Wetumpka High School Alumni

Wetumpka, Alabama (AL)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Ashley Barnes
Ashley Barnes
Class of 2000
Navy, 5 Years

I was stationed in Lemoore Ca and was an Aviation Storekeeper for the F/A-18 hornets and super hornets.
Class of 2004
Navy, 4 Years

Hospital Corpsman, stationed at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune,NC for 2 1/2 yrs. Hepled treat over 2,800 marines and their family members. Currently stationed on an air craft carrier(USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT CVN-71) where I help treat and prevent medical and dental diseases in over 3,000 sailors.
Bruce E. Mann
Bruce E. Mann
Class of 1976
Army, 20+ Years

Charles Jasper Powell
Charles Jasper Powell
Class of 1979
Air Force, 20+ Years

I work with the missles out in lompoc california. I have been stationed all over the united stated in my 20 plus years. I have enjoyed my military career and my family is very proud of me.
Christopher Woodall
Christopher Woodall
Class of 2002
Navy, 7 Years

I have been stationed in to military schools in Chicago, North Carolina, and San Diego. I have been stationed in Virginia, North Carolina, and Italy. I have completed one combat tour to Iraq. I am currently looking forward to a radiology school in Texas.
Clinton Simpson
Clinton Simpson
Class of 1999
Army, 8 Years

Currently serving in Germany as an Air Traffic Control Supervisor.
Dale Ryles
Dale Ryles
Class of 1981
Air Force, 20+ Years

Currently at the Air Force Academy working with cadets
Daranesha Gunn
Daranesha Gunn
Class of 2006
Army, 4 Years

MOS: 91C Enviromental Control Unit
David Attaway
David Attaway
Class of 1987
Air Force, 5 Years

Air Force Supply Specialist 21st Supply Elmendorf AFB Anchorage AK / 55TH Supply Offutt AFB NE
David Goodman
David Goodman
Class of 1969
Navy, 20+ Years

USN 1970-1989; US Army 1989-1993, Desert Storm
jan nelson
jan nelson
Class of 1980
Army, 13 Years

us army 101st airborne divison fort campbell kentucky...nuclear bilological and chemical warefare repairer
Jason Cooper
Jason Cooper
Class of 1992
Air Force, 17 Years

Flight Chief
Class of 1980
Army, 20+ Years

Enlisted in Active Duty Army in 1981. Served 12 years on active duty with rank E-1 thru E-6, and WO1-CW2. Left active duty in 1993. Currently serving as a Army Reservist, CW4, 915E Senior Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer, and also a Dual-Status Military Technician as a GS-12 Equipment Concentration Site Manager at Ft. Rucker Alabama
julius smith
julius smith
Class of 1995
Navy, 7 Years

Aviation Firefighter(Crash and Salvage). Serving as a rescue firefighter in the Uninted States Navy aboard the USS John C. Stennis CVN74.
Kevin Swindle
Kevin Swindle
Class of 1988
Air Force, 12 Years

6 years Air Force / 6 years Alabama Air National Guard
Larry Hinton
Larry Hinton
Class of 1968
Army, 4 Years

Joined army in 1968-1972. Went to advanced Training Ft. Devens Mass. Served in Thailand for 1 year then to Vietnam for 1 year. Served with 1st Air cav and the 101st airborne. Was a 05d30/f with 138th avn co. 101st. Went ft huachuka az. test and eval center, Got out there
Larry J Hinton
Larry J Hinton
Class of 1968
Army, 4 Years

Army security Agency
Laura Diane Bowden
Laura Diane Bowden
Class of 1985
Coast Guard, 5 Years

Presidential Honor Guard
Public Affairs Specialist
Matthew Payne
Matthew Payne
Class of 2000
National Guard, 8 Years

I am a traditonal guardsman at the 187th FW in Montgomery, AL. I serve on Active Duty for the National Guard, working for the Counter Drug Office.
Michael gola
Michael gola
Class of 1997
Army, 10 Years

Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Class of 2004
Army, 2 Years

Computer Electronic Specialist
Rodney Crenshaw
Rodney Crenshaw
Class of 1987
Army, 19 Years

In 2007 returned to the Lawton, OK after a 4 1/2 year tour in Giessen, Germany. While overseas served 2 tours in Iraq and trained with a Russian Field Artillery Battery. Currently serving as a Field Artillery Officer at Ft. Sill, OK.
Samuel E. Wright
Samuel E. Wright
Class of 1976
Air Force, 21 Years

Air Force Recruiter for last 13 years
Wade Watson
Wade Watson
Class of 2004
Army Reserves, 4 Years

Wade joined the Army Reserve in 2006. He completed Basic Training on Sept. 15, 2006 at Fort Knox, KY. Later, he completed Advanced Individual Training as a Heavy Wheeled Motor Operations Specialist on November 3, 2006 at Fort Leonard Wood, MI. His drilling unit is located at Fort McClellan in Anniston, AL. Currently he is a Specialist/E-4 promotable and hopes to make Sergeant/E-5 by the end of the year.
William Buckner
William Buckner
Class of 2001
Navy, 5 Years

Aviation Ordnance Tech. Served on board the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier from 2002-2006. Deployed to the Persian Gulf in 2006 in support of Opperation Iraqi Freedom. Currently serving at Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 3 in San DiegoCA

Classmates Spotlight

Wetumpka High School Classmates

Christy Vogel
Class of '92

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School News

Coach's Visitation

The turnout for Coach Bazemore's visitation was wonderful. He would have been surprised at the number of people that tu...
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Our Wetumpka High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Wetumpka High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Wetumpka are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!