Westmoor High School Alumni
Daly City, California (CA)

Recent Members
Angelo Chetcuti | 2025 |
Denise Lite | 1991 |
Diego Quintanilla | 2001 |
Erik Petrie Erik Petrie | 2000 |
Paul Spinetti | 1979 |
Ramina Sayad | 1964 |
Reggie Baumgardner | 1966 |
Ryan Alexander | 2020 |
Military Alumni
Honoring Our Heroes
This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!
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Honored Military Alumni

Alan A Knox
Class of 1979
Army, 23 Years
Served in the 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne. MSG US Army Iraq - Afghanistan. Deceased 1-12-2010
Class of 1979
Army, 23 Years
Served in the 101st Airborne and 82nd Airborne. MSG US Army Iraq - Afghanistan. Deceased 1-12-2010

Carl Lembke
Class of 1962
Air Force, 4 Years
served as a diesel mechanic from 62 until 1967
Washington Oregon and Alaska and finished at Mather in Sacramento
Class of 1962
Air Force, 4 Years
served as a diesel mechanic from 62 until 1967
Washington Oregon and Alaska and finished at Mather in Sacramento

Doug Becker
Class of 1966
Army, 12 Years
Military Intelligence, Airborne Ranger, Vietnam 1972-73
Chair Welcome Home Vets, Inc. www.welcomehomevets.org
Class of 1966
Army, 12 Years
Military Intelligence, Airborne Ranger, Vietnam 1972-73
Chair Welcome Home Vets, Inc. www.welcomehomevets.org

Edward Brown
Class of 1994
Army, 9 Years
I served with the 341st Military Police Company out of San Jose California. Spent 14 months overseas in Iraq. I saw Basra, Bagdad, and Balad.
Class of 1994
Army, 9 Years
I served with the 341st Military Police Company out of San Jose California. Spent 14 months overseas in Iraq. I saw Basra, Bagdad, and Balad.

Emmanuel Reyes Cruz
Class of 1981
Army, 20+ Years
Retired Army infantry and cavalry scout sergeant and wounded warrior, 1981-1992 Cold War veteran. 1991 Gulf War veteran. 2003-2005 OIF Iraqi Freedom invasion veteran, 2005 Katrina Hurricane relief 2007-2009 OIF Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan and Kosovo combat veteran. Was in the 1st and 2nd infantry and 1st cavalry.
Class of 1981
Army, 20+ Years
Retired Army infantry and cavalry scout sergeant and wounded warrior, 1981-1992 Cold War veteran. 1991 Gulf War veteran. 2003-2005 OIF Iraqi Freedom invasion veteran, 2005 Katrina Hurricane relief 2007-2009 OIF Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan and Kosovo combat veteran. Was in the 1st and 2nd infantry and 1st cavalry.

Gerard A. Palmer
Class of 1967
Army, 20+ Years
68-71 Served in Thailand (during Vietnam) with the Army Security Agency; 71-74 Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, with the 25th Infantry Division "Golden Dragons"; 74-76 The Pentagon; 76-80 Ft. Gordon, GA as an Instructor and Drill Sergeant and 80- 87 The White House Communications Agency serving President Carter and President Reagan.
Class of 1967
Army, 20+ Years
68-71 Served in Thailand (during Vietnam) with the Army Security Agency; 71-74 Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, with the 25th Infantry Division "Golden Dragons"; 74-76 The Pentagon; 76-80 Ft. Gordon, GA as an Instructor and Drill Sergeant and 80- 87 The White House Communications Agency serving President Carter and President Reagan.

Greg Deal
Class of 1968
Army, 3 Years
Graduated from Tacticle Microwave Communications Repair course at Fort Monmouth, NJ Nov. 1971. Stationed in DaNang, Vietnam 1971-1972. The rest of my service was spent at Fort Bragg, NC.
Class of 1968
Army, 3 Years
Graduated from Tacticle Microwave Communications Repair course at Fort Monmouth, NJ Nov. 1971. Stationed in DaNang, Vietnam 1971-1972. The rest of my service was spent at Fort Bragg, NC.

Henry J. Nachtsheim, III
Class of 1965
Army, 20+ Years
"Hank" Nachtsheim attended Westmoor HS in 1964-65 as a senior, but moved to Marin County before he could graduate. He was a member of the Rams football team. His military career was from 1965-1994 and he is retired at the rank of Colonel. He is presently still in the national defense business working with Army commanders and their staffs as they deploy to combat zones.
Class of 1965
Army, 20+ Years
"Hank" Nachtsheim attended Westmoor HS in 1964-65 as a senior, but moved to Marin County before he could graduate. He was a member of the Rams football team. His military career was from 1965-1994 and he is retired at the rank of Colonel. He is presently still in the national defense business working with Army commanders and their staffs as they deploy to combat zones.

