: Must register and RSVP on CMR1988.myevent.com on Facebook. Contact Tina Johnson 406 899 6218
When: Friday, July 20th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1988
Event Details
Class of 78 reunion
Location: The Do Bar
Details: Thursday night is all class reunion at the Halftime, Friday night is at the Do Bar with food, music, powerpoint included. Saturday is at Central Park at the fairgrounds with Howards pizza, Taco Treat tacos and El Comodor tacos, DJ, Wilcoxsins ice cream.
When: Friday, August 10th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1978
Event Details
When: Thursday, July 6th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1972
Event Details
Class of 1975 "Can the GFH Class of '75 Come out to Play"
Location: Do Bar
Details: A No Host Mixer with our counter parts from across the river.


We will be challenging the GFH Class of ’75 to a “Food Pantry” donation drive for our respective schools. We will be collecting items on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during our Reunion events. Cash donations are also welcome.
When: Thursday, July 16th, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979
Event Details
CMR Class of 1975 40th Class Reunion
Location: Various
Details: We are planning 4 great days of food, fun and frolic! Watch for updates!
When: Thursday, July 16th, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1975
Event Details
Reunion Meeting
Location: Jerry & Lori Kenik
When: Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1975
Event Details
Class Get-together & Reunion Meeting
Location: The Do Bar
Details: Come join us for some fun and frolic....and throw around ideas for our upcoming 40th class reunion in 2015. The committee can always use some new blood......come when you can, leave when you want.

