Decade of The Seventies Riffian, Spartan and Centrl High School Reunion
New Orleans Hotel
Hi Eveyone! Taking a look at the classmates attending the Decade of the 70's Reunion of Riffians, Spartans and Central High.....there are not very many attendees from the Riffians 1970 -1980????........What's Up????? Did you not know this was happening....Well now is your chance to join loyal Riffians and celebrate little Ole "B" Town!
OK who's is planning to attend? September 25- 26 Las Vegas, New Orleans Hotel! When have the Riffians ever not represented?.....Also there is plenty to do and see in Vegas besides gamble......so let's get it together!
Todd Randall has gone to a bunch of trouble to arrange this get together and it looks like Riff's are not showing up!! Come on! It's Going to be a Blast!!!!
Please check the Decade of the 70's Barstow High School Reunion Riffian page. Please Please Please! Todd Randall said today there are about 105 people all ready signed up. We should have a wonderful time!
Bessie Ford Wooldridge is taking names of those wishing to assist Todd by being Greeters and other small duties!
Let's Do This! Thanks!
Tomi Ford
Friday, September 25th, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979
Event Details
Barstow High School Class of 1979 35 Year Reunion
High School & Harvey House
I am working on the mailing list and would like your complete information if you would like to give it to me. It makes no difference if you plan on attending I would still like to send you an invitation.
We will have so much fun seeing you.
Thank you,
Luanne Hardwick Lafleur
e-mail luannehardwicklafleur@yahoo.com
You can use this e-mail if you want to keep your information private.
Friday, October 17th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Reunion Cruise up Calif coast Sept 2015
Jewel of the Sea-Royal Caribbean
Changes due to availability of rooms. Barstow & Kennedy Multi year Reunion cruise LA to LA.78 nights. Passports required. $250 deposit per person due by July 1, 2014 payments ok after that with final by June 1, 2015. Jewel of the Sea Royal Caribbean. You get a better choice of rooms the sooner your book. See facebook page JKS/BHS REUNION CRUISE for more details and contact information. Or email to clkcounty@msn.com title your email REUNION CRUISE. Thank you and hope to hear from you. Donna Totten Howard CLASS OF BHS 1972.
Saturday, September 26th, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974
Event Details
Class of 1984 30th Reunion - Open to 1982 - 1986
Rosita's / Southpoint Hotel LV
Barstow High class of 1984 would like to invite classes 1982 - 1986 to join in on the fun celebrating our 30 year class reunion. We will be starting in Barstow on the night of August 1st and moving to Southpoint Hotel and Casino on August 2nd. More details to come on rates and phone number to use to reserve your room and join in on the fun. WE have to wait until three months prior to reserve a block of seats for the 80's tribute band. So June timeframe you'll get further details on that portion as well. Check out the FB page for the reunion at at https://www.facebook.com/events/247883188719935/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
Friday, August 1st, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986
Event Details
Barstow High School 40th Class Reunion - 1972
Hampton Inn, 2710 Lenwood Rd Barstow Ca. 92311
Date: Sept. 14th - 15th, 2012 Places: Sept. 14th , 2012 - No Host Cocktail Gathering at Idle Spurs - 6:00 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. Sept. 15th, 2012 - Hampton Inn Dinner & Dancing - 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight. - No Host Bar! There will also be a Photographer & the Food will be Catered.
