St Johns High School Alumni

St. Johns, Michigan (MI)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

Lost Class Rings

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Honored Military Alumni

Andrew Nelson
Andrew Nelson
Class of 2005
Army, 1 Years

PFC Andrew Nelson was killed in action Dec. 25th, 2006 by an IED in Baghdad, Iraq. He was stationed in Schweinfurt, Germany with the 9th Engineer unit.
Ann Wilbur
Ann Wilbur
Class of 1965
Air Force, 20+ Years

I was emloyed by the Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) as a classrom teacher at Air Force installations in Japan, Norway, and Germany where my husband served as a chaplain. All 3 of my children graduated from overseas high schools. They or their spouises then went on to attend the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado.
Arlis Oliver Sloan
Arlis Oliver Sloan
Class of 1986
Army, 10 Years

Service in Persian Gulf War 1990-1991, Somalia East Africa 1993.
82nd Airborne Division, 10th Mountain Division, Arizona Army National Guard.
Billy M Klier
Billy M Klier
Class of 2005
Army, 3 Years

Entered September 2007. Basic training @ Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri. Jump school @ Ft. Benning, Georgia. Stationed @ Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. Served with 92nd airborne and now since reenlisting in 2010, is with 101st airborne. MOS is Nuclear, Chemical, Biological. As of yet not been deployed to middle east. Possible lifer.
Christopher Roof
Christopher Roof
Class of 2003
Army, 2 Years

Currently deployed until may 2011
Donald Hulett
Donald Hulett
Class of 1983
Army, 20+ Years

Electronic Technician for the FLIR Apache targeting system, Overseas tours:Netherlands, Italy, Germany. Served in support of OIF& OEF in Afgahnastan & Sarajevo.
Dorothy R. Williams
Dorothy R. Williams
Class of 1969
Army, 7 Years

Military Intelligence, Russian inquist, Military Police
Dorothy Williams
Dorothy Williams
Class of 1969
Army, 7 Years

Oct.1973 thru Nov 1980, Russian Linquist, Top Secret Military Security, Military Police. Stationed in Germany from 1972 thru 1977
Gary Mayers
Gary Mayers
Class of 1983
Army, 20+ Years

Maintenance Test Pilot for UH-60 Blackhawks, flew AH-1 Cobra, Uh-1 Huey, and OH-58 Kiowa aircraft. Medevac pilot that evacuated over 2000 patients with only one loss. Veteran of IFOR (Bosnia, 1995), OEF (Afghanistan, 2004/5) and OIF(Iraq, 2003). Stationed in Germany, Korea, and other exciting places worldwide.
Jamie Gwilliam
Jamie Gwilliam
Class of 1992
National Guard, 6 Years

Signed up during Iraq War at the age of 35 while working as a classroom teacher. ETS from an Aviation Unit in Kentucky.
Jereme Olson
Jereme Olson
Class of 1998
Army, 7 Years

Completed 7.7 years, to combat tours, one tour in Korea. Obtained two different MOS's. Petroleum supply, and welder.
Jim Mrazek
Jim Mrazek
Class of 1983
Army, 3 Years

Military Police-
Ft. Campbell, KY 101st MP Co
Camp Darby, Nurenburg, Germany 615 MP Co
Jim SHane
Jim SHane
Class of 1974
Air Force, 20+ Years

Served 21 years as a Weapons System Officer flying F-111s. Participated in Operation Eldorado Canyon, Desert Shield, and Desert Storm.
John Welch
John Welch
Class of 1987
Navy, 7 Years

Weapons Technician on board USS Carl Vinson
ken brownhole
ken brownhole
Class of 1969
Coast Guard, 19 Years

cleaned bouyes along the grand river. i didnt make it to twenty years because they thru me in the brigg for miss approprating parking ticket funds
Kirk Robbins
Kirk Robbins
Class of 1975
Marine Corps, 4 Years

Budget Officer
Mark Heller
Mark Heller
Class of 1973
Air Force, 20+ Years

28 years, Golf War
Nick Kruger
Nick Kruger
Class of 1987
Navy, 4 Years

Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class Petty Officer.
Naval Air Station South Weymouth Massachusetts
Ralph Shinevar
Ralph Shinevar
Class of 1974
Air Force, 20+ Years

Information Manager
Randall Dollarhite
Randall Dollarhite
Class of 1976
Army, 4 Years

Wheel Veh. Mech. and Tams clerk, Whse. Inv. Cont.
Victoria Martinez
Victoria Martinez
Class of 1985
Army, 20+ Years

Served for 23 yrs. MI Army National Guard and Active Duty (Washington State and Afghanistan).

Classmates Spotlight

St Johns High School Classmates

Andrea Nelson
Class of '99

Alumni Stories

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School News

2012 class of 1942 will have its 70 year reunion

We are looking for, Gerald Crumb, Hazel Nickelson Collins, and Eloise Schreiner Porter. If you have and information you...
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Our St Johns High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our St Johns High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in St. Johns are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!