We are also updating addresses, so if you have a new address, please email it to me at office@mtcpatax.com
When: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1975
Event Details
Photographs form the 2012 reunion
When: Thursday, July 6th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1972
Event Details
Class of 1987 - 25th "Get Together"
Location: The Breaks -Lounge (main floor) and Patio - - 202 2nd Ave So. Great Falls MT
Details: NO Host Bar - Live Music – Open Fire Pit - Snacks -Trivia $2.00 Pints on all drafts. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE!!!
When: Friday, August 10th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1987
Event Details
Class of 1987 - 25th “Get Together”
Location: The Breaks -Lounge (main floor) and Patio - 202 2nd Ave So. Great Falls MT
Details: Live Music – Open Fire Pit - Snacks -Trivia No Host Bar - Specials - $2.00 Pints on all drafts. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE!!!
When: Friday, August 10th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1987
Event Details
CMR 30th Reunion Update
Location: Half Time Sport Bar 1101 NW Bypass
Details: THURSDAY NIGHT: ALL CMR CLASS’ REUNION - At the Halftime Sports Bar.(1101 NW Bypass) Happy Hour is 5 – 7. The Band starts at 8pm (The Sliptones will be playing). Catch up with friends from the Class of 82 and other classes! FRIDAY AFTERNOON: BBQ SOCIAL! -IT WILL BE AT HERITAGE PARK (across from Giant Springs) 3-8pm There will be burgers and hot dogs cooked fresh on the BBQ and side dishes homemade by our own Brian Kappan. Come have fun and bring the kids if they came with you! This event will be a BYOB (BRING YOUR OWN BEVERAGE) alcohol is allowed. Water will be provided. SATURDAY NIGHT: FIESTA PARTY! -THE HIDEOUT, 2401 12TH AVE SOUTH (across from El Comedor) 5-9pm One of our all time favorites, El Comedor will be catering a taco bar for us. DJ FROM 7-9 (JUST FOR US) THEN THE BAR WILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT WE CAN STAY AND PLAY AS LONG AS WE LIKE! THERE WILL BE A LIVE BAND THERE THAT NIGHT TOO! A NIGHT OF GAMES AND FUN! CASUAL BEACH WEAR....HOWEVER SHOES AND SHIRT ARE REQUIRED! If you have any questions PLEASE EMAIL us at CMR-Class82@cox.net PAYMENTS RECEIVE JUNE 28 THRU AND INCLUDING THE PRICE AT THE DOOR: BBQ ADULTS EACH 20.00 KIDS EACH 6.00 (Under 12) FIESTA EACH 45.00 Again if you have any questions PLEASE EMAIL Jeri Thomas or myself at CMR-Class82@cox.net
When: Thursday, July 5th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1982
Event Details
CMR 30th Reunion Update
Location: Thursday - Halftime Sports Bar - Friday - Heritage Park (Across from Giant Springs) - Saturday - Hideout Lounge
Details: THURSDAY NIGHT: AT THE HALFTIME. All Class Reunion....Halftime will be having a band for us. Catch up with friends from the Class of 82 and other classes! FRIDAY AFTERNOON: BBQ SOCIAL!---IT WILL BE AT HERITAGE PARK (across from Giant Springs) 3-8pm There will be burgers and hot dogs cooked fresh on the BBQ and side dishes homemade by our own Brian Kappan. How yummy is that!? Come have fun and bring the kids if they came with you! This event will be a BYOB (BRING YOUR OWN BEVERAGE) alcohol is allowed. Water will be provided. SATURDAY NIGHT: FIESTA PARTY!----THE HIDEOUT, 2401 12TH AVE SOUTH (across from El Comedor) 5-9pm One of our all time favorites, El Comedor will be catering a taco bar for us. DJ FROM 7-9 (JUST FOR US) THEN THE BAR WILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT WE CAN STAY AND PLAY AS LONG AS WE LIKE! THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THEY MAY HAVE A LIVE BAND THERE THAT NIGHT TOO! A NIGHT OF GAMES AND FUN! CASUAL BEACHY WEAR....HOWEVER SHOES AND SHIRT ARE REQUIRED! TO MAKE THING LESS COMPLICATED. PLEASE SEND THE MONEY FOR THE FOR ALL EVENTS (FRIDAY BBQ SOCIAL AND SATURDAY NIGHT FIESTA PARTY) TO: JERI THOMAS 670 KING PARK DRIVE SUITE #3 BILLINGS MT 59102 ALSO INCLUDE: 1. PAYMENT PER PERSON ATTENDING EACH EVENT 2. NAMES OF ALL PERSONS ATTENDING EACH EVENT (EVEN KIDS FOR THE BBQ) 3. PLEASE SPECIFY WHICH EVENTS YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING 4. ADDRESS 5. PHONE NUMBER 6. EMAIL ADDRESS (FOR CONFIRMATION NOTICE) If you have any questions PLEASE EMAIL Jeri Thomas or myself at CMR-Class82@cox.net PAYMENTS RECEIVED JUNE 1-JUNE 28: BBQ ADULTS EACH 18.00 KIDS EACH 6.00 (Under 12) FIESTA EACH 40.00 PAYMENTS RECEIVE JUNE 28 THRU AND INCLUDING THE PRICE AT THE DOOR: BBQ ADULTS EACH 20.00 KIDS EACH 6.00 (Under 12) FIESTA EACH 45.00 Again if you have any questions PLEASE EMAIL Jeri Thomas or myself at CMR-Class82@cox.net
When: Thursday, July 5th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1982
Event Details
35th reunion
When: Undetermined
Invited Classes: 1977
Event Details
Details: Great Falls Montana class of 1972 class reunion will be held the 13th and 14th of July. If everything works out right the Saturday night event will be held with both Great Falls High and Great Falls Central. If classmates arrive in town as early as Thursday July 12th there may be an informal get together at the Hi Ho Bar. If there is some early interest in golf Ron Ehnes may coordinate some tee times.
