WHHS 50th Reunion Class of 1966
Holiday Inn Downtown
The WHHS CLASS OF 1966 50th REUNION is set for SEPTEMBER 24, 2016, thanks to Eileen Moors Parker. PLEASE REPLY TO JONPCAMPBELL@HOTMAIL.COM to confirm YOUR CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS if you have not done so, and to advise if you expect to attend the brunch at the Holiday Inn Downtown from 10:30 to 12:30 at a cost of $15 per person. Once you confirm attendance, we will email ticket and payment details. SAVE THAT DATE TO ATTEND and pass this on to any and all classmates with whom you have contact information. Getting room reservations for those who need them in Johnstown may be advisable asap. Football game to follow.
In addition, The 3rd Annual Westmont All Class Reunion will be held at the Bottle Works Art Building in Cambria City on Saturday night after the game on September 24 and there are other activities Friday nite.
Contact the Alumni Association to register, join, and reserve a spot at the all class gathering. You can reach them at www.alumniclass.com/westmonthilltop
Or go to the Westmont Hilltop Alumni Association at the “WHHA” website:
Saturday, September 24th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1980 35th Reunion
The Blvd Grille
This reunion will be very casual at The Blvd Grille. We will have finger foods provided. Details still to be worked out and will be updated soon! Hope you all can make it!
Saturday, October 17th, 2015
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1964 50th Year Reunion
Verious Locations in Johnstown
The 50th year reunion for the Class of 1964 will be a special weekend event! We are planning a meet and greet gathering on Friday night at a local arts center, a tour of the high school building, optional trips for local sightseeing (we are less than a 1 hour drive from the Flight 93 National Memorial), a dinner on Saturday night at Sunnehanna Country Club, and a wind-up event on Sunday at the home of a classmate. Plans are continuing. Watch here for updates.
Friday, September 5th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
WHHS class of 1980 30th reunion
The Mirage Banquet Room:located at 800 Scalp avenue in richland.
casual attire. cash bar. DJ Tony Pecora Buffett dinner at 7 pm
Saturday, July 31st, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Westmont Hilltop Class of 1989 20th Year Class Reunion
Our reunion will be held during Westy's Annual Homecoming Weekend, so there will be many fun events throughout the weekend. The main reunion event is being held on Saturday, October 17 at City View Bar & Grill. Be on the lookout for more detailed info
Saturday, October 17th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details