Simon Kenton High School Alumni

Independence, Kentucky (KY)

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Simon Kenton High School Reunions

2007 pioneers
When: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 2007
Event Details
Class of 1963 Annual Luncheon
Location: LaRosa's
Details: Let's meet at 1:00 at LaRosa's, Independence, KY, on Friday, September 20. Please join us if you can. Look forward to seeing everyone.
When: Friday, September 20th, 2024 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1963
Event Details

Past Reunions:

Class of 1963 60th Reunion Luncheon
Details: Cost to be determined.
When: Friday, September 15th, 2023 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1963
Event Details
SKHS Class of 78 - 40th Reunion
Location: Walt's Hitching Post
Details: We will have a three course meal, 2 drink tickets for beer/wine, open bar, DJ - Erine Brown from SKHS 76 (The Fatman on WEBN)
When: Saturday, October 20th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1978
Event Details
Class of 1968 50th Reunion
Location: Summit Hills Counrtry Club
Details: If you have any memorabilia you would love to share please bring it.
When: Saturday, August 4th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1968
Event Details
50 Year High School Class Reunion
Location: Holiday Inn
Details: Cost: $50 per person - includes dinner and music. Cash Bar available.

Please make checks out to - Simon Kenton Class of '66 and mail to:

David Smallwood
816 Stephens Road
Independence, KY 41051

Please have checks in by August 31.
When: Friday, October 7th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1966
Event Details
Class of 1966 Reunion
Location: Holiday Inn (Mineola Pk.)
Details: Mail checks to: David Smallwood 816 Stephens Rd. Independence, KY 41051 by August 30, 2016. Any questions should be addressed to Linda Napier Ledford via Facebook. If you are not on Facebook email Linda at or Mickey Hoffman at
Make checks payable to Simon Kenton Class of 1966
When: Saturday, October 8th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1966
Event Details
Class of 2005 Reunion
Location: Bourbon & Broad
Details: If you haven't already, please check out our Facebook page "Simon Kenton High School - Class of 2005" for payment details or contact Stephanie Pryor by email for more information:
When: Saturday, November 14th, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 2005
Event Details
Class of 1960 55th Reunion
Location: Commonwealth Hilton
When: Saturday, May 16th, 2015
Invited Classes: 1960
Event Details
Class of 1958 56th reunion
Location: General Butler State Park
Details: 502-732-4384 for room reservations at Butler State Park lodge if desired.
If you can possibly be in town for a family visit or could manage a quick trip, we think it would be fun. We have this dinner each year in September just to keep in touch between the more significant reunions.
There will also be a short discussion about planning for our future reunions. If you would like to be involved in that planning let us know.
Please let us know by Sept. 5th if you plan on coming so we can reserve a spot for you – or not.
When: Saturday, September 20th, 2014
Invited Classes: All Classes
Event Details
Simon Kenton High School Classes of 68 69 70
Location: Summit Hills Country Club
When: Saturday, August 2nd, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1968, 1969, 1970
Event Details
Simon Kenton 45th Class Reunion
Location: Summit Hills Country Club
Details: You can golf early $77.00 per person or come and swim. Then enjoy the evening festivities.
When: Saturday, August 2nd, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes: 1969
Event Details
Class of 1958 55th Reunion
Location: Colonial Cottage
Details: Reservations must be made by September 1, 2013. Contact Alvin Gibson at, Jim Kannady at 859-356-6022, Karen Cain Hubbs at, or Eileen Lucas Ehlman at (859-356-6525) for reservations or quiries.
When: Saturday, September 21st, 2013
Invited Classes: All Classes
Event Details
50th year Class Reunion
Location: Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport - 1717 Airport Exchange Blvd. - Erlanger, KY 41018
Details: Friday Oct.11-Attend home football game at SK (2013 schedule not yet available, so might not be a home game) Sat. morning-meet at Frisch's in Independence for bkfst and SK tour
When: Saturday, October 12th, 2013
Invited Classes: 1963
Event Details
Simon Kenton 50th Reunion Class of 1961
Location: Nicks Grove
Details: Simon Kenton Class of 1961—50th Year Reunion Next Committee Meeting: Time: 5:30 p.m. Acapulco's Mexican Restaurant 6477 Taylor Mill Road Highway 16 April 13 Wed. 2011 Reunion Date: June 11, 2011 Quick note on Marilyn Schadler Young one of cherished classmates who is in CCU at Good Sam's in Ohio,(no visitors)but may have cards and flowers 11th floor. She was day by day, however she is now in a regular room. I took over a copy of the 40th reunion DVD and gave it to her daughter Kim. This is a very sweet family and we would ask that all SK grads say your prayers for her and her family. She is in God's hands. Reunion: Location Reunion Nick's Grove Saturday June 11,2011 Good news the committee is keeping the price to $35.00 ea. You will receive a letter from the committee with the address to send your check for the reunion. The Committee has agreed on some other official events for your weekend of your reunion for the Class of 1961. The Committee has decided to go to the new Mexican Restaurant next to the Cherokee Plaza on Taylor Mill Highway in Independence called "Acapulco's" for Friday Night. June and I went to lunch there this past Sunday after church and the food was excellent and we took some pictures for you to see on the sight below. Time will be given after the next meeting. Suggested 5:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Or later. (extra plans will be discussed at April 13th 2011 Committee meeting at Acapulco's. This meet and greet old friends and make new will give time for renewing friendships with former classmates at a restaurant where food and drinks will be "Dutch Treat" and a cash bar for those who wish to come on Friday June 10, 2011. Saturday Morning: June 11th 2011 Breakfast at 9:00 am "Dutch Treat", for those who want to come at the Independence Town Center's new Frisch's Restaurant before we go on the tour of the remodeled Simon Kenton High School at 11:00 am. Simon Kenton Tour at 11:00 AM See all the new facilities. Dress confortable: Bring a camera! "Vintage" cars will be on display. Nick's Grove Social Get Together 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM Becky and her staff will prepare some delicious items for us to excite our taste buds while we chat and mingle before the taking of our class picture at 6:30 pm sharp for lighting purposes by the lake. Pictures of Class: Dale Volker has agreed to take our class pictures at a very reasonable price. He teaches photography at our Library’s and has won several awards. His special price for us will be sent to you in our next letter. He will do 11X14's, 8X10’s, 5X7’s and 4X6's He will take your orders and will send you the pictures. Make checks payable to Dale Voelker Photography the evening of the event. Remember the picture will be at 6:30 PM in front of the lake at Nick's Grove. Evening Dinner: Becky's and Veto's Special Fried Chicken plus two other choices will be on the Buffet Nick’s Grove is the same place we held our 40th Reunion and everybody seemed to have a great time. June and I will have a little surprise for each of the class members who come will be given a DVD of the 40th Reunion class 1961.We have already given one to the Committee Members and enjoyed watching it at our last meeting. We welcome you to come to the committee meetings and help