Class of 2011 Ten-Year Reunion
John Christ Winery
Check out the facebook page for more details - any updates can be found there!
-Jon Warren (
Saturday, July 31st, 2021
Invited Classes:
Event Details
ALHS Class of 1969
THIS IS A SAVE THE DATE NOTIFICATION...Plans are still being made, however, we have committed to "heavy" hors d'oeuvres at The Legacy at Sweetbriar (late afternoon/early evening). Watch for more information, including reservation form and cost later this year. Check back to this site if you don't see a personal email from our class email (
Friday, June 28th, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '83 Reunion
Hello all! Would like to announce here on behalf of the ALHS Class of '83 that we'll be having our 35th reunion the weekend of September 28-30, Avon Lake's homecoming weekend! Hope this effort and other efforts we're making will reach every member of our class. Please help us get the word out!
Some details:
* Friday, Sept. 28--Tailgate party before the homecoming football game, courtesy of Amie and Bob Amie Macura
* Saturday, Sept. 29--Enjoy Avon Lake's homecoming parade followed by a tour of the high school. A lot has changed!
*Saturday, Sept. 29--Barhopping at what your reunion committee has dubbed "The Lear Road Triangle."
*Sunday, Sept. 30--Wind up at the Avon Lake High School at the Kiwanis Homecoming Pancake Breakfast.
Please private message me if you have any questions, would like more details, or would like a link to our private FB class page for our class members/friends of our class.
Friday, September 28th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Class Reunion of Avon Lake High School Class of 1974
American Legion
We are returning to the American Legion for our reunion. It will be a fun gathering for all that choose to attend. The reunion committee hopes that all classmates will consider attending and decide to join us. The committee is still working on all the plans. Emails will be send to classmates and Facebook posting will be made. When info is available it will be presented to the best of the committee's abilities to reach the classmates of the Class of 1974.
Saturday, September 20th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
25 Year Reunion
We will be in an outside Pavilion at Legacy/Sweetbriar - $35.00 per person includes Appetizers/ Buffet Dinner/Dessert/Soft Drinks/ Coffee and Keg Beer. 80's music all night long. - Buffet will consist of chicken and beef so if you are a vegetarian, please
Event URL:
Saturday, July 21st, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details