Friday. 10/21/2016, 7- 11pm: Meet and Greet, Midway Home Solutions Appliance Center, 14444 Atstar St., Victorville, CA
Saturday 10/22/2016, 10 am: Route 66 Museum for coffee and refreshments
Saturday 10/22/2016, 6:00pm until 11:30pm. Hilton Garden Hotel, Mariposa Rd, Victorville, CA, 760-952-1200 mention the Class of 1966 Reunion for discount when making reservations.
Sunday, 10/23/2016, 10 am: La Casita Mexican Resturant, 14977 Palmdale Road, Victorville, CA
Send reservations to John Blanc, 18231 Hwy 18, Suite 7, Apple Valley, CA 92307. ($66.00 per person) Reservations 'MUST' be received before October 8, 2016.
Welcome all classmates from 1993! Its our 20 year already! Please get your tickets and come join a weekend of fun and taking it back! Comedy show by our very own Joe Turner aka "JT Smoove", great Italian food, purchase drinks from the full bar and dance the night away! Attire: Evening/Fancy. Please go to to purchase your tickets.
Anyone can plan a reunion on our Victor Valley High School site.
1. Choose a date and location.
2. Invite graduating class(es).
3. Sell Tickets & Merch (optional).
Get started ...
Some of our Victor Valley High School alumni have already started planning their next reunion. Search our Jackrabbits reunion page to see if your class has posted any information. Our list of Jackrabbits reunions will give you all the details you need to know about your Victor Valley High School reunion! Trust us you don’t want to miss your next reunion!
If you don’t see your Victor Valley High School class reunion posted, you can start planning it today with our step-by-step planning process! Remember it is up to each class to plan their reunion and anyone can do it! Use our Jackrabbits Alumni Site and set up your FREE reunion website today with all the tools you need right at your fingertips!