Shorecrest High School Alumni

Shoreline, Washington (WA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Bill Madden
Bill Madden
Class of 1965
Air Force, 4 Years

2.5 years McCoy AFB Orlando, Florida
1 year Vietnam Phan Rhang, Cam Rhan Bay, Da Nang
0.5 years Travis AFB, CA
christopher watson
christopher watson
Class of 1996
Navy, 4 Years

Submarine service USS Houston SSN-713
Conrad Yunker
Conrad Yunker
Class of 1982
Army, 21 Years

10th Special Forces Group
Deborah Halver-Hanson
Deborah Halver-Hanson
Class of 1978
Army Reserves, 17 Years

Pilot/Aviation Intelligence
Eric Ferweda
Eric Ferweda
Class of 1990
Marine Corps, 6 Years

Scout-Sniper, Desert shield/ Storm, Somalia, a few other peacefull countries. Was injured in helo crash, that ended my career as a Marine.
Gary E Greer
Gary E Greer
Class of 1965
Army, 3 Years

Regular Army 3/'66 - 3/'69. US Army Dental Corps, Dental Tech & Supply Sgt (SP5-E5). US Army Dental Clinic, US Army War College, PA & US Army Dental Clinic, Ft. Clayton, CZ.
Glenn Holly
Glenn Holly
Class of 1980
Air Force, 20+ Years

Supervisor/Trainer on C141,C130,C17,C5. Flying Crew Chief 1994 to 2000. Maintained Electrical and Envornmental Systems on all Aircraft
Howard Prouty
Howard Prouty
Class of 1972
Air Force, 20+ Years

Served 20 years as an Sircrafe Engien Mechanic. Stationed at Frichild AFB, Wa 1972-1976 Hahn AB Germany 1977-1980 Carswell AFB, Tx 1980-1987 RAF Upper Heyford England 1987-1991, Cannon AFB NM 1991-1992
Howard Prouty
Howard Prouty
Class of 1972
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired 1992
James Boyle
James Boyle
Class of 1965
Marine Corps, 3 Years

Radio Relay Technician Vietnam Hdqtrs Battalion 3rd Marine Division November 1967- December 1968 Phu Bia, Cua Viet, Dong Ha, C-2, ConThien, Some Hill
Jeff Long
Jeff Long
Class of 1973
Army, 20+ Years

I spent 29+ years in the Army with Missy (Turk), Class of '73, and our family. We traveled the U.S and world (Alaska, Washington, Texas, Colorado, California, North Carolina, Alabama, Arizona, and Montana; Pakistan, Egypt, Germany, and Western Sahara) retiring in 2006. It was a wonderful ride.
Jeffrey Jacky
Jeffrey Jacky
Class of 1983
Army, 3 Years

MOS:64Clutch=truck driver, Ft Dix Basic & AIT, TDY Yakima Firing Range '84, Germany '85, REFORGer'85, Belgian Mission '86
John M. Wartinger
John M. Wartinger
Class of 1964
Army, 6 Years

Drafted 12/7/1965
Fort Ord, CA, Fort Gordon, GA, Fort Myer VA/Pentagon, Viet Nam 9/1966 - 9/1967 - Sgt. E-5, Reserves 1967-1971.
Jon Tomlinson
Jon Tomlinson
Class of 1998
Marine Corps, 5 Years

Ray Illman
Ray Illman
Class of 2004
Army, 3 Years

Warrant Officer and Kiowa Warrior Pilot
Robert Nicholas
Robert Nicholas
Class of 1990
Army, 18 Years

Active Army, National Guard, Army Reserve. Only a few years to go.
Russ Scheuffele
Russ Scheuffele
Class of 1982
Army, 4 Years

Tank Specialist

Classmates Spotlight

Shorecrest High School Classmates

Les Inslee
Class of '80

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Our Shorecrest High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Shorecrest High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Shoreline are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!