HMC Vita A. Lambe-Tibbs
Class of 1976
Navy, 20+ Years
I joined the Navy in 1986, the best decision I've made. Served during Desert Storm/Desert Shield, USN-8 yrs
USN-R-15 yrs Nobel Eagle/Enduring Freedom.
Class of 1976
Navy, 20+ Years
I joined the Navy in 1986, the best decision I've made. Served during Desert Storm/Desert Shield, USN-8 yrs
USN-R-15 yrs Nobel Eagle/Enduring Freedom.

Janice Murphy
Class of 1965
Air Force, 20+ Years
Active duty '75-'79 Med Tech at the Air Force Academy Hosp, CO Spr.
Full time reservist as a Aeromedical Evacuation Technician - 16 yrs at Travis AFB, 7 yrs at Dobbins ARB, GA and fired for turning 60 at March ARB, CA. 2000+hrs in C-141A/B, 100 + hrs in most models of C-130 and ? hrs in the C-17. Despite accruing all those hrs in the back of the plane - all things to do with flying duties were exciting and at times, scary.
Thanks and prayers for all my fellow vets.
Class of 1965
Air Force, 20+ Years
Active duty '75-'79 Med Tech at the Air Force Academy Hosp, CO Spr.
Full time reservist as a Aeromedical Evacuation Technician - 16 yrs at Travis AFB, 7 yrs at Dobbins ARB, GA and fired for turning 60 at March ARB, CA. 2000+hrs in C-141A/B, 100 + hrs in most models of C-130 and ? hrs in the C-17. Despite accruing all those hrs in the back of the plane - all things to do with flying duties were exciting and at times, scary.
Thanks and prayers for all my fellow vets.

John Hamlett
Class of 1962
Navy, 4 Years
Enlisted in USN 5 days after high school graduation and served 4 years, 3 of which was aboard USS Orleck (DD886) as a Radioman. Orleck was a WWII destroyer that also served in the very end of that war then in Korea (the original "Train Buster") then finally Vietnam. She is now a naval museum in Lake Charles, LA and will be moving to Jacksonville, FL in the near future.
Class of 1962
Navy, 4 Years
Enlisted in USN 5 days after high school graduation and served 4 years, 3 of which was aboard USS Orleck (DD886) as a Radioman. Orleck was a WWII destroyer that also served in the very end of that war then in Korea (the original "Train Buster") then finally Vietnam. She is now a naval museum in Lake Charles, LA and will be moving to Jacksonville, FL in the near future.

Martin Shotwell
Class of 1974
Army, 8 Years
U.S. Army Europe May 1975 to Nov.4 1983
Class of 1974
Army, 8 Years
U.S. Army Europe May 1975 to Nov.4 1983

Michael Spiegelman
Class of 1966
Air Force, 20+ Years
Joined the Air Force to see the world, but 17 of my 20 years of service were spent in the Midwest (Kansas, North Dakota, and Nebraska). I worked primarily in missile operations and also worked in computer operations and human factors test and evaluation. I retired from the military in 1993.
Class of 1966
Air Force, 20+ Years
Joined the Air Force to see the world, but 17 of my 20 years of service were spent in the Midwest (Kansas, North Dakota, and Nebraska). I worked primarily in missile operations and also worked in computer operations and human factors test and evaluation. I retired from the military in 1993.

mike murphy
Class of 1960
Air Force, 4 Years
I served as a jet aircraft mechanic with the 476th Tactical Fighterr Squadron on F104 Starfighters. I was based at George Air Base in Southern Caifornia, Moron De La Frontera in Spain, and Hahn Air Base in Germany. I was discharged in 1964 and then went on to work at Douglas Aircraft and Northrop Grumman until my retirement in 2005. I was never unemployed a day. I must have learned something at Westmoor!!!!
Class of 1960
Air Force, 4 Years
I served as a jet aircraft mechanic with the 476th Tactical Fighterr Squadron on F104 Starfighters. I was based at George Air Base in Southern Caifornia, Moron De La Frontera in Spain, and Hahn Air Base in Germany. I was discharged in 1964 and then went on to work at Douglas Aircraft and Northrop Grumman until my retirement in 2005. I was never unemployed a day. I must have learned something at Westmoor!!!!

Mike Westkamper
Class of 1960
Navy, 7 Years
1960 - 1967 - US Navy Submarine force and other interesting stuff.
Class of 1960
Navy, 7 Years
1960 - 1967 - US Navy Submarine force and other interesting stuff.