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class '71 Reunion: Registration and Hotel Information
Orleans Cassino - Las Vegas, Nevada
BHS & JFK Class of 71 â�¢ 40th Reunion Las Vegas, NV â�¢ June 17-18, 2011 40th Reunion Festivity Fees June 17 & 18, 2011 Attention Classmates! After much patient anticipation on your part, and weeks of persistent negotiation and number crunching on our part, we wish to announce that our Festivity Fees have been painstakingly whittled down to the following: Two Price Options: �· Option #1- The Early Bird Discount: $119.00* per person. You save $20.00 IF youâ��re one of the first 71 people who pay your fee before 11:59 pm, April 18th, 2011. Youâ��ll be notified when weâ��ve met the limit. �· Option #2 â�� The Regular Price: $139.00* per person. Your fee will increase IF you pay after 12:01 am, April 19th thru June 17th, 2011. Free Room Prize Drawing! A drawing will be held for the first 71 people who get their Festivity Fee paid by April 18th. The winner of the drawing will receive a $200.00 credit towards their Orleans room reservation. (*Fee options shown also apply to guests. All fees are non-negotiable.) Two ways to pay. Choose the one that works best for you: 1. ONLINE: You can make your Festivity Fee payment online through PayPal. Go to: www.jfkreunion1971.com Click on â��JFK Festivity Feeâ��sâ�� from the menu. Follow the directions accordingly. (Note: Both BHS and JFK Classmates are welcome to utilize PayPal through this website. Your security is completely assured.) 2. BY CHECK: Please make your check payable as follows: �· BHS Classmates - Make your checks payable to: BHS 1971 40th Reunion Mail your checks to: Greg Hollingshead 3163 So. Crestview Cir. Bountiful, UT 84010 �· JFK Classmates - Make your checks payable to: JFK 1971 40th Reunion Mail you checks to: Gayle Davis 4898 Fairway Dr. Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Your 40th Reunion Festivity Fee includes the following: �· Friday Night Meet & Greet Reception: Generous variety of Chips & Dips, Imported & Domestic Cheeses, whole Fruits & Vegetables, and a selection of Hot & Cold Hors dâ�� Oeuvres. �· Saturday Evening Dinner Buffet: A selection of Entrees, mixed Green Salad Bar, Herb Roasted Red Potatoes, Wild Rice Blend, Fresh Vegetables, Rolls & Butter, a variety of Pie & Cakes, Coffees & Teas. �· A Professional Photographer, on site for all scheduled events. �· A 5 X 7 color print â��entry photoâ�� of you and your guest(s). �· Professional Music / DJ services, including customized music selections. �· A professionally printed, edited and full color Memory Book. �· Media presentation equipment for all events. �· Decorations & displays. �· Registration supplies. �· BHS & JFK website development and maintenance. �· A plethora of uneventful itemsâ�¦essential to the immensity of this event! The Orleans Hotel & Casino Room Rates* June 16, 2011 Thursday $34.00** June 17 Friday $79.00 June 18 Saturday $79.00 June 19 Sunday $34.00** * The Room rates listed above DO NOT include costs for Reunion Festivities. **Limited number of rooms. Book early! Details you need to know: �· All rates shown are net, per room, per night. �· All rates are subject to room tax at twelve percent (12%). �· A mandatory Resort Fee of $5.00 per room, per day, will be charged. This fee allows access to the Fitness Center, in-room coffee, unlimited local & 800 calls, as well as free Wi-Fi in Seattleâ��s Best Coffee Shop and High Speed Internet Access in the Hotels Business Center. �· All guests will be required to post a refundable $100.00 security deposit via a credit card, upon arrival. (Review #5 Room Reservation Examples, below) �· Photo identification will be required upon check-in! No exceptions. �· Check in begins at 3:00 p.m. �· Check out is at 12:00 noon. �· Single or double occupancy is the same rate. �· Rooms requiring triple or quad occupancy will be surcharged an additional $15.00 per guest, per room, per night. (Maximum is 4 adults & 4 children) �· Children age 14 and under are free. (If in the same room with parents in existing bedding.) �· If you require a handicap room, please call The Orleans Hotel ASAP. Reservation Procedures The Orleans Hotel Contact Information: The Orleans Hotel & Casino 4500 W. Tropicana Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89103 www.orleanscasino.com/groups Room Reservations Phone: (800) 675-3267 Business Hours for Reservations: Monday through Friday - 6:00 am to 11:00 pm (Pacific Time) Saturday & Sunday - 7:00 am to 11:00 pm (Pacific Time) Group Reservation Codes: Reservation ID: 1BKRC06 Group Name: BKR Class of 71 Cut-Off Date: May 16, 2011 (No Room Rate Guarantees after this date!) Quick Tips: 1. It is best to register on-line. 2. Registration Website: www.orleanscasino.com/groups 3. Enter Group Reservation ID: 1BKRC06 4. To register by phone, call: 800-675-3267 5. Give the Hotel your Group Name: BKR Class of 71 (Without this Group Name, you will not receive the special group rate!) 6. Credit Cards accepted: Individual accounts will be created for you when you register. You will be responsible for your own account. The equivalent of one (1) nightâ��s room and tax will be required in either the form of a credit card with expiration date, company/personal check, American Express; Diners Club; MasterCard; Discover; VISA; or Cashierâ��s Check. â��The Orleansâ�� accepts company/personal checks for payment of deposits only and must be received a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to arrival date. How to Contact the Committee If you have any questions regarding the Reunion activities just shoot one of us an email, or go to the following websites for Reunion postings: BHS Classmates Greg Hollingshead gh@xmission.com Rick Tullis rtullis123@aol.com Cathy Blevins-Woolsey blevinscathy@yahoo.com Roberta Walker-Chavira riffian72@aol.com BHS Alumni www.alumniclass.com/barstow JFK Classmates Cindy Berendzen cynthycastle@aol.com Gayle Davis gayleddavis@msn.com JFK 71 Website JFKreunion1971@msn.com Please plan ahead and get your reservations in before the May 16th deadline. Hereâ��s why: THERE ARE NO ROOM RATE GUARANTEES AFTER THIS DATE! This is prime time booking season for the hotel, which means the likelihood of additional rooms being available beyond 5-16-11 is questionable. So, jump at this opportunity and get your reservations made no later than MAY 1st!! LETâ��S GET CRACKINâ�� EVERYONE!!
