Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Bill Manley
Bill Manley
Class of 1983
Air Force, 16 Years

U.S. Coast Guard from 1983-1987
U.S. Navy from 1988-1991
U.S. Air Force Reserves from 1998-Present
Chris Parsons
Chris Parsons
Class of 1995
Marine Corps, 13 Years

Marine Corps
Daniel F. Ingersol
Daniel F. Ingersol
Class of 1982
Navy, 20+ Years

Cryptologic Technician.
Dinah Crim Morgan
Dinah Crim Morgan
Class of 1979
Navy, 12 Years

First duty station Water Transportation Pearl Harbor, Ford Island. Harbor Patrol. Piloted 40-50 ft. boats around the Harbor. Switched to Aviation stationed in VC-6 Firebees Drone Sqn. out of Damneck Va., then went to NAS Mayport FL, Then Roosevelt Rds PR AIMD, then switchd to Parachute Rigger. Went to Lakehurst NJ to move school to Memphis. Graduated Top of my class, honor student & picked VRC-30 C2-A squadren out of North Island CA. Went round the horn of SA on the USS KittyHawk. There were 8 females on the whole ship. We were the first group of females to ever go through Shellback initiation on CV-63 KittyHawk. Made E-6 First Class Petty Officer & voluntarily got out to spend more time w/my daughter.
Gregory A. Baker
Gregory A. Baker
Class of 1979
National Guard, 19 Years

Joined originally in 1985 to pay for College. Left the Guard when I moved to Wisconsin in 1992. Joined again when I returned to Ohio in 2000. I've been full-time since 2007.
J.C Rogerson
J.C Rogerson
Class of 1982
Army, 20+ Years

A Soldier

Your Freedom he fights for you to keep
So you will be safe while you sleep

You condem him for being wrong
Yet the Soldier always stands strong

While you have the right to complain
A Soldier will fight for you, in the pouring rain

While he leaves his family behind
They are never very far from his mind

Remember every negative word you say
for YOU a Soldier keeps terror and bay

While a Soldier he may die
While a man he will not turn a blind eye
Jennifer Leipold
Jennifer Leipold
Class of 1998
Air Force, 5 Years

Air Traffic Controller, Eglin Air Force Base, FL
Justin Tharp
Justin Tharp
Class of 1998
Army, 5 Years

Currently serving in the US Army. Previously stationed at Ft. Hood, TX and currently stationed at Schofield Barracks, HI. Presently serving second tour of duty in Iraq.
Kevin Conahan
Kevin Conahan
Class of 1973
Army, 12 Years

CH 47 Chinook Helicopter ,Mechanic,Crew Chief, Flight Engineer. From June 1973 - December 1984
Mary Belle
Mary Belle
Class of 1980
Army, 15 Years

I was a supply sergeant-I miss the job badly
Matthew D. Rice
Matthew D. Rice
Class of 1979
Navy, 6 Years

Graduate of the Navy's Nuclear Power School. I was stationed on the island of Sardinia off the coast of Italy for 2 years and had the time of my life!!!
Matthew D. Rice
Matthew D. Rice
Class of 1979
Navy, 6 Years

Nuclear Program
Nancy Mitchell Coleman
Nancy Mitchell Coleman
Class of 1982
Army, 4 Years

Army Nurse Corps 1986-1990
Madigan Army Medical Center
Ft. Lewis, WA
Rhonda Smith
Rhonda Smith
Class of 1975
Army, 5 Years

Medical Clinical Specialist. Served at Fort San Houston, Texas and Fort Know, Kentucky
Class of 1977
Coast Guard, 5 Years,White.House.Pentegon.and.Presidential.Classroom..Also.U.S.C.G.Academy.and.Yoeman.for.USCG.Cutter.Eagle
Rick Wood
Rick Wood
Class of 1977
Coast Guard, 5 Years

Member of USCG Presedential Honor Guard, 1984-87, participated in ceremonies at WhiteHouse, Pentigon, Arlington Memorial Cemetary, Vietnam Memorial among many other events in and around Washington D.C.
Yeoman 2nd Class for the USCG Cutter Eagle in New London CT from 1987-89.
Spc. Brenneman, Jeffrey
Spc. Brenneman, Jeffrey
Class of 2001
Army, 6 Years

As a member of th First Cavalry Division has 2 combat eployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
William Fisher
William Fisher
Class of 1983
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

Operations Specialist

Classmates Spotlight

Woodridge High School Classmates

Rebecca Hawley
Class of '88

Alumni Stories

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School News

August 29th: Pre-game social

All alumni are invited to attend the pre-game social on the night of the first home football game. Social starts at 5:30...
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Our Woodridge High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Woodridge High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Peninsula are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!