Nancy Mikulin
Class of 1975
Air Force, 20+ Years
Commander, 349th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Travis AFB CA. Has served in the Air Force for 24 years and is still serving.
Class of 1975
Air Force, 20+ Years
Commander, 349th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Travis AFB CA. Has served in the Air Force for 24 years and is still serving.

Orville Voight
Class of 1967
Army, 4 Years
Served in Berlin, Germany 1968-1971
I was a German Voice intercept Operator
Class of 1967
Army, 4 Years
Served in Berlin, Germany 1968-1971
I was a German Voice intercept Operator

Paul Allan Bennett
Class of 1960
Navy, 20+ Years
I started out enlisting in the Navy i 1960. My intentions were to do four years and get out in order to attend college. Alas, I wound up re-enlisting while I was stationed in Japan. I literally, "Saw the World." Most of my assignments were overseas. Twenty eight out of thirty four years for were at overseas duty stations. It was about equal in years between the Pacific and the Atlantic. I spent 20 years as an enlisted man and 14 as an Officer. My highest enlisted rank was AVCM (E-9) and officer rank was CWO (W-4) If I had the chance to do it all over, I would have remained enlisted. However, W-4 retirement pay is much higher than E-9.
Class of 1960
Navy, 20+ Years
I started out enlisting in the Navy i 1960. My intentions were to do four years and get out in order to attend college. Alas, I wound up re-enlisting while I was stationed in Japan. I literally, "Saw the World." Most of my assignments were overseas. Twenty eight out of thirty four years for were at overseas duty stations. It was about equal in years between the Pacific and the Atlantic. I spent 20 years as an enlisted man and 14 as an Officer. My highest enlisted rank was AVCM (E-9) and officer rank was CWO (W-4) If I had the chance to do it all over, I would have remained enlisted. However, W-4 retirement pay is much higher than E-9.

Paul Allan Bennett
Class of 1960
Navy, 20+ Years
Enlisten in the Navy August 1960. Retired Mach 1994. Served as Aviation Electronics Technician and rose from E-1 to E-9 (AVCM) Continued on to Chief Warrant Officer W-3 to W-4. Served in Vietnam Conflict and Operation Desert Shield. Spent a total of 28 years on 'overseas duty' in Europe and Asia.
Class of 1960
Navy, 20+ Years
Enlisten in the Navy August 1960. Retired Mach 1994. Served as Aviation Electronics Technician and rose from E-1 to E-9 (AVCM) Continued on to Chief Warrant Officer W-3 to W-4. Served in Vietnam Conflict and Operation Desert Shield. Spent a total of 28 years on 'overseas duty' in Europe and Asia.

Paul Pucci
Class of 1967
Army, 21 Years
USF ROTC Distinguished Graduate commissioned 1971 Military Intelligence & detailed to Armor. Attended Armor Officer Basic course. Airborne, Ranger. Served in Germany as an armor platoon leader, then as an intelligence office for an armor brigade. Successfully attended MI Advanced course, the MI Counterintelligence Agent course, and the C&GS course. Served with the Army Special Security Group, DIA (Indications & Warning Directorate), and Army CID (Econ Crime Branch Chief). 3 tours in Korea (S-2 & ADA Battery Cdr, Senior Intel Officer for 19th SUPCOM, & CI & Security Branch Chief for EUSA/USFK. Served with the 18th Airborne Corps during Operations Just Caused and Desert Shield & Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. Retired in 1993 as an LTC.
Class of 1967
Army, 21 Years
USF ROTC Distinguished Graduate commissioned 1971 Military Intelligence & detailed to Armor. Attended Armor Officer Basic course. Airborne, Ranger. Served in Germany as an armor platoon leader, then as an intelligence office for an armor brigade. Successfully attended MI Advanced course, the MI Counterintelligence Agent course, and the C&GS course. Served with the Army Special Security Group, DIA (Indications & Warning Directorate), and Army CID (Econ Crime Branch Chief). 3 tours in Korea (S-2 & ADA Battery Cdr, Senior Intel Officer for 19th SUPCOM, & CI & Security Branch Chief for EUSA/USFK. Served with the 18th Airborne Corps during Operations Just Caused and Desert Shield & Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. Retired in 1993 as an LTC.

