Class of 2012, Let's Get It!
Virtual & In-person Events
Welcome amazing Class of 2012!
It's been a long time coming. My heart's filled with joy thinking about each of you and the opportunity to reunite again after 10 years. It's unreal when you add the days that have gone by since our last day at Amundsen. Do you remember signing one another's yearbooks and t-shirts along with all the cherished hugs? It may not have been your last time seeing one another but there are also a handful of those who haven't seen a familiar face since. After we all walked away, one thing we shared in common was adulthood-- or I guess you can add bills and debt too.
We accepted our responsibility to reflect, learn, try, and try again throughout the years. Now we have the opportunity to come together as grown people-- and I refuse to say adult because I know I'm not the only one who still feels like their shoe size. My hope is we can step away from our busy lives for one day to embrace the fullness of each other through reminiscing, laughing, crying, having fun, honoring those who are no longer with us, and continuing a future together.
I'm away from social media so if there are plans in place for a Class of 2012 reunion then please let me know and I'd love to help! On the other hand if this is our one stop for the reunion then I'd appreciate your creative ideas, teamwork, knowledge of resources, and most importantly, your beautiful selves to show up as you are in a safe space. If you know more information or would like to contribute to this one, feel free to reach out via email at chavez.j.michael@gmail.com then we can connect and start planning. Please include your full name if it's not clear in the email address. More information regarding the date, time, and location will be determined soon with your help. I would also greatly appreciate if you can post this message on social media or text it to others for the Class of 2012 alumni to see. I genuinely love you all and can't wait to see you!
With gratitude and peace,
Michael Chavez
Friday, August 12th, 2022 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1978 40th Reunion
The Blossom Cafe and Banquets
There will be an after party in the same parking lot as the event at Mullen's 8313 W. Lawrence, Norridge, Illinois from 11 p.m. - 2 a.m.. The next morning there will be breakfast at Elly's located at 5050 N. Cumberland, Norridge, Illinois starting at 9 a.m.
Please contact Cynthia Foutris Bekaris (1-847-767-6024) or Donna Rice (1-847-528-3043) for any questions. Also send an email to 1978amundsenhs@gmail.com to let them know if you plan on coming. The ticket for the event is $45.00 per person. This includes Dinner, DJ,dessert, coffee, tea and a souvenir. CASH BAR.
Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1968 - 50th Reunion
More information on Facebook - Amundsen Class of 1968 Reunion. Contact Ann (Spankus) Knoll at akdwk@aol.com
Friday, 6/22 - Meet at Amundsen at 12:30 for a trolley ride through the old neighborhood, lunch at Budacki's Drive-in, tour of the school. Approximate cost is $10 per person plus lunch.
Saturday, 6/23 - Family-style dinner at Maggiano's in Old Orchard Shopping Center, music, photographer and much more! Dress is casual for both events. NEED RSVPs for all, so please contact Ann ASAP.
Friday, June 22nd, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Amundsen Class of 93 reunion also Classes of 90,91,92,94
Green Dolphin
20+ years has gone by us and its time to catch up with old friends.. There's no better time than our 20yrs H.S. reunion. Please join us for Amundsen class of 93 reunion at The Dolphin 2200 N Ashland Saturday December 14,2013.. Reunion is from 8pm-12am a private event. Cash Bar with all Well Vodka drinks (Stolle/Absolute) $5 and $7 for Top Shelf Vodka Drinks (Grey Goose,Belvedere) Beers $4.The party continues till 5am when The Club opens to the public. Pass the word to all our classmates to have a fun reunion and hope to see everyone there..having said this, would also like to coordinately invite classes of 90,91,92 To join us on this important, memorable event in dedication to our friend and class of 93 mate Maria Tejada who unfortunately passed on 9-8-13.
Saturday, December 14th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
Event Details
A moment like this
Amundsen gym
All monies must be paid six months prior to this event,please Alicia Phillips by email for details on how to do so.