plan this great event in our lives. We had our 4th meeting and some great ideas came from the committee members. For those who want to, we will meet for Saturday morning breakfast at the New Frisch's Restaurant right on the corner of Bristow and old 3 L Highway in front of Kroger’s in Independence. Time 9:00 AM. Yes, Frisch's and Kroger are right here in Independence for you out of Towner’s, who ever thought this would have happened? Just think of our days at Mikes and the Pin Ball machine and our closest Frisch's was Fort Mitchell, Drive through. Wait till you see Richard’s restored 55 Chevy. And Jerry's (David Teagarden's) 56 Thunderbird Convertible, (weather permitting), now living in the area by Land between the Lakes. What memories. Jerry Binder's going to bring his 1954 Ranch Wagon. Maybe you have an old car from our history you would like to share. After Breakfast, 11:00 A.M. "Tour" Dress comfortable there will be some walking. We will be taking a tour of the new Simon Kenton High School and that will be an eye opener for sure. This will lead up to a night of fun and fellowship at Nick's Grove. We will hold a photo session, including some of the old cars and yes, with all us “young” classmates. Bring your cameras. This is going to be a special time so please give us a call or send us an email with your address and phone number so you can take part in this great event in each of our lives. We want to invite as many of our teachers and school personnel as possible. Janet, Martha and Diane and all the committee are working to find as many of our classmates as possible and are doing a great job, but your help is invited. Give us a call at 859-653-7000 or email us at or visit the Simon Kenton Web Site, click on Alumni and let us hear from you…if your life touches the lives of the class of 1961. We need to have these addresses in by our meeting February 24, 2011. June 11, 2001 is just around the corner so let us all help to find our classmates…I am going to send out the hound dogs, looking for all our classmates, many of whom have moved to other states. If you know of their whereabouts let me know so that I may call them about the reunion. If you have questions give me or any committee member a call or email... John Stephenson 859-653-7000 This is our committee thus far and we are adding someone each day. Butler, Pamela Marcum Binder, William Jerry Crail, Chester Fields, Roy Godman, Henry “Butch” Hensley, Larry Johnson, Charlie Kemper, Michael Kunkel, Kathleen Mains Lamkin, Judy New Ledford, Stanley Peebles, Richard Staggs, Jr. Sterling Stanley, Janet Bilz Edmonds, Martha Snider Ron Stephens Stevens, Sandra Lutz Stephenson, John Tarvin, Joyce Jacobsen Turner, Nancy Ellis Watson, Donna Works, Diana Littrell Rodney Reel February 24, 2011 Simon Kenton High School Class of 61. Is this really the 50th year for the Simon Kenton Class of 1961? Let me look back and see what has happened. As I look around, I realize that we have more in common today than we did as students in the late 50’s and early 60’s at Simon Kenton High School. We are all members of AARP. We all collect Social Security. We are all eligible for Medicare and we all get senior discounts wherever we go. So far, so good! However, the odds are we all experiencing the infamous “gravitational pull”, gray hair, if we don’t dye it and if we are blessed enough; we still have enough hair to comb or style!! I once was very interested in the theories of Freud and Jung; about the phenomenon of aging and Erik Erikson's famous doctrine of “Integrity and Despair”. Well my friends forget about it! Today, we are living in the era of Zoloft, Paxil, Viagra, CIALIS, mood stabilizers, Botox, and Liposuction. Morally speaking, Censorship has all but been thrown out the window and “Tolerance” seems to be the demand of this era. I don’t know about you, but one very clear discovery I have made is that the older I get the smarter my parents and elders have become! So why are we going to attend the class of 1961 Simon Kenton High School reunion? Is it to recapture the feelings of youth and immortality, the confidence that” I can do anything, go anywhere and do anything”? Those feelings of youth and ambition and unfettered energy seem to come alive at a class reunion. I remember my classmates with excitement and joy and a real sense that we, as a group of students, in the past 50 years, have each, someway, somehow contributed to making this a better country. We all have contributed in our own different ways because our commencement speaker, Lloyd Baldwin encouraged us to. He gave us the charge of our life to become involved. We all did just that. We have produced families, businesses, churches, schools and communities and we have stayed true to God in the process. We all have failed and we all have succeeded, that is the American way. We truly have lived in the most prolific and rapidly changing decades in all of our World’s history. We have seen changes in food production and agriculture, energy supplies, technology, medicine, education. The one central theme which still remains essential in our lives is personal faith in God as our Creator. How else can we remain anchored in this life of wars, peace treaties, social and economic crises, health challenges, raising families, hardships and more? In all our years that we have been away from Simon Kenton High School, I have also discovered that, regardless of how old we get, how gray we get, how heavy we get, how many wrinkles we get, how slow we are moving from place to place, God has not changed in it all. You see, though man has the tendency to look at the outward appearance, Praise God, He is more interested in looking at the condition of our hearts, spiritually speaking that is. Adam and Eve, God’s first human creations, certainly went astray, throwing all future generations under the bus and out of God’s original perfect plan of His relationship with us. That original sin led one brother, Cain, to murder his brother, Able. This original sin led to animals, which were created to eat vegetation, to become predatorial. Sin entered the world and only God could “give us another chance”. Even at that moment in time, God was “planning ahead” by orchestrating the perfect plan; the only door to a restored, personal relationship with Him, the door, His Son, Jesus Christ. As my dear classmates, I hope you have made the same discovery. You see, this 50th S.K. H.S. Reunion is going to be a grand time, but I also pray that each of my cherished classmates will be at the greatest and final reunion that mankind will ever experience, in Heaven! I thought my fellow classmates would enjoy a look back into time to the years we were born and have lived. The unique thing about this look into history gives proof to the theory that History is the light to our future. Many inventions have given us a longer life span and the ability to be great contributors to our society’s wellbeing. We are not just here to remember our youth, but to revitalize our dreams to invent, procure and innovate into and for generations to come or until our Lord comes to take us home. We possess one of the most important ingredients to maintain a free American Society and it is called hope, experience and wisdom. We must share it and insist that it be heard. Two of Life’s great lessons of life and struggles fall into two main categories: the freedoms we abuse we tend to loose and the freedoms we fail to use we tend to loose. This is where we must exert our Godly principals which our forefathers presented to us. We must have the integrity of our first President George Washington when sworn into office said while addressing Congress, “It will be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being, who rules over the