Shady Spring High School Alumni
Shady Spring, West Virginia (WV)

Recent Members
Armond Griffith | 1952 |
Carolyn Bucklin | 1964 |
Celeste Mckinney | 1978 |
Debra Debra Roberts | 1986 |
Michelle Davis | 1987 |
Scott Walling | 1980 |
Steve Waddell | 1967 |
Timothy Cooper | 1979 |
Military Alumni
Honoring Our Heroes
This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!
Lost Class Rings
Have you lost your Shady Spring High School class ring? Have you found someone's class ring? Visit our Tigers lost class ring page to search for your class ring or post information about a found ring.
Honored Military Alumni

Arthur E Harvey
Class of 1969
Army, 3 Years
artillery survey specialist, served one year in south Viet Nam,then Ft lewis ,Washington and finished as a spec 5 in Swienfurt,Germany 1970
Class of 1969
Army, 3 Years
artillery survey specialist, served one year in south Viet Nam,then Ft lewis ,Washington and finished as a spec 5 in Swienfurt,Germany 1970

Blaine Samuel
Class of 1980
Navy, 26 Years
Multiple platforms. Multiple jobs. Flight Engineer EC-130/E-6B. Carrier Ops with A-7's. Around the world multiple times.
Class of 1980
Navy, 26 Years
Multiple platforms. Multiple jobs. Flight Engineer EC-130/E-6B. Carrier Ops with A-7's. Around the world multiple times.

David Belcher
Class of 1957
Air Force, 4 Years
McConnell AFB and Osan AB, Korea. Administration and Crypto Ops.
Class of 1957
Air Force, 4 Years
McConnell AFB and Osan AB, Korea. Administration and Crypto Ops.

Edward O'Bryan
Class of 2012
Air Force, 4 Years
SSHS Graduate straight into the military
Class of 2012
Air Force, 4 Years
SSHS Graduate straight into the military

Emery (Matt) Plumley
Class of 1994
Air Force, 14 Years
Civil Engineer, Pavements and Construction Equipment Operator (Dirt Boyz)
Stationed 96-2000 Scott AFB Illinois
2000-01 Osan AB Korea
01-04 Langley AFB VA, (Hampton/Newport News)
04-08 Ft Leonard Wood MO
08-present Seymour Johnson AFB, NC
Will serve till I retire
Class of 1994
Air Force, 14 Years
Civil Engineer, Pavements and Construction Equipment Operator (Dirt Boyz)
Stationed 96-2000 Scott AFB Illinois
2000-01 Osan AB Korea
01-04 Langley AFB VA, (Hampton/Newport News)
04-08 Ft Leonard Wood MO
08-present Seymour Johnson AFB, NC
Will serve till I retire

Eric S. Lilly
Class of 1988
Navy, 4 Years
Served 4 yrs Navy 2 yrs National Guard and 2 1/2 yrs Army
Class of 1988
Navy, 4 Years
Served 4 yrs Navy 2 yrs National Guard and 2 1/2 yrs Army

H. Alan Crossland
Class of 1960
Air Force, 20+ Years
Served 4 yrs. 1964-68 4 different computer AFSCs. Got out for 18 yrs went back in and served to age 60. finished up as EI team Chief and Electronics Engineer. Total time served 24 yrs.
Class of 1960
Air Force, 20+ Years
Served 4 yrs. 1964-68 4 different computer AFSCs. Got out for 18 yrs went back in and served to age 60. finished up as EI team Chief and Electronics Engineer. Total time served 24 yrs.

