Seneca High School Alumni

Louisville, Kentucky (KY)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Alan Galloway
Alan Galloway
Class of 1969
Army, 2 Years

Inf Opns & Intel Sp 11F40
Served in Korea (Camp Hovey) 1972 to 1973
andrew hess
andrew hess
Class of 2005
Navy, 4 Years

US Navy Corpsman Currently Serivng with the Us Marine Coprs, (th Engineer Support Battalion Camp Hansen Okinawa Japan. Member of the JROTC from Aug 2001 to Marh 2005
Andrew L. Hess
Andrew L. Hess
Class of 2005
Navy, 5 Years

he is a corpsman in the usn
Anthony L. Taylor
Anthony L. Taylor
Class of 1991
Air Force, 18 Years

U.S. Air Force Public Health, Senior Non-Commissioned Officer. Currently serving staff postion for the U.S. Air Force Surgeon General in the Washington D.C. Metro area. Past U.S. stateside assignments include duty in Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Arizona. Past overseas assignments supported Operations Northern and Southern Watch in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Anthony L. Taylor
Anthony L. Taylor
Class of 1991
Air Force, 18 Years

U.S. Air Force Public Health, Senior Non-Commissioned Officer currently assigned to the U.S. Air Force Surgeon General Office in the metro Washington D.C. National Capital Region. Past stateside assignments include duty in Mississippi, Soth Carolina, Texas and Arizona. Past overseas assignments supported OPERATIONS Northern and Southern Watch in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
Bobby Hall
Bobby Hall
Class of 1985
Air Force, 20+ Years

Air Traffic Control Watch Supervisor
Carl A Nielsen
Carl A Nielsen
Class of 1995
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

Carl A. Nielsen
Carl A. Nielsen
Class of 1965
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

3rd Force Recon Company, RVN
Special Security Detail, US Department of State
TID, South Carolina, Okinawa, Japan
IT Specialist, Philadelphia, PA, Albany, VA, MCRD, Parris Island, SC, Okinawa, Japan, Pohang, Korea
Chief Small Systems Development Center, Quantico, VA
Class of 1965
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

1965-1965 Reconnaissance Units/2nd Force Recon Co

1965-1965 Infantry Training School(s) (SOI) EAST/1st Infantry Training Regiment (1st ITR)

1965-1965 1st Bn 507th Parachute Infantry Regt/Basic Airborne School (1-507)

1965-1966 3rd Recon Bn/3rd Force Reconnaissance Co

1965-1967 3rd Recon Bn/3rd Force Reconnaissance Co

1967-1967 ComCabs West/MCAS Iwakuni, Japan

1968-1968 Formal Schools/Marine Security Guard School

1969-1969 Marine Security Guard/MSG Detachment Kabul, Afghanistan

1969-1970 MCB Camp Lejeune, NC/Provost Marshal's Office

1970-1970 Staging Bn/2nd Replacement Co

1970-1971 H&S Bn/MP Section Serv Co

1971-1971 MCB Camp Pendleton/Sub 1/Casual Co

1972-1972 2nd Bn, 6th Marine Regiment (2/6)/Fox Co

1972-1973 2nd Bn, 6th Marine Regiment (2/6)/H&S Co

1973-1973 MCB Camp Butler, Okinawa/H&S Bn

1973-1974 Service and Support Schools/Degree Completion Program

1975-1975 Service and Support Schools/Computer Sciences School - CSS

1975-1975 Marine Corps Material Command/MCSA Philadelphia, PA

1975-1975 Service and Support Schools/Career Planners School (Career Counselor)

1975-1976 MCLB Albany (MCLSB LANT)/HQ Bn

1976-1976 Formal Schools/Recruiters School, MCRD Parris Island

1977-1978 Recruiting Units/RS Macon, GA, Gainesville, GA

1978-1978 Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, SC/HQ Co, HqSvc Bn

1979-1979 Service and Support Schools/Computer Sciences School - CSS

1979-1980 Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, SC/HQ Co, HqSvc Bn

1980-1981 3rd FSSG/H&S Bn

1981-1983 Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, SC/HQ Co, HqSvc Bn