universe, --who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aid can supply every human defect, --that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States, a government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes, --and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success the functions allotted to His charge. In tendering this homage to the great Author of every public and private good, I assure myself that it expresses our sentiments not less than my own; nor those of my fellow – citizens at large, less than either. No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.” In conclusion, Washington said, “I shall take my present leave, but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the human race, in humble supplication, that since He has been pleased to favor the American people with opportunities for deliberating in perfect tranquility, and dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of government for the security of their union and advancement of their happiness; so His divine blessing may be equally conspicuous, in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations and wise measures, on which the success of this government must depend.” The Senate and Congress agreed and the Senate was close with divine worship. (Taken from a book on the life of Washington, by Anna C. Reed) We have seen many great leaders in our country from our early presidents and a great Senator from Kentucky named Henry Clay, whose art of compromise is thought to have saved the Union from the Precipice of destruction due to the civil war. His efforts can be read in the book by Robert V. Remini entitled “At the Edge of the Precipice”. The great president also from Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln led the country not only during the war, but had the insight of reconstruction and healing the Nation and ending the plague of slavery. Then there was the Rough Rider, Teddy Roosevelt, who was the great conservationist and leader for whom we owe acknowledgement for most of our National Parks which were created by the hands of God. Our parents and grandparents lived through the great depression and had a great leader in Franklin D. Roosevelt who pulled us out of the Great Depression and World War II. He who knew the hand of God said, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself” He led the WPA and other Government projects and built many infrastructures, putting our people back to work. Social Security was passed and has provided a safety net for millions of our citizens. Harry Truman, who was thrown into the office of the President due to the death of Roosevelt, showed the courage, honesty and leadership to end the war by dropping the bombs in order to save two nations in the process. We saw the rise of the Cold War and the leadership of Ike and his great warning to be aware of the Military Industrial Complex and its many avenues which he said was his greatest fear for our future. We personally witnessed and can recall the era of the Kennedys and John who said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country.” His youthfulness and charisma and the fact that he had great insight instilled hope in a generation which would reach for the moon and saw no limits. His tragic death and his brother Robert’s to follow left the country in deep despair. Only the wisdom and experience of LBJ and his legislative skills could draw the country out of this funk and pull the country together with many civil rights pieces of legislation helping those, who for decades had been in a trap of segregation and its practices. This swing to the left and Viet Nam brought rebellion in our streets and provoked Johnson to not run for re-election. I remember in 1968 and 1969 leading demonstrations to support troops on the streets of Covington and Cincinnati. The year I graduated from the University of Kentucky, 1970, Commencements canceled due to the burning of the ROTC center on campus. Next Richard Nixon and Watergate, overshadowing his great foreign policy and diplomacy abilities. Jimmy Carter, while an honest man, was not able to control the country due to his micromanagement style and lack of experienced staff. Jimmy Carter’s international, influential presence as a former President, however, has far outweighed his time while in office. He has contributed a great measure to world peace, including one major accomplishment in the Middle East, when in fact, during his presidency, this had been a stalemate. Gerald Ford was a good “caretaker” President and honest man. However, this was the day of television and Carter effectively put together a great campaign, with good timing. Ronald Reagan, possessing obvious skills in acting coupled with personal integrity and smooth and convincing public speaking ability, was able to clinch his presidency. He knew how to successfully use every form of media to speak to the American Public. Reagan had been the calling card for the Republican Party for many years and he should be credited with bringing down the Cold War and the wall of Communism with the help of many church leaders, including the Pope John and Billy Graham and millions who prayed about it for years. I remember standing on the street corner with my wife June Geiman-Stephenson in Hungry in 1989 praying with local citizens about the wall and their imprisonment behind the Iron Curtain. Then came Bill Clinton who both tarnished the White House with his behavior, and demonstrated how the country could run most efficiently when both parties worked together to promote all the citizens. I believe Clinton was the smartest President in my life time. While I did not agree with his behavior and did not vote for him, I knew he was going to be elected President. George Bush Senior had been the “businessman’s” president and seemed to be in a “due no harm” caretaker mode as an executive, and his son George W. Bush, while I am sure he thinks he was in charge, I personally believe Vice President Dick Cheney was excessively influential in this administration because his extensive amount of time he was able to have with George W. in private meetings. This influence, whether knowingly or not on George W.s’ part, greatly affected his administrations’ policies until late into his second term. I did and do respect George W.’s belief in Jesus and the fact that he tried to do the best he could do. I think his book, which was just released, is most informative. That brings us to Barack Obama for whom I voted. I most assuredly do not believe that his victory was a mistake considering the choices. I voted for Mike Huckabee in the primaries. Obama is very intelligent, like Carter, but, in my opinion, has thus far placed himself in the dubious position of being a one term President and turning the House of Representatives over to the Republicans, one of which I am. I did not vote for him just because he was black. I also voted for George Wallace one time and for Jessie Jackson one time for different reasons in each case, but I voted for Obama because I believed him to be a Christian who could lead this country out of war and help in the Middle East peace effort as well as bring about a National Health Insurance Program. I felt if our Republicans would work with him and I believed he would compromise, than we could come up with a plan which would work. While I was not there, I can tell you that my party did not in any way work with Obama or the Democrats. It was tragic for our country, because Obama and the administration have wasted time trying for months to bring Republicans around while at the same time our nation has been in need of a President whose total time was required in the areas related to economic issues, jobs and health care. It is my opinion that these problems were not caused by Obama