Howard Mays
Class of 1955
Air Force, 4 Years
Duty stations after basic training at Lackland AFB were Norton AFB, Vandenburg AFB in California, Kadina AFB Okinawha, Hurlburt Field Florida
Class of 1955
Air Force, 4 Years
Duty stations after basic training at Lackland AFB were Norton AFB, Vandenburg AFB in California, Kadina AFB Okinawha, Hurlburt Field Florida

Jeff Shafer
Class of 1970
Army, 20+ Years
US Army Field Artillery Officer Baisc Course - 1975
US Army Ranger School - 1975
US Army Airborne School - 1976
US Army Field Artillery Officer Advanced Course - 1979
US Army Command and General Staff School - 1987
US Army War College - 1997
US Army 75th Ranger Regiment - Panama and Desert Storm (1989-1992)
Commander, 2BN 14th Field Artillery Regiment (MLRS) (1992-1994)
Chief of Staff, V Corps Artillery (1994-1995)
DCSOPS, PLANS, US Army FORSCOM, Fort McPerson, GA (1997-2001)
Class of 1970
Army, 20+ Years
US Army Field Artillery Officer Baisc Course - 1975
US Army Ranger School - 1975
US Army Airborne School - 1976
US Army Field Artillery Officer Advanced Course - 1979
US Army Command and General Staff School - 1987
US Army War College - 1997
US Army 75th Ranger Regiment - Panama and Desert Storm (1989-1992)
Commander, 2BN 14th Field Artillery Regiment (MLRS) (1992-1994)
Chief of Staff, V Corps Artillery (1994-1995)
DCSOPS, PLANS, US Army FORSCOM, Fort McPerson, GA (1997-2001)

Larry D. Redden
Class of 1955
Air Force, 4 Years
Aircraft Dispatcher and Pilots flying records
Class of 1955
Air Force, 4 Years
Aircraft Dispatcher and Pilots flying records

Michael Cox
Class of 1986
Air Force, 20+ Years
International Air Refueling Manager. KC10 Flight Engineer with 5000+ hours flight time, three combat tours and many stories.
Class of 1986
Air Force, 20+ Years
International Air Refueling Manager. KC10 Flight Engineer with 5000+ hours flight time, three combat tours and many stories.

Norman Bruce Greene
Class of 1956
Marine Corps, 4 Years
Joined the USMC after seeing the movie, "Battle Cry." Attended Boot Camp at Parris Island, SC. Stationed in Japan for 3 years. Received orders to be a drill instructor at Parris Island, SC. Served there for a year and got out.
Class of 1956
Marine Corps, 4 Years
Joined the USMC after seeing the movie, "Battle Cry." Attended Boot Camp at Parris Island, SC. Stationed in Japan for 3 years. Received orders to be a drill instructor at Parris Island, SC. Served there for a year and got out.

Stump, Harry W. (Wayne)
Class of 1968
Army, 20+ Years
Drafted 1969
Served 1 year in Viet Nam
Taught Communications Fort Monmouth NJ '71-'73
Assigned NATO Communication '73-'76 Germany
Provided Communications for 10st AirBorne '76-''78
Assigned to Germany Air Force to provide NATO communications '78-'81
Taught ANCOC '81-'85 Fort Gordon GA
Oversaw all communications operations and maintenance for 93 units in storage in Germany. Fall of '90 they were shipped out for the Iraq War. '85-'90
NCOIC of BNCOC '90-91 Fort Gordon Ga
Retired Oct 1 '91
22 years 24 days.
Class of 1968
Army, 20+ Years
Drafted 1969
Served 1 year in Viet Nam
Taught Communications Fort Monmouth NJ '71-'73
Assigned NATO Communication '73-'76 Germany
Provided Communications for 10st AirBorne '76-''78
Assigned to Germany Air Force to provide NATO communications '78-'81
Taught ANCOC '81-'85 Fort Gordon GA
Oversaw all communications operations and maintenance for 93 units in storage in Germany. Fall of '90 they were shipped out for the Iraq War. '85-'90
NCOIC of BNCOC '90-91 Fort Gordon Ga
Retired Oct 1 '91
22 years 24 days.

Timothy G. Conner
Class of 1979
Air Force, 20+ Years
Bomb loader 14 years, computer and secure communications maintenance 10 years
Class of 1979
Air Force, 20+ Years
Bomb loader 14 years, computer and secure communications maintenance 10 years

Alumni Stories

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School News
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Our Shady Spring High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Shady Spring High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Shady Spring are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!