When: Friday, July 13th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1972
Event Details
CMR Class of 82 - 30th Reunion
Location: GREAT NEWS: WE NOW HAVE A REUNION SCHEDULE! - - THURSDAY NIGHT: PARTY BUS!---STARTING AT THE HALFTIME. Places to stop will be but not limited to are Heidelberg, Club Cigar, Sip n Dip, Beacon, HiHo, Underground, Longhorn, Flamingo, American Bar. It will b
Details: July 5th thru July 8th.
When: Thursday, July 5th, 2012
Invited Classes: 1982
Event Details
Updated Reunion Information
Location: The Halftime
Details: There is no longer any golf on Thursday July 28th. Friday's function has been moved from the Skyline to the Halftime at 6pm. can't wait to see you there!!
When: Friday, July 29th, 2011
Invited Classes: 1991
Event Details
20 yr Reunion
Location: Reunion weekend Kicks off on Thursday, July 28th w/a golf scrummage with GFHS Class of 1991. Friday night will be a welcome reception at the Skyline Bar from 7pm-??. Saturday includes tours of CMR, and a class picture at the school; capping off the week
Details: See Attached document for further details.
When: Thursday, July 28th, 2011
Invited Classes: 1991
Event Details
Class of '86
Location: Black Eagle Community Center2332 Smelter Ave NEBlack Eagle MT 59414
Details: CLASS OF 1986 CMR CLASS REUNION AUG 5TH -- Giant Springs Picnic 11am-4pm. Bring your own food and drink. AUG 6TH -- Black Eagle Community Center 7pm-2am 2332 Smelter Ave NE Black Eagle, MT 59414 RSVP NO LATER THAN MAY 1, 2011 COST: $25 per person or $40 per couple Make payment via Paypal please add 3.5% on top of the charges. $40 = 41.40$; $25 = $25.87. Rooms are blocked at the following places/rates: Best Western Heritage Inn - $89.99 (406) 761-1900 Hampton Inn - $104.00 (406) 453-2675 Townhouse Inn - $78.00 (406) 761-4600 Tax isn't included in the rates. They are booked under 1986 CMR Class Reunion. PLEASE BOOK NO LATER THAN JULY 5TH ON THESE!!!! They will start releasing rooms from the blocks at that time. THANKS TO ANDI'S ADVERTISING FOR PROMOTING THIS EVENT. For additional information or questions please contact. Teresa Napierala-Pyle
When: Saturday, August 6th, 2011
Invited Classes: 1986
Event Details
35th Class Get together
Location: Old Skyline Bar
Details: We are having an "Unofficial" class get together, Aug 21. 4 pm- ?? -It's No Host...No Nothin'. Just show up, visit and get reconnected with old friends or make new ones. We couldn't say ALL class reunion cuz there's just to many in every class around ours, But everyone's welcome. At our age waiting 10 years between get togethers may be taxing our memory skills tooooo much.!! No frills...No fanfare...just people.
When: Saturday, August 21st, 2010
Invited Classes: 1975
Event Details
Class of 1980 - 30 Year Reunion
Location: Great Falls
Details: Please see the planning website for details. CMR80.home.bresnan.net Events scheduled for two days only. Thursday July 22 and Saturday July 24th. Keep checking the planning site for updated information and missing classmates list.
When: Saturday, July 24th, 2010
Invited Classes: 1980
Event Details
40 year reunion
Location: To be determined. Reunion will be held the weekend of July 16-17. Please e-mail Patti Eidel Ashmore at peashmore@gmail.com to leave your contact information. More details will follow.
When: Friday, July 16th, 2010
Invited Classes: 1970
Event Details
10 Class Reunion
Location: Aug 14th: Prospector Saloon & Gaming Parlor - 8 pm - - Aug 15th: Dinner/Social- Civic Center - $50 a person 6:30 pm to Midnight - - Aug 16th: Family BBQ- Elks Riverside Park - Adults $10 Kids $5
Details: YOU MUST RSVP TO ATTEND- this helps with planning, food, entertainment, t-shirts, etc.
When: Friday, August 14th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1999
Event Details
20 year reunion
Location: *Black Eagle Community Center July 24th 5:30-2am - *Family picnic Lyons Park on the 25th 12-3 - *Saturday night Club Cigar (optional) - * Golf Saturday after picnic (look at additional details below
When: Friday, July 24th, 2009
Invited Classes: 1989
Event Details

Plan a Reunion Event

Anyone can plan a reunion on our C. M. Russell High School site.

1. Choose a date and location.
2. Invite graduating class(es).
3. Sell Tickets & Merch (optional).

Get started ...

Some of our C. M. Russell High School alumni have already started planning their next reunion. Search our Rustlers reunion page to see if your class has posted any information. Our list of Rustlers reunions will give you all the details you need to know about your C. M. Russell High School reunion! Trust us you don’t want to miss your next reunion!

If you don’t see your C. M. Russell High School class reunion posted, you can start planning it today with our step-by-step planning process! Remember it is up to each class to plan their reunion and anyone can do it! Use our Rustlers Alumni Site and set up your FREE reunion website today with all the tools you need right at your fingertips!