Friday, June 17th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
BHS Class of 2000 Reunion
Rosita's Restaurant
BHS Class of 2000 Reunion Friday, December 17th - Meet & Greet Mixer - 8pm-???? Mixer is open to all BHS Alumni and their guests. Saturday, December 18th - Class of 2000 Dinner & Dance Social Hour 6pm-7pm Dinner 7pm-8pm Dance - 8pm - Midnight Location: Rosita's Restaurant - Barstow, CA RSVP for Dinner Pricing $35 - Single $65 - Couple See form for information on where to send payment!! Or email if have any questions!!! We will be selling tickets at the door however those who RSVP and pay in advance will get a lower price & a souvenir. No refunds will be given.
Saturday, December 18th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Barstow High Class of '99 Reunion
Hampton Inn
I have made a website for all of our fellow classmates to RSVP and to purchase tickets at www.barstowhigh1999.myevent.com. If you have any questions feel free to email me.
Saturday, August 29th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 Year Class Reunion
The festivities will start on Friday, October 2 at 6pm @ Barstow High School Homecoming Football Game and continue on Saturday, October 3 at 5:30pm at Los Domingos Mexican Restaurant inside the Quality Inn in Barstow
It's official! The 20 year reunion date has been set for October 2 and 3, 2009 in Barstow. Friday 10/2: We'll meet at the BHS Homecoming Football game starting at 6pm then Quigley's Restaurant right after the game for Mixer. Saturday 10/3: 11AM Bring the familiy! Meet at BHS Bordok Memorial Lunch area for lunch, and tour of the new school, and activies for the kids. Please bring your lawnchairs and drinks. 5:30PM: Check-in starts at Quality Inn in Barstow for dinner and festivities at Los Domingos Restaurant. Menu will be Mexican - cheese enchaladas, chicken fajitas, chili verde, rice, beans, salad, fruit, tortillas, chips, salsa, ice tea, water and coffee. There will be comedy entertainment, dancing, and giveaways! PRICE: $60/single $100/couple by 09/15/09 AFTER 9/15 $70/single $110/couple Payments can be made online at www.paypal.com to barstowhsclassof89@hotmail.com or mailed to Andi Flores c/o Stewart's Tax Service 109 E Fredricks Barstow, CA 92311 Make checks payable to: BHS Class of 89 Reunion. REMEMBER TO PAY EARLY AS PAYMENT AT THE DOOR WILL BE $80/person $120/couple ROOMS: Discounted rooms are being arranged in Barstow thru Holiday Inn Express & Suites OR Quality Inn mention BHS Reunion and receive a discount. PLEASE NOTE: An extra $1 should be added to your payment for processing fees if you are going to use PayPal for payment. We'll have a great time reminiscing the good times, laughing at the bad times, and just catching up with former Aztecs! Hope all of you can attend. PLEASE pass the word to other BHS and CHS classmates who graduated in 1989!! Catch us on FACEBOOK too! Barstow High School Class of 89.
Friday, October 2nd, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
BHS Class of 1988 Reunion
The reunion will be centered around Barstow High School's home coming weekend, October 17-18, 2008. Below are the scheduled events: - - October 17th, 6:00 PM – Friday Evening HOME COMING – Join your classmates at Barstow High School's Home Coming footba
If you RSVP and pay by September 30, 2008, Tickets for the Reunion weekend will be $60 per person. After September 30, 2008 tickets will be $70 per person. Payments can be made when you RSVP to the evite via Paypal OR send check payable to: 'BHS Class 88 Reunion' and mail to: Robin Asher BHS Class '88 PO Box 331 Barstow CA 92312 Please include who is the attending person/s and maiden name! Any funds not used for the reunion will be donated on behalf of the Class of 1988 to the Barstow High School Alumni Scholarship Fund.
Friday, October 17th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details