or the Democrats but by the Republican Party who constantly push for no regulations on anything, including the debt incurred while they have been in control. If it were not for the “moral issues”, which the Republican Party always holds as their trump card in every election, they would have trouble holding any seats. So far we have seen Barack Obama, back peddling on all of his change promises and leadership and he has wasted the majority position in the House of his party by begging the Republicans to come and play ball with him. If he does not begin starting to lead and stand up for the middle class and take on the banks and multinational companies and corporations, we all will be become a broke nation. We will be like the Russians, no economy, no manufacturing and country of a very few rich folks, calling all the moves. As citizens, we will be pawns in the powerhouse’s games of life and eventually we will be faced with our own rebellions in each of our states. This is the reason I run for office and attempt to film and shows each of the candidates; in order to show and share with citizens what I am learning and to help one make an informed choice, holding the candidates themselves to a degree of openness. Some might say, “How you could vote for George Bush and then vote for Barack Obama?” Well it is a matter of what the country needs at the moment. Just like Rand Paul, it was easy to see that he was going to win from the day he entered the race. He had tremendous advantage with his father’s name recognition, but that is not what won the race for Paul. It was instead, he just rode the wave of change, just like Obama. But Paul’s victory was achieved because of anger and frustration related to the debt and the bailouts. Many Kentucky residents steered by the Tea Party, want action because they are tired of reports of corruption in federal, state and local government, not to mention the banks, the churches, and the utilities. The public is just plain mad and anybody who is seen as being in and part of the problem is going to be voted against and out, if possible. Rand Paul demonstrated an ability to capitalize on this message and I think America wants to hear that message loud and clear. Before we spend more money, make what government we have work and produce results. One thing I have seen in my years on this good earth is the growth of the middle class and the gradual demise of the middle class. Legislatively we are providing the tax policy with built in loop holes for the wealthy as well as ways to avoid or minimize your tax payments. Gaming the system and following the path of greed at all levels is devouring our people. There are those, like Dr. David Jeremiah, who have the ability to see the coming of an economic Armageddon. As he writes in his new book, “What Bible Prophecy Warns about the New Global Economy”, “We are facing the greatest financial challenge since the 1930s. From chaos in global financial markets to the spreading virus of public and private debt, leads us to ask how did we get to this place? Can the American economy really recover? Is a New World Order on the horizon? Are the last days of Earth’s history fast approaching? How can we weather this storm with hope and confidence?” The best way to answer these questions is with the message Obama used, “Hope, but it is not in the hope of a man, but in God.” Perhaps you find yourself feeling like Job, who asked, “Where then is my hope? As for my hope that can see it?” (Job 17:15). To be sure, there may be many causes for discouragement. But there are far more reasons for hope. Every generation since Adam has faced calamity. Within its epochs, the Bible records a long history of wars, plagues, famines, corruption, depravity, and suffering. Yet God is still in control. He has a plan. If we abide in God through Christ we are promised to have lives that produce fruits of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23. His Bible is also a book of hope. When we walk in fellowship with God, we find ourselves lifted by the irresistible updraft of Biblical hope. If we maintain this hope, nothing can destroy our real security or our joy. The psalmist wrote, “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance?” (Psalm 42:5) I like the bumper sticker, “Know God—Know Hope No God---No Hope.” We can only lose hope if we take our eyes off the God of Hope. I have consistently said, “We do not need to make a turn to the left or a turn to the right but instead we need to make a U-Turn to God and Godly principals.” We, the Simon Kenton High School Class of 1961need to celebrate our fifty year class reunion. We are each vital citizens, for a time such as this, to help restore this hope in all of our fellow Americans. Our service has just begun. What follows is a little look at History. watch time and events and your life move before your very eyes. Your Honored Classmate, John Stephenson 1940 • Battle of Britain • Leon Trotsky Assassinated • Nylons on the Market • Stone Age Cave Paintings Found in France 1941 • Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor • Jeep Invented • Manhattan Project Begins • Mount Rushmore Completed • Nazi Rudolf Hess Flies to Britain on a Peace Mission • Siege of Leningrad 1942 • Anne Frank Goes Into Hiding • Battle of Midway • Battle of Stalingrad • Japanese-Americans Held in Camps • Nazis Raze Town in Retaliation for Reinhard Heydrich's Death • T-shirt Introduced 1943 • French Resistance Leader Jean Moulin Killed • Grave of Katyn Forest Massacre Found • Italy Joins the Allies • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 1944 • Ballpoint Pens Go On Sale • D-Day • First German V1 and V2 Rockets Fired • Hitler Escapes Assassination Attempt 1945 • FDR Dies • First Computer Built (ENIAC) • Germans Surrender • Hitler Commits Suicide • Microwave Oven Invented • Slinky Toy Hits Shelves • United Nations Founded • U.S. Drops Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1946 • Bikinis Introduced • Dr. Spock's The Common Book of Baby and Child Care Is Published • Juan Perón Becomes President of Argentina • Nuremberg Trials • Winston Churchill Gives His "Iron Curtain" Speech 1947 • Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier • Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered • Jewish Refugees Aboard the Exodus Turned Back by British • Marshall Plan • Polaroid Cameras Invented 1948 • Berlin Airlift • "Big Bang" Theory Formulated • "Dewey Defeats Truman" in the Newspaper • Gandhi Assassinated • Policy of Apartheid Begun • State of Israel Founded 1949 • China Becomes Communist • First Non-Stop Flight Around the World • George Orwell Publishes Nineteen Eight-Four • NATO Established • Soviet Union Has Atomic Bomb 1950 • First Modern Credit Card Introduced • First Organ Transplant • First "Peanuts" Cartoon Strip • Korean War Begins • Senator Joseph McCarthy Begins Communist Witch Hunt • U.S. President Truman Orders Construction of Hydrogen Bomb 1951 • Color TV Introduced • South Africans Forced to Carry ID Cards Identifying Race • Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII • Winston Churchill Again Prime Minister of Great Britain 1952 • Car Seat Belts Introduced • The Great Smog of 1952 • Jacques Cousteau Discovers Ancient Greek Ship • Polio Vaccine Created • Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen at Age 25 1953 • DNA Discovered • Hillary and Norgay Climb Mt. Everest • Joseph Stalin Dies • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed for Espionage 1954 • Britain Sponsors an Expedition to Search for the Abominable Snowman • First Atomic Submarine Launched • Report Says Cigarettes Cause Cancer • Roger Bannister Breaks the Four-Minute Mile • Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S. 1955 • Disneyland Opens • Emmett Till