One to Remember Class of 1973 -40th Class Reunion
Bone Island Grill
Fri 7/1/13 get together for those who can make it at Bone Island Grill.....Sat 7/13/13 decorate the hall for girls only and wives of classmates at 11:00 am....1:00 tour the high school ...6:00pm meet and greet old friends at Bone Island Grille and 7:30 dinner for the reunion...Sun breakfast at 9:30 and possilble bowling at summit lanes in the afternoon ...will let you know more when I have the correct infor...
Saturday, July 13th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Class Reunion
Holiday Inn on September 22, 2012
Download the attached invitation for the specifc information on the reunion. See you all real soon.
Friday, September 21st, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
"back to school" Class of 1960 50th Reunion
October 1st: 6:00 PM Meet at the old school gym. - October 2nd: the Old Mitch's Bar - 6:00 P.M.Social Hour 7:00 P.M. Dinner - *DJ 1960 Music only* - Cash Bar - $40.00 per couple
Make check payable to: Kathy Bouldrey at 700 Dollar Lake Dr. Jackson, MI 49201 Menu: Baked Chicken, Roast Beef, Red Potatoes, Green Beans, Garden & Pasta Salads Hotels: Old Holiday Inn: 517-783-2681 Baymont 517-789-9980 Super 8 517-788-8780 *BE THERE*
Friday, October 1st, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1980 30th Year Class Reunion
Bella Notte Ristorante - The Mighigan Ave. Room - 137 W. Michigan Ave. in Jackson
Please complete and return this portion by May 30th. Thank you! Name(s) - Address - Phone no / E-mail Address - Make checks or money order payable to: Tracy Boyers, VCL Class of 1980, and mail to 3235 W. Franklin, Jackson, MI 49203. Friday night will be a deck/tent party at Misty’s – if interested please let us know.
Saturday, August 7th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
20 Year Reunion
Friday, 12 June, 7:00-10:00pm (party/ice-breaker at the "Rocket") - Saturday, 13 June, 1:00pm - ??? (picnic at VCL park) - Sunday, 14 June, 11:00am (tour of VCL HS) - Sunday, 14 June, 1:00pm - ??? (farewell lunch at the "Bone Island Grille")
The ticket price for the whole weekend worth of events (under one ticket) is $20 per adult (no cost for kids). The exception is that, participants of the Saturday event will be asked to bring a passing dish or something (items needed will be assigned as soon as we know who roughly will be in attendance), and Sunday's "buffet" will be individually paid at the restaurant and is marked for $7 per person (if you choose to eat). The associated cost for the group is the rental cost for the banquet room on Sunday.
Friday, June 12th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details