Friday, June 7th, 2013
Invited Classes:
Event Details
reunion 50th
had to give up on trying to put together a reunion....have a list of the graduates and contact e-mails for a few of them........anybody interested in trying to get this together (I'm definitely committedd to Aug 7 thru 11, 2012 ....VietNam Reunion)
Sunday, July 29th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Vikings Re-Unite!
TBD....Been trying for a while to get as many people together from the class of 62 (Both) and was side tracked due to sale of house and relocation but will renew this effort with vigor in June of 2011...
don't know where or when exactly but my 6th sense tells me it should be somewhere in the Chicago area (Duh) and preferably in the summer...(I just entered a date as the system would not let me post this without one) any and all suggestion are welcome and thanked for in advance. Olaf 619 942 9003
Wednesday, July 4th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '68 Combined 60th Birthday Bash
Hyatt Deerfield Hotel - 1750 Lake Cook Road - Deerfield, IL 60015 - (847) 945-3400
This is a giant birthday party for the class of 1968, who with one exception, are all turning 60 this year. It will be at the Hyatt Deerfield Hotel, Deerfield, IL
Saturday, October 16th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
5110 Annual Picnic
Location hasn't been decided yet. However, it will be at a Forest Preserve near the school and local express way for easy access.
“1st Annual 5110 Picnic†I hope you got RED, WHITE, or GREY in your closet. If you attended Amundsen during the years of 1988-1994. Come out and have a good time with your fellow classmates. Purchase a raffle ticket for $1.00 and win a gift every hour. Enter the drawing for King/Queen of the “1st Annual 5110 Picnic†The King or Queen will win a gift basket worth $50.00 Free Food Until It’s Gone……… Be sure to take a picture with your graduating class. Come on out and see classmates you haven't seen in years. Prizes will be given promptly at 2pm. Dress your best and bring your “A†game…………. This is a Saturday Afternoon Event. Contact: Michele 708-257-3900 or email michele_harrington@yahoo.com
Saturday, July 31st, 2010
Invited Classes:
1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
Event Details
40th Reunion Weekend Class of 1969
Starting with Hyatt Regency Reception on Friday, 8/14, tour and luncheon on Sat. 15, and ending the day with an evening cruise ship gala dinner! The cruise is $135/ Lunch is $25, Hyatt is a cash bar.
Correction to former posting regarding web site address that lists all reunion weekend details and lots more about our class: www.amundsen1969reunion.wordpress.com
Friday, August 14th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Skokie Banquet & Conference Center - Holiday Inn North Shore – Skokie IL
Contact us for details on time, ticket price etc. We need a USPS mailing address for everyone so that we can get you the detailed information.
Saturday, September 12th, 2009
Invited Classes:
1988, 1989, 1990
Event Details
Class of 1969 40th Reunion Dinner and Cruise
Spirit Cruise Ship located at Navy Pier
Registration and more information about a full weekend of activities on our classes web site: www.amundsen1969reunion.workpress.com
Saturday, August 15th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
class of 1983 get together
Flatliners in Lincolnshire Il
This is just a casual get together , You will be responisible for your food & drinks.
Saturday, October 11th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details
2nd Annual Beach Bash
Foster Avenue Beach. - Foster and the Lakefront - Look left of the beach house for the "Fun In The Sun" banner to make locating our group easier. - Let's make this a great event!
I started a small group 3 years ago to get back in touch with old friends.. It started with 4 girls from the Class of 78...it has grown over the years and we have a few get togethers each year to keep in touch. People have come from both Class of 77 and 78, so If you know any of us,feel free to contact me and join the get togethers. For the Beach Bash - It is a Bring Your Own ..A grill will be provided for anyones use, bring your coolers, family and friends for a day of re-kindling old friendships and making a few new ones along the way...this is NOT just an Alumni event..friends and families are welcome. email me at gthomas2 at weoneil dot com to get on the list - I'll send you a flyer as a reminder of the event.
Sunday, August 10th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details