Murdered • James Dean Dies in Car Accident • McDonald's Corporation Founded • Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Bus • Warsaw Pact Signed 1956 • Elvis Gyrates on Ed Sullivan's Show • Grace Kelly Marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco • Hungarian Revolution • Khrushchev Denounces Stalin • Suez Crisis • T.V. Remote Control Invented • Velcro Introduced 19 1957 • Dr. Seuss Publishes The Cat in the Hat • European Economic Community Established • Soviet Satellite Sputnik Launches Space Age • Laika Becomes the First Living Animal to Enter Orbit 1958 • Boris Pasternak Refuses Nobel Prize • Chinese Leader Mao Zedong Launches the "Great Leap Forward" • Hope Diamond is Donated to the Smithsonian • Hula Hoops Become Popular • LEGO Toy Bricks First Introduced • NASA Founded • Peace Symbol Created 1959 • Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba • International Treaty Makes Antarctica Scientific Preserve • Kitchen Debate Between Nixon and Khrushchev • The Sound of Music Opens on Broadway • U.S. Quiz Shows Found to be Fixed 1960 • Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho Released • Brazil's Capital Moves to Brand New City • First Televised Presidential Debates • Lasers Invented 1961 • Adolf Eichmann on Trial for Role in Holocaust • Bay of Pigs Invasion • Berlin Wall Built • Peace Corps Founded • Soviets Launch First Man in Space 1962 • Andy Warhol Exhibits His Campbell's Soup Can • Cuban Missile Crisis • First Person Killed Trying to Cross the Berlin Wall • Marilyn Monroe Found Dead • Rachel Carson Publishes Silent Spring 1963 • Betty Friedan Publishes The Feminine Mystique • JFK Assassinated • Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech 1964 • Beatles Become Popular in U.S. • Cassius Clay (a.k.a. Muhammad Ali) Becomes World Heavyweight Champion • Civil Rights Act Passes in U.S. • Hasbro Launches GI Joe Action Figure • Nelson Mandela Sentenced to Life in Prison • Warren Report on JFK's Assassination Issued 1965 • Japan's Bullet Train Opens • Los Angeles Riots • Malcolm X Assassinated • New York City Great Blackout • U.S. Sends Troops to Vietnam 1966 • Black Panther Party Established • Mao Zedong Launches the Cultural Revolution • Mass Draft Protests in U.S. • Star Trek T.V. Series Airs 1967 • Australian Prime Minister Disappears • Che Guevara Killed • First Heart Transplant • First Super Bowl • Six-Day War in the Middle East • Stalin's Daughter Defects • Three U.S. Astronauts Killed During Simulated Launch 1968 • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated • My Lai Massacre • Prague Spring • Robert F. Kennedy Assassinated • Tet Offensive 1969 • ARPANET, the Precursor of the Internet, Created • Charles Manson and "Family" Arrested • Neil Armstrong Becomes the First Man on the Moon • Rock-and-Roll Concert at Woodstock • Senator Edward Kennedy Leaves the Scene of an Accident • Sesame Street First Airs • Yasser Arafat Becomes Leader of the PLO 1970 • Aswan High Dam Completed • Beatles Break Up • Computer Floppy Disks Introduced • Palestinian Group Hijacks Five Planes • Kent State Shootings 1971 • London Bridge Brought to the U.S. • United Kingdom Changes to Decimal System for Currency • VCRs Introduced 1972 • M*A*S*H T.V. Show Premiers • Mark Spitz Wins Seven Gold Medals • Pocket Calculators Introduced • Terrorists Attack at the Olympic Games in Munich • Watergate Scandal Begins 1973 • Abortion Legalized in U.S. • Paul Getty Kidnapped • Sears Tower Built • U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam • U.S. Vice President Resigns 1974 • Halie Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, Deposed • Mikhail Baryshnikov Defects • Patty Hearst Kidnapped • Terracotta Army Discovered in China • U.S. President Nixon Resigns 1975 • Arthur Ashe First Black Man to Win Wimbledon • Civil War in Lebanon • Microsoft Founded • Pol Pot Becomes the Communist Dictator of Cambodia 1976 • First Ebola Virus Outbreaks Strike Sudan and Zaire • Nadia Comaneci Given Seven Perfect Tens • North and South Vietnam Join to Form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam • Tangshan Earthquake Kills Over 240,000 1977 • Elvis Found Dead • Miniseries Roots Airs • South African Anti-Apartheid Leader Steve Biko Tortured to Death • Star Wars Movie Released 1978 • First Test-Tube Baby Born • John Paul II Becomes Pope • Jonestown Massacre 1979 • Ayatollah Khomeini Returns as Leader of Iran • Iran Takes American Hostages in Tehran • Margaret Thatcher First Woman Prime Minister of Great Britain • Mother Theresa Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize • Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island • Sony Introduces the Walkman 1980 • Failed U.S. Rescue Attempt to Save Hostages in Tehran • John Lennon Assassinated • Mount St. Helens Erupts • Rubik's Cube Becomes Popular • Ted Turner Establishes CNN 1981 • Assassination Attempt on the Pope • Assassination Attempt on U.S. President Reagan • First Woman Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court • Millions Watch Royal Wedding on T.V. • New Plague Identified as AIDS • Pac-Man is Extremely Popular • Personal Computers (PC) Introduced by IBM 1982 • E.T. Movie Released • Falkland Islands Invaded by Argentina • King Henry VIII's Ship the Mary Rose Raised After 437 Years • Michael Jackson Releases Thriller • Reverend Sun Myung Moon Marries 2,075 Couples at Madison Square Garden • Vietnam War Memorial Opened in Washington, DC 1983 • Cabbage Patch Kids are Popular • Reagan Announces Defense Plan Called Star Wars • Sally Ride Becomes the First American Woman in Space • Soviets Shoot Down a Korean Airliner • U.S. Embassy in Beirut Bombed 1984 • Huge Poison Gas Leak in Bhopal, India • Indira Gandhi, India's Prime Minister, Killed by Two Bodyguards • PG-13 Movie Rating Created 1985 • Famine in Ethiopia • Hole in the Ozone Layer Discovered • Mikhail Gorbachev Calls for Glasnost and Perestroika • New Coke Hits the Market • Wreck of the Titanic Found 1986 • Challenger Space Shuttle Explodes • Chernobyl Nuclear Accident • Ferdinand Marcos Flees the Philippines • Iran-Contra Scandal Unfolds • U.S. Bombs Libya • U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station 1987 • DNA First Used to Convict Criminals • Klaus Barbie, the Nazi Butcher of Lyons, Sentenced to Life in Prison • New York Stock Exchange Suffers Huge Drop on "Black Monday" • West German Pilot Lands Unchallenged in Russia's Red Square 1988 • Pan Am Flight 103 Is Bombed Over Lockerbie • U.S. Shoots Down Iranian Airliner 1989 • Berlin Wall Falls • Exxon Valdez Spills Millions of Gallons of Oil on Coastline • Students Massacred in China's Tiananmen Square • U.S. President Bush Announces That He Doesn't Like Broccoli 1990 • Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space • Lech Walesa Becomes First President of Poland • Nelson Mandela Freed 1991 • Bronze Age Man Found Frozen in Glacier • Collapse of the Soviet Union • Operation Desert Storm • South Africa Repeals Apartheid Laws 1992 • Official End of the Cold War • Riots in Los Angeles After the Rodney King Verdict 1993 • Cult Compound in Waco, Texas Raided • Lorena Bobbitt Takes Brutal Revenge • Use of the Internet Grows Exponentially • World Trade Center Bombed 1994 • Channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France • Nelson Mandela Elected President of South Africa • O.J. Simpson Arrested for Double Murder • Rwandan Genocide Begins 1995 • Sarin Gas Attack in Tokyo Subway • Oklahoma City Bombing • Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated 1996 • Mad Cow Disease Hits Britain • Two Royal Divorces • Unabomber Arrested 1997 • British Au Pair on Trial for Murder • Hale-Bopp Comet Visible • Hong Kong Returned to China • Pathfinder Sends Back Images of Mars • Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash • Scientists Clone Sheep • Tallest Buildings in the World Built in Kuala Lumpur • Tiger Woods Wins Masters 1998 • India and Pakistan Test Nuclear Weapons • Titanic Most Successful Movie Ever • U.S. President Clinton Impeached • Viagra on the Market 1999 • The Euro the New European Currency • Fear of Y2K Bug • JFK Jr. Dies in Plane Accident • Killing Spree at Columbine High School • NATO Attacks Serbia • Panama Canal Returns to Panama 2000 • Elian Gonzalez Goes Home • Mapping the Human Genome • "ILOVEYOU" Virus Hits Thousands of Computers • Microsoft Ordered to Split • Russian Submarine Sunk in Barents Sea • Unclear Winner in U.S. Presidential Election • USS Cole Bombed INVENTIONS OF THE 1960’S The 60s have been described by historians as the ten years having the most significant changes in history. By the end of the 60s humanity had entered the spaceage by putting a man on the moon. The 60s were influenced by the youth of the post-war baby boom - a generation with a fondness for change and far-out gadgets. 