Peter Partington
Class of 1967
Army, 20+ Years
Retired Army: CSM 1967-1991
Served in Vietnam,Panama invasion,Korea,Middle East,Japan,Hawaii,Ft. Bragg,Ft. Sill, Ft. Sam Houston, Ft. Lewis
Class of 1967
Army, 20+ Years
Retired Army: CSM 1967-1991
Served in Vietnam,Panama invasion,Korea,Middle East,Japan,Hawaii,Ft. Bragg,Ft. Sill, Ft. Sam Houston, Ft. Lewis

Richard M Montosa
Class of 1971
Army, 18 Years
I served in the Military Police Corps. Stationed in Panama, Korea, Germany, California (Ft Ord, Persideo of San Francisco, Stockton), North Carolina, Washington, Georgia,
Class of 1971
Army, 18 Years
I served in the Military Police Corps. Stationed in Panama, Korea, Germany, California (Ft Ord, Persideo of San Francisco, Stockton), North Carolina, Washington, Georgia,

Ritchie Buenviaje
Class of 2000
Air Force, 1 Years
Currently a developmental engineer at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Class of 2000
Air Force, 1 Years
Currently a developmental engineer at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

Robert Avila
Class of 1977
Army, 18 Years
U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel currently deployed in Djibouti, Africa for Operation Enduring Freedom.
Class of 1977
Army, 18 Years
U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel currently deployed in Djibouti, Africa for Operation Enduring Freedom.

Scott Baker
Class of 1969
Navy, 20+ Years
Helped keep our MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) policy by ensuring the SSBN 654 GC Marshall was ready to launch a devastating salvo of nuclear tipped ballistic missals. Left active duty as a MM2 (SS) USNR another 30 ish years CWO4
Class of 1969
Navy, 20+ Years
Helped keep our MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) policy by ensuring the SSBN 654 GC Marshall was ready to launch a devastating salvo of nuclear tipped ballistic missals. Left active duty as a MM2 (SS) USNR another 30 ish years CWO4

Stephen Bartelmez
Class of 1965
Army, 3 Years
Drafted in 1966 for two years, assigned to the Infantry orders to Vietnam. Instead applied to Combat Medic School, completed the course in Ft Sam Houston (but that cost me 1 further year in the Army) was order to Vietnam. Applied for Surgical Asst School and got it. Assigned to Vietnam in 1968 after graduating the school, No more delays I had to go. In Vietnam is worked in Mash Hospitals in Chu Lai, Hue and last six months in Lai Kai (25 mi from the "Fish-Hook", Cambodia). I almost worked out my 1 Year tour, but within two weeks of going home I came down with Hepatitis B and within a day they flew me shipped to Kyoto, Japan where I was quarantined for 4 months. Many months before that I had applied to UC Berkeley and as miracles have it I was accepted. Finally I was let out the the Army and started at Berkeley, only to return to violence in my own country, including Berkeley. BUT, we prevented death at the Mash Hospitals for thousands of casualties...American soldiers predominantly but also many were Vietnamese women and kids.
Class of 1965
Army, 3 Years
Drafted in 1966 for two years, assigned to the Infantry orders to Vietnam. Instead applied to Combat Medic School, completed the course in Ft Sam Houston (but that cost me 1 further year in the Army) was order to Vietnam. Applied for Surgical Asst School and got it. Assigned to Vietnam in 1968 after graduating the school, No more delays I had to go. In Vietnam is worked in Mash Hospitals in Chu Lai, Hue and last six months in Lai Kai (25 mi from the "Fish-Hook", Cambodia). I almost worked out my 1 Year tour, but within two weeks of going home I came down with Hepatitis B and within a day they flew me shipped to Kyoto, Japan where I was quarantined for 4 months. Many months before that I had applied to UC Berkeley and as miracles have it I was accepted. Finally I was let out the the Army and started at Berkeley, only to return to violence in my own country, including Berkeley. BUT, we prevented death at the Mash Hospitals for thousands of casualties...American soldiers predominantly but also many were Vietnamese women and kids.

Stephen Bartelmez
Class of 1965
Army, 3 Years
2 years training in the USA as a Combat Medic then a Surgical Assistant. Served in Vietnam for 1 year (1968-1969) in two hospitals: the 312th Evacuation Hospital (Chu Lai) and the 2nd Surgical MASH Hospital (Hue Phu Bai in the North then we moved to Lai Kai (1st Infantry)in the South, 25 miles from the "Fishhook" on the Cambodian/Vietnam border)
Class of 1965
Army, 3 Years
2 years training in the USA as a Combat Medic then a Surgical Assistant. Served in Vietnam for 1 year (1968-1969) in two hospitals: the 312th Evacuation Hospital (Chu Lai) and the 2nd Surgical MASH Hospital (Hue Phu Bai in the North then we moved to Lai Kai (1st Infantry)in the South, 25 miles from the "Fishhook" on the Cambodian/Vietnam border)

Steve Zweig
Class of 1966
Army, 2 Years
Armor Corps - Lieutenant, 3/8 Armored Cavalry - Mannheim, Germany 1971/1973
Class of 1966
Army, 2 Years
Armor Corps - Lieutenant, 3/8 Armored Cavalry - Mannheim, Germany 1971/1973

Teresa Wright Cruz
Class of 1969
Marine Corps, 4 Years
I stayed in US, working for Command Centers and Flight Lines in Ground Electronics. A great experience that opened many doors for me.
Class of 1969
Marine Corps, 4 Years
I stayed in US, working for Command Centers and Flight Lines in Ground Electronics. A great experience that opened many doors for me.

