20 Year Reunion – TPHS Class of '98
Hilton San Diego/Del Mar
Go to the following link for more details: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/20-year-reunion-tphs-class-of-98-tickets-47579166568
To the fine men and women of the Class of ’98 - please join in an evening of Falcon spirit, reflection, and renewed friendships. Grab a sitter if you need one and bring a date. Help spread the word - tell your friends, put it in your calendar and purchase your tickets today!
Regular Rate is available September 1st - November 1st.
Slacker Rate is available November 2nd - Night of.
Contact us at tphsclassof98reunion@gmail.com. If you are interested in volunteering to help with set-up and checking guests in, please contact us directly.
Net proceeds from this event will go to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention San Diego Chapter (https://afsp.org/chapter/afsp-san-diego/) in loving memory of our friend and classmate, Greg Rodrigues.
(There will also be an opportunity for cash donations at the event)
Friday, November 23rd, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
TPHS Class of 1988 and Friends 30-year Reunion
Belly Up Tavern
This event is open to the class of 1988 and our friends who attended (or hung out with people from) TPHS during the 1988-ish timeframe.
Tickets now on sale!
$60/each through July 18th.
$65/each thereafter and at the door.
Admission includes hors'douvres and 2 drinks (wine or beer) with bar being no host outside of that. Pre-purchase admission before July 18th to get two free raffle tickets!
We have three ways to pay: PayPal, Venmo (preferred methods) or Credit Card (add'l $2 convenience fee for each ticket.)
Ready to buy?
Email us at: tphsclassof88@gmail.com with your preferred method and how many tickets and we will either send you the email for PayPal or Venmo (which will be a personal email so we are not posting on FB) or an invoice for CC payment.
Event Schedule:
Date: Friday, August 3rd
Location: Belly Up Tavern
143 S Cedros Ave, Solana Beach, CA 92075
Time: 9PM to 1AM
We have Resurrection Radio ready to play. For those of you who don't know, 3 of them are TPHS grads that were there with us. Tim Campen, Scott McWilliams & Rob Coppo. And Rob is the current Principal of TPHS. We also have some other guest appearances of classmates we are trying to work in.
With the BUT holding 600 folks we have more than enough room for everyone, so don't be shy about sharing this with friends from other years!
RAFFLE UPDATE: Held at the main event (Friday, Aug 3rd). If you are local and want to make a prize donation, please let me know. Please keep in mind that we have folks traveling in from out of the area. If you feel like being generous, I would suggest a gift card to Best Buy vs. an actual TV. :)
If you are out of the area and still want to pitch in, the easiest thing is to "sponsor" a gift basket or prize. Donate cash and either tell me the prize you want to sponsor or give me a theme, and I will build a gift basket using the funds you provide. I will make a note on each prize/basket indicating who sponsored it. I can also provide you with receipts if you need them for accounting purposes. Just let me know if you are interested in participating.
We have also booked a space at San Dieguito park on Saturday for a get together picnic event and to see Mark O's bench.
Time is TBD
Sunday is a pub crawl through our old haunts. We are also working on setting up a tour of the high school since it is so different from when we were there.
If you have thoughts on other activities, please let us know!
We would love to see as many of you as possible as well as the other folks who were at the school with us so help us out!
Want to help make this an amazing event?
The most important thing to ensure a good time for all is to make sure this event is well-attended. In order to do that, Heather and I need your help in tracking down our classmates. We know many folks are watching for updates on FB so we will keep publishing there, but please help us get the word out to others.
Friday, August 3rd, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
Event Details
TPHS Class of 2006 Reunion
I'm trying to find other class of 2006 students who might like to help organize or have already started organizing. I'm from out of town so I'd like to start planning sooner rather than later:)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Torrey Pines Class of 1984 30th Reunion Party
Encinitas Elks Lodge
Our tickets are selling fast, so hurry up and purchase them from our web site, www.tphs84.com
Once we are sold out, we are sold out! Tickets will not be sold at the door.
All you can eat street tacos, live music, photo booth, and much more!
Stay tuned for more exciting details for the night!
Friday, June 20th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988
Event Details
Class of 1981, 30 year reunion
Lomas Santa Fe Country Club in Solana Beach
Visit our website for more information: http://www.tphs1981.org/reunion2011_the-trifecta/ There are three days of events, with Friday July 8th being the main event. Please join us, we'd love to see you.
Friday, July 8th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Reunion update
UCSD Faculty Club - Please note start time is 6, not 7, as listed before.
$120 after May 17 Great friends, upscale food and wine, beautiful venue, live music, cool DJ, professional photographer, prizes, surprise entertainment. All classes welcome.
Saturday, July 17th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 Year Reunion torreypines1980.com
UCSD Faculty Club, La Jolla
Please visit torreypines1980.com to find out more about our 30 year reunion! You can enter your e-mail address and other info, reconnect with friends, help us find missing persons, check out and upload photos, and eventually purchase your reunion ticket on the site. Our reunion is Saturday, July 17, 2010 at the UCSD Faculty Club. Patricia Kendrick and I welcome your suggestions and help, and we look forward to seeing you next summer! Take care, Kari Nogle
Saturday, July 17th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30 Year Reunion
William D. Evans Sternwheeler, Bahia Resort, San Diego
After an informal Friday night get together at Fidels, soin us for Saturday night aboard the William D. Evans Sternwheeler (www.sternwheelers.com) at the Bahia Resort (www.bahiahotel.com). We'll board and have a cocktail/hors d'oeuvres reception...with lots of socializing starting around 6:30, then on to a scrumptious sit down dinner, followed by a wonderful cruise around Mission Bay, where we can enjoy the SeaWorld fireworks and dancing ! For those who want to shake their groove thing and partake of a summer evening on the bay, the party will continue after docking, 'til midnight! We expect this to be a memorable evening for all. Note - for those of you who are interested in rooms at the Bahia, please call hotel reservations directly at 800-576-4229 and mention the Torrey Pines Reunion.
Saturday, July 18th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details