1960 • The halogen lamp invented. 1961 • Valium invented. • The nondairy creamer invented. 1962 • The audio cassette invented. • The fiber-tip pen invented by Yukio Horie. • Spacewar, the first computer video game invented. • Dow Corp invents silicone breast implants. 1963 • The video disk invented. 1964 • Acrylic paint invented. • Permanent-press fabric invented. • BASIC (an early computer language) is invented by John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtz. 1965 • Astroturf invented. • Soft contact lenses invented. • NutraSweet invented. • The compact disk invented by James Russell. • Kevlar invented by Stephanie Louise Kwolek. 1966 • Electronic Fuel injection for cars invented. 1967 • The first handheld calculator invented. 1968 • The computer mouse invented by Douglas Engelbart. • The first computer with integrated circuits made. • Robert Dennard invented RAM (random access memory). 1969 • The arpanet (first internet) invented. • The artificial heart invented. • The ATM invented. • The bar-code scanner is invented. The 70s began the age of the practical computer made possible by the invention of the floppy disk and the microprocessor that occurred during the 70s. 1970 • The daisy-wheel printer invented. • The floppy disk invented by Alan Shugart. 1971 • The dot-matrix printer invented. • The food processor invented. • The liquid-crystal display (LCD) invented by James Fergason. • The microprocessor invented by Faggin, Hoff and Mazor. • VCR or videocassette invented. 1972 • The word processor invented. • Pong first video game invented by Nolan Bushnell. • Hacky Sack invented by John Stalberger and Mike Marshall. 1973 • Gene splicing invented. • The ethernet (local computer network) invented by Robert Metcalfe and Xerox. • Bic invents the disposable lighter. 1974 • The post-it notes invented by Arthur Fry. • Giorgio Fischer, a gynecologist from Rome, Italy, invents liposuction. 1975 • The laser printer invented. • The push-through tab on a drink can invented. 1976 • The ink-jet printer invented. 1977 • Magnetic resonance imaging invented by Raymond V. Damadian. 1978 • Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston invented the VisiCalc spreadsheet. • The artificial heart Jarvik-7 invented by Robert K. Jarvik. 1979 • Cell phones invented. • Cray supercomputer invented by Seymour Cray. • Walkman invented. • Scott Olson invents roller blades. Many of the most popular consumer products still around today were invented in the 80s for example: cell phones and home computers. The 80s saw the rise of the multi-national corporations, while the growth rate during the 80s was 3.2% per year, the highest 9 year rate in American history, a complex combination of causes (economic, financial, legislative and regulatory) led to the extraordinary number of bank failures in the 80s. And a new definition of the expression "corporate greed" was found. 1980 • The hepatitis-B vaccine invented. 1981 • MS-DOS invented. • The first IBM-PC invented. • The scanning tunneling microscope invented by Gerd Karl Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer. 1982 • Human growth hormone genetically engineered. 1983 • The Apple Lisa invented. • Soft bifocal contact lens invented. • First Cabbage Patch Kids sold. • Programmer Jaron Lanier first coins the term "virtual reality". 1984 • The CD-ROM invented. • The Apple Macintosh invented. 1985 • Windows program invented by Microsoft. 1986 • A high-temperature super-conductor invented by J. Georg Bednorz and Karl A. Muller. • Synthetic skin invented by G. Gregory Gallico, III. • Fuji introduced the disposable camera. 1987 • The first 3-D video game invented. • Disposable contact lenses invented. 1988 • Digital cellular phones invented. • The RU-486 (abortion pill) invented. • Doppler radar invented by Christian Andreas Doppler. • Prozac invented at the Eli Lilly Company by inventor Ray Fuller. • The first patent for a genetically engineered animal is issued to Harvard University researchers Philip Leder and Timothy Stewart. • Ralph Alessio and Fredrik Olsen received a patent for the Indiglo nightlight. The bluish green light is used to illuminate the entire face of a watch. 1989 • High-definition television invented. The 90s saw the invention of the internet and the rise of Microsoft. The 90s saw the invention of genetic engineering, as well as cloning, and stem cell research. 1990 • The World Wide Web and Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML) created by Tim Berners-Lee. 1991 • The digital answering machine invented. 1992 • The smart pill invented. 1993 • The pentium processor invented. 1994 • HIV protease inhibitor invented. 1995 • The Java computer language invented. • DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc) invented. 1996 • Web TV invented. 1997 • The gas-powered fuel cell invented. 1998 • Viagra invented. 1999 • Scientists measure the fastest wind speed ever recorded on earth, 509 km/h(318 mph). • Tekno Bubbles patented. Modern Inventions of 2000 • The mystery of Ginger. • Environmentally friendly transformer fluid from vegetable oils invented by T.V. Oommen. • FluidSense infusion pump invented (automatic and standardized intravenous applicator). Modern Inventions of 2001 • AbioCor artificial heart invented by Abiomed - the Abiocor represents groundbreaking medical miniaturization technology. Nuvaring birth control invented by Organon. • Artificial liver invented by Dr. Kenneth Matsumura and Alin Foundation. • Fuel cell bike invented by Aprilia. • Self-cleaning windows invented by PPG Industries. • On October 23, 2001 Apple Computers publicly announced their portable music digital player the iPod, created under project codename Dulcimer. • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2001 Modern Inventions of 2002 • Braille Glove invented by Ryan Patterson. • Phone booth invented by James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau. • Nano-tex - nanotechnology wearable fabrics invented by Nano-tex LLC. • Birth control patch invented by Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical. • Foveon Camera Chip invented by Richard Merrill. • Date Rape Drug Spotter invented by Francisco Guerra. • Solar Tower invented by Jorg Schlaich. • Virtual keyboard invented by Canesta and VKB. • ICOPOD invented by Sanford Ponder. • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2002 Modern Inventions of 2003 • Optical Camouflage System invented by Susumu Tachi, Masahiko Inami, and Naoki Kawakami • Toyota's Hybrid Car • Ice Bike invented by Dan Hanebrink • New Toy Robots Max the robotic cat invented by Omron, LUCKY, THE ROVING ROBO-RAPTOR invented by Walt Disney Imagineering, and Sony builds Aibo a companion called Orio. • New Fabrics, Salmon Skin Leather invented