Todd M. Rogers
Class of 1987
Army, 9 Years
I was enlisted in the US ARMY from April 18th, 1988 until June 7th, 1997.
I was stationed at Ft. Jackson, SC in C Co 3rd/63rd Infantry, entering right out of high school.
I held several MOS's while in service, which included 5 years in the US ARMY RESERVES.
I entered AIT at Ft. Gordon, GA in MOS 72E (Tactical Telecommunications Center Operator) with C Co, 366th Signal Company, graduating in April 1989, and being sent to my first and only permanent party station at A CO 29th SIGNAL BATTALION, Ft. Lewis, WA.
In 1991, MOS 72E was phased out and we were all reclassified and retrained in the first modern cellular net technology, 31D, Mobile Subscriber Equipment Transmission Center Operator.
I ETS'd from Active Duty June 7, 1992, entering the Reserve Component later that same month after a 38 terminal leave left over from active duty.
I entered an E-5 slotted position in my old MOS 72E but it was a dead end position.
After a debacle surrounding my promotion to E-5, seeing me re-enlist for 1 year to make the next promotion board, I was shafted by the E-9 Command Sergeant Major that did not do his job by getting my promotion packet submitted in time to be considered and have me promoted before I would have to reenlist, I left service on my own terms after dressing down that E-9 in front of the entire company command.
I screamed in his face for 15 solid minutes at ear splitting decibel levels for committing fraud against me.
I was NOT court-martialed, reprimanded or punished in anyway for that incident, and 7 NCO's of rank E-7 or higher attempted to stop me from leaving, but I'd had enough of the lies and the deceit and the complacency of the upper echelons in my unit, HHC 319th Transportation Brigade (COSCOM).
I am proud of my time in service, and I wear my pride on my person daily in the form of head gear, vest and usually ample proof of my military service, my VA ID Card.
Class of 1987
Army, 9 Years
I was enlisted in the US ARMY from April 18th, 1988 until June 7th, 1997.
I was stationed at Ft. Jackson, SC in C Co 3rd/63rd Infantry, entering right out of high school.
I held several MOS's while in service, which included 5 years in the US ARMY RESERVES.
I entered AIT at Ft. Gordon, GA in MOS 72E (Tactical Telecommunications Center Operator) with C Co, 366th Signal Company, graduating in April 1989, and being sent to my first and only permanent party station at A CO 29th SIGNAL BATTALION, Ft. Lewis, WA.
In 1991, MOS 72E was phased out and we were all reclassified and retrained in the first modern cellular net technology, 31D, Mobile Subscriber Equipment Transmission Center Operator.
I ETS'd from Active Duty June 7, 1992, entering the Reserve Component later that same month after a 38 terminal leave left over from active duty.
I entered an E-5 slotted position in my old MOS 72E but it was a dead end position.
After a debacle surrounding my promotion to E-5, seeing me re-enlist for 1 year to make the next promotion board, I was shafted by the E-9 Command Sergeant Major that did not do his job by getting my promotion packet submitted in time to be considered and have me promoted before I would have to reenlist, I left service on my own terms after dressing down that E-9 in front of the entire company command.
I screamed in his face for 15 solid minutes at ear splitting decibel levels for committing fraud against me.
I was NOT court-martialed, reprimanded or punished in anyway for that incident, and 7 NCO's of rank E-7 or higher attempted to stop me from leaving, but I'd had enough of the lies and the deceit and the complacency of the upper echelons in my unit, HHC 319th Transportation Brigade (COSCOM).
I am proud of my time in service, and I wear my pride on my person daily in the form of head gear, vest and usually ample proof of my military service, my VA ID Card.

William Fears
Class of 1960
Navy, 20+ Years
30 yrs retired in 1990 as an AFCM. served in many fighter squadrons out of NAS Miramar san diego ca
Class of 1960
Navy, 20+ Years
30 yrs retired in 1990 as an AFCM. served in many fighter squadrons out of NAS Miramar san diego ca
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Our Westmoor High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Westmoor High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Daly City are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!