Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Blake Henry
Blake Henry
Class of 1961
Army, 4 Years

Army Airborne Weisbaden, Germany.
Curtis A. Duncan
Curtis A. Duncan
Class of 1960
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

gunnery sgt
David Sprague
David Sprague
Class of 1968
Air Force, 20+ Years

Lt Col, USAF (ret) 1972-1994. Command Pilot.
A-7, F-4, F-16.
Gary Gerard
Gary Gerard
Class of 1962
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

Hank Stroop
Hank Stroop
Class of 1965
Air Force, 20+ Years

USAF Retired after completing 20 years of active service to include a tour of duty in DaNang Vietnam
Class of 1968
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Combat Veteran Veit Nam
James Allen
James Allen
Class of 1977
Army, 20+ Years

US Army and US Army Reserves (E-8/ MSG ,Retired) Desert Shield/Storm Veteran.
james f brannon
james f brannon
Class of 1967
Army, 20+ Years

us army 1967 to 1975 viet nam 1968 1969
army national guard blanchester 1975-1980
us air national guard rickenbacker 1980-1996
Joe Habermehl
Joe Habermehl
Class of 1978
Army, 10 Years

Katherine (Creech) Callaghan
Katherine (Creech) Callaghan
Class of 1993
Air Force, 16 Years

Lt Col, US Air Force. Operation Enduring Freedom ( Afghanistan) '02 - '04, Operation Iraqi Freedom '05; C-130 navigator; Strategic Planner; Squadron Operations Officer
Class of 1957
Army, 7 Years

Served 7 years including Advanced Infantry, Airborne training, brief tour in Asia and Turkey Also stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Lenard Patterson
Lenard Patterson
Class of 1965
Navy, 30 Years

United States Navy 30 years.
Nate Martin
Nate Martin
Class of 2007
Army, 4 Years

Deployed to iraq '09-'10...
Paul Edward Black
Paul Edward Black
Class of 1965
Air Force, 4 Years

Served From 1966 to 1970 United States Air Force
Peggy (Milner) Robinson
Peggy (Milner) Robinson
Class of 1974
Air Force, 20+ Years

Robert E McFeeters
Robert E McFeeters
Class of 1967
Air Force, 20+ Years

USAF 1968-1989
Robert L. Watters
Robert L. Watters
Class of 1962
Army, 2 Years

Served tour Vietnam
Robert L. Watters
Robert L. Watters
Class of 1962
Army, 2 Years

Served tour Vietnam
Ronald L Stjohn
Ronald L Stjohn
Class of 1977
Army, 8 Years

US army airborne specialforces
(Green Berets) 7th group ft bragg,nc
Ronald L Stjohn
Ronald L Stjohn
Class of 1977
Army, 8 Years

Army 7th specialforces group ft.bragg nc
Airborne All the Way!!!
Tim Mathews
Tim Mathews
Class of 1964
Air Force, 4 Years

ER and rescue medic. One tour in Vietnam...Pleiku from March '69 to March '70

Classmates Spotlight

Wilmington High School Classmates

William Van Hoose
Class of '74

Alumni Stories

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School News

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Our Wilmington High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Wilmington High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Wilmington are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!