by Claudia Escobar and Skini, and Luminex a glowing fabric invented by Luminex. • Java Log a log for your fireplace made from used coffee grinds and invented by Rod Sprules • Infrared Fever Screening System used in public buildings to scan for people with a high temperature from a fever or sars invented by Singapore Technologies Electronics and the Singapore Defense Science and Technology Agency • The No-Contact Jacket invented by Adam Whiton and Yolita Nugent, protects the wearer by electric shocking any attackers. • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2003 • Popular Science Best of What's New 2003 Modern Inventions of 2004 • Adidas 1 are the thinking shoes with a built in microprocessor that decides how soft or firm support the wearer needs. Chosen by Popular Science magazine as the best recreation invention of 2004. • Translucent Concrete developed by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi and called LitraCon and is based on a matrix of parallel optical glass fibers embedded into the concrete that can transmit light and color from the outside. However, this is not the only translucent concrete out there. Inventor Bill Price has been developing another variety. • Ka-on or Flower Sound are plants that play music invented by the Japanese based Let's Corporation. Flowers bouquets will act as loudspeakers when placed in a special vase that has electronics hidden in the base. • Intel Express Chipsets - Grantsdale and Alderwood are the code names of Intel's newest chips that will provide superior and inexpensive built-in sound and video capacities for the PC including the ability to do high definition video editing without additional computer cards. • SonoPrep invented by bioengineer Robert Langer, is a device that will deliver medication by sound waves rather than injection. According to the Sontra Medical Corporation, SonoPrep's manufacturer: The small, battery-powered device applies low-frequency ultrasonic energy to the skin for 15 seconds. The ultrasound temporarily rearranges lipids in the skin, opening channels that let fluids be delivered or extracted. After about 24 hours, the skin returns to normal. • Popular Science Best of What's New 2004 • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2004 Modern Inventions of 2005 • YouTube - the online video sharing and viewing community - was invented in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. YouTube was named Time Magazines Invention of the year in 2006. • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2005 Modern Inventions of 2006 • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2006 • Popular Science Best of What's New 2006 Modern Inventions of 2007 • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2007 • Popular Science Best of What's New 2007 Modern Inventions of 2008 New inventions of 2008 include: smog-earing cement, high altitude flying windmills, bionic contacts, pig-urine plastic. • Inventors' Pick for Top Inventions of 2008 • Time Magazine Modern Inventions of the Year 2008 • Popular Science Best of What's New 2008 Modern Inventions of 2009 New inventions of 2009 include: a new computer interface called the sixth sense, and a retinal implant for the blind. Here are the most popular inventions. 1. The Telephone The telephone is an instrument that converts voice and sound signals into electrical impulses for transmission by wire to a different location, where another telephone receives the electrical impulses and turns them back into recognizable sounds. In 1875, Alexander Graham Bell built the first telephone that transmitted electrically the human voice. 2. The History of Computers There are many major milestones in the history of computers, starting with 1936, when Konrad Zuse built the first freely programmable computer. 3. Television In 1884, Paul Nipkow sent images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology with 18 lines of resolution. Television then evolved along two paths, mechanical based on Nipkow's rotating disks, and electronic based on the cathode ray tube. American Charles Jenkins and Scotsman John Baird followed the mechanical model while Philo Farnsworth, working independently in San Francisco, and Russian émigré Vladimir Zworkin, working for Westinghouse and later RCA, advanced the electronic model. 4. The Automobile In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was invented by French mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot. However, it was a steam-powered model. In 1885, Karl Benz designed and built the world's first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine. In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler took the internal combustion engine a step further and patented what is generally recognized as the prototype of the modern gas engine and later built the world's first four-wheeled motor vehicle. 5. The Cotton Gin Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin on March 14, 1794. The cotton gin is a machine that separates seeds, hulls and other unwanted materials from cotton after it has been picked. 6. The Camera In 1814, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce created the first photographic image with a camera obscura, however, the image required eight hours of light exposure and later faded. Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre is considered the inventor of the first practical process of photography in 1837. 7. The Steam Engine Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698, patented the first crude steam engine. Thomas Newcomen invented the atmospheric steam engine in 1712. James Watt improved Newcomen's design and invented what is considered the first modern steam engine in 1765. 8. The Sewing Machine The first functional sewing machine was invented by the French tailor, Barthelemy Thimonnier, in 1830. In 1834, Walter Hunt built America's first (somewhat) successful sewing machine. Elias Howe patented the first lockstitch sewing machine in 1846. Isaac Singer invented the up-and-down motion mechanism. In 1857, James Gibbs patented the first chain-stitch single-thread sewing machine. Helen Augusta Blanchard patented the first zig-zag stitch machine in 1873. Invention / Idea?We Prepare & Present New Product Ideas to Corporations. Start Do You Have an Idea?Find Companies that Can Turn Your Idea Into A Real Product. Start 9. The Light Bulb Contrary to popular belief, Thomas Alva Edison didn't "invent" the light bulb, but rather he improved upon a 50-year-old idea. In 1809, Humphry Davy, an English chemist, invented the first electric light. In 1878, Sir Joseph Wilson Swan, an English physicist, was the first person to invent a practical and longer-lasting electic lightbulb (13.5 hours) with a carbon fiber filament. In 1879, Thomas Alva Edison invented a carbon filament that burned for forty hours. 10. Penicillin Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. Andrew Moyer patented the first method of industrial production of penicillin in 1948. This information gathered by John Stephenson from the Internet. Now, take a little time and put your life’s history down by each decade and realize that you have been given the gift of seeing your classmates again fifty years after you left Simon Kenton High School. You know, we on the reunion planning committee really want you to come a be a part of our History because you are the light to our future. You are our friends. You see, you are someone we can think out loud in from of without fear of repercussions. Come to the next meeting; give us a call at 859-653-7000 or email at or just drop by the house, 2994 Moffett Road Independence, Ky. John Stephenson (Johnny) One thing we want to do is establish a phone tree so that we can help our classmates which might need prayer or assistance and when one passes on from this earth let us remind each other so that we all can show our respects for them as a classmate of the class of 1961.These are the names of the Simon Kenton Class of 1961 which we hold in our memory: Each of these members contributed to our society in different manners. We will always remember them for their position in our lives as fellow students working their way toward a degree at our high school Simon Kenton...Like the old Oak tree whose leaves fall each year, some day the tree will itself give in to Father time and we all will be memories in the lives of our children and grandchildren, family and friends. Never let it be said that we failed to pay tribute to all those of our class which gave of their time and expertise to the planting of new trees in this gift of life which began at the hands of our Heavenly Father in His wisdom and for His purpose in which we all seek His final disposition in our walk through this life. Until we meet again may we keep you in our hearts and in our memories as our classmates for whom we hold in high regard and surely miss on this our fiftieth reunion? May all the leaves of life shine on this special occasion to show us the light to the pathway to Heaven? We thank you for your friendship and for your life with us in the class of 1961. Vearl Kay Allen Gene Blevins David Cain Judith Ann Compton Leroy Crout Rudolph Glenn Joseph Goedde Darlene Goff Gloria Green Joseph Isaacs Clyde Lillard Omar Lucas Kathryn Mires Sherry Osborne Pauline Ruby Phyllis Simpson Paul Sipple Thomas Wainscott Mary Warren Joan Workman Jim Collins Darlene Haynes Felix Pence Shirley Bates Since our last reunion the Lord called home one of His faithful servants, George Henry Edmondson. He was 78, and died peacefully May 11, 2004 at St Elizabeth Hospice Unit, Covington, Kentucky. Mr. Edmondson was a veteran of World War II and a prominent local educator primarily within the Kenton County public school system from 1947 until his retirement in June 1978. He had enlisted in the US Army on his 18th birthday the year I was born in 1943. He served in the 33rd Armored Regiment of the 3rd Armored Division during the five major battle campaigns in the European Theater of Operations. Upon returning from the war, Mr. Edmondson enrolled in Georgetown College where he graduated with a B.A. degree in 1949. During this period, he also married his loving wife of 56 years, Lois Irene Jump, in 1948. While teaching full time at the high school level, he continued his studies and completed a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Kentucky in 1958. He served as principal of Park Hills Elementary from 1956 – 1960; principal of Simon Kenton High School from 1960 – 1967; and Curriculum Director of the Kenton County Schools from 1967 to 1978. Mr. Edmondson developed life threatening heart conditions in the mid 1980’s and subsequently received a heart transplant from Dr. David Melvin at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center in 1988. At the time, he was the oldest transplant recipient in the program. With his renewed health, he spent his remaining 16 years as an avid spokesman for the heart transplant program, a devoted member of Latonia Baptist Church in Covington and an active participant in the Third Armored Division Association. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Lois Irene Edmondson; daughters, Kathleen Solter and her husband, Jim, of Flemingsburg, Ky. and Emily Gail Mills and her husband, Randy, of Frankfort, Ky.; son, Gary Lee Edmondson and his wife Marci of Bellaire, Texas; and brother, William Ray Edmondson and his wife Allyene of Independence. George is survived by eight grandchildren; Jennifer Lynn Hacker of Covington and her husband, Chris, their daughter, and George’s only great-grandchild, Avery Grace Hacker; Kerri Ann Metzger and her husband, Josh, of Ft. Thomas; Amanda Christeen Mills, Grant Thomas Mills and Tory Marquise Robertson of Frankfort, Ky.; Georgia Lee Edmondson, Nathan Henry Edmondson and Emily Elizabeth Edmondson of Bellaire, Texas. His church family at Latonia Baptist Church where he served as a deacon and a Sunday school teacher for 23 years also survives Mr. Edmondson. He is also survived by his numerous fellow veterans of the 3rd Armored Division Association for which he served in numerous capacities, including honorary President and host of its 56th reunion in September 2003, which was held in Northern Kentucky. I can remember how disappointed he was when I invited him to the Pioneer Days Picnic in September of 2003 because he could not attend due to his role as host. He had attended several class reunions including the class of 61 our 40th Simon Kenton reunion. Our class was his first as principal of Simon Kenton. I remember him for his leadership and sensivitivity. Taking the reins after Rubin Hinsdale was a formidable task. He was a true educator always striving to bring out the best in people. We had a teacher, who was struggling with some illness and Mr. Edmondson had to step in and take over the production of our senior class play, “Papa Knows Best” I was Papa, Alonzo K Page and without Mr. Edmondson’s help we would not have been able to successfully complete what turned out to be a wonderful event. I never will forget how he professionally dealt with the ailing teacher while protecting the education process. He was a true gentleman and Christian. He never retired from learning and teaching others. After leaving the school system he and his wonderful wife spent many years traveling the world as professional educational host for many tours with the citizens of America. He was the Lord’s servant in many ways. To all of his former students he was Mr. Edmondson, a friend with whom we could share our inner-most thoughts and from whom we would receive the wisdom of Solomon. John Stephenson Class of 1961
When: Saturday, June 11th, 2011
Invited Classes: 1961
Event Details
Simon Kenton 50th Reunion
Location: 6180 Taylor Mill Rd - Covington, KY 41015-2454 - (859) 356-8777 - Nick's Grove Becky - Same place as the 40th reunion
Details: 6180 Taylor Mill Rd Covington, KY 41015-2454 (859) 356-8777 Contact at Nick's Grove Becky For further information call a committee member or contact them by email. John Stephenson 859-653-7000
When: Saturday, June 11th, 2011
Invited Classes: 1961
Event Details
SK Class of 2000 Ten Year Reunion
Location: Bulldogs Barbeque - 2015 Declaration Drive - Independence, KY 41051
Details: Doors will open at 6:45. Pre Registration cost is 32.00 per person. Please email with name, number attending, phone number, and email address in order to collect your payment by PayPal. Call Christin at 859-393-2755 to make alternate arrangements if needed. Dinner buffet to begin at 7:30pm with wine and beer included. Cash bar will be available. Entertain Cincy DJ service will be present. Semi-formal attire (men-dress pants/shirts w/ or w/out tie) (women- cocktail dress or pant suit)
When: Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
Invited Classes: 2000
Event Details
50th Class Reunion
Location: Ft Mitchell Country Club
When: Saturday, May 22nd, 2010
Invited Classes: 1960
Event Details
Class of '63 50th Reunion
Location: To be determined
Details: Time to start planning! It is only 3 1/2 years away! Call me at 559-974-3980
When: Saturday, June 1st, 2013
Invited Classes: 1963
Event Details

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If you don’t see your Simon Kenton High School class reunion posted, you can start planning it today with our step-by-step planning process! Remember it is up to each class to plan their reunion and anyone can do it! Use our Pioneers Alumni Site and set up your FREE reunion website today with all the tools you need right at your fingertips!