1983-1985 3rd FSSG/H&S Bn

1985-1986 Service Bn, MCB Quantico/HQ Co

What are you doing now:
Retired from Federal Civil Service at the end of October 2009
Moved from Washington DC to 524 Silver Leaf Drive, Becket MA 01223 on November 3rd, 2009
Currently enjoying the GOOD Life!!!
Corey McNutt
Corey McNutt
Class of 2006
Marine Corps, 5 Years

Joined the Marines in 2006 right after graduating high school been in the marines ever since
craig hayes
craig hayes
Class of 1980
Navy, 20+ Years

Career Naval Officer
David Allen
David Allen
Class of 1988
Marine Corps, 12 Years

Living in Elkhart, IN
David Herp
David Herp
Class of 1980
Marine Corps, 20+ Years

Joined in 1980.
David L. Sharp
David L. Sharp
Class of 1967
Navy, 4 Years

USS Compass Island 1970-1973
New York, NY
David L. Sharp
David L. Sharp
Class of 1967
Navy, 6 Years

1969-Bootcamp, Great Lakes, IL
1970-1973 USS Compass Isaland, NY,NY
1973-1975 Inactive reserves, Louisville, KY
Edward Anthony
Edward Anthony
Class of 1991
Marine Corps, 17 Years

Motor Transportation Maintenance Chief
Henry R. Harrison
Henry R. Harrison
Class of 1962
Air Force, 4 Years

Morse Code Intercept Operator
RAF Chicksands - Bedford white, England
Royal Thai AFB - 250 miles NE of Bangkok, Thailand. We were 10 miles south of the main air base, stationed on an Army Post called Ramasun ASA.
Kenneth Scott Vick
Kenneth Scott Vick
Class of 1961
Navy, 22 Years

Vietnam combat veteran, gunnery officer, USS Blue, Home ported Yokosuka Japan. Weapons Station Concord Ca. Reserve affiliation. Retired 1987.
Matthew Lee Snider
Matthew Lee Snider
Class of 2002
Air Force, 3 Years

F-15 fuel systems journeyman
Michael Shimek
Michael Shimek
Class of 1964
Navy, 20+ Years

Submarine sailor, three diesels and TWO nuclear powered submarines. Retired from Navy in 1990 as an FTCS(SS)
mike fuller
mike fuller
Class of 1998
Marine Corps, 10 Years

united states marine corps
Mike Wathen
Mike Wathen
Class of 1969
Navy, 4 Years

Served in Taiwan and aboard the USA Kitty Hawk.
philip shirley
philip shirley
Class of 1974
Marine Corps, 10 Years

primary marksmanship instructor
Richard Armstrong
Richard Armstrong
Class of 1966
Navy, 6 Years

Oct 1969 thru Jan 70 Basic Training Master at Arms. Jan 70 thru Sept 70 MM school. Oct 70 thru May 70 Navy Nuclear Power School. June 70 thru Spring 71 Navy Nuclear Prototype. Summer 71 thru Sept 75 aboard USS Sturgeon SSN 637. Left Navy as an MM1SS qualified Engine Room Supervisor. Left Navy to complete college at Murray State U. Degree in Manufacturing Eng. Worked for Modine in Paducah for 3 years before moving on to SKW Alloys in Calvert City. Now live in Florida at a Marina on the St. Johns River.
Robin (brooks) Ward
Robin (brooks) Ward
Class of 1985
Navy, 20 Years

Retired in 2010
Stephen R. Stallard
Stephen R. Stallard
Class of 1970
Marine Corps, 6 Years

Was in MCJROTC at Seneca High School 1965 - 1966. Joined USMC in 1968, went to Boot MCRD San Diego, ITR Camp Pendelton MCSSS Camp Le Juene, N.C., Camp Pendelton 1969. Staging Batt. 1969 FLC Da Nang, Viet Nam '69 / '70. Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station '70 / '71 Camp Hansen, Okinawa 1971 EAS 16 Dec. 1971. Marine Corps Reserve 1971- 1974.
Steven R. Todd
Steven R. Todd
Class of 1987
Army, 19 Years

Army Officer; still serving in the Army National Guard; deployed in support of Operation Joint Guardian and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Vicki A Mulroy nee Smith
Vicki A Mulroy nee Smith
Class of 1975
Army, 8 Years

Military Intelligence Corps
98C Electronic Warfare Signals Analyst
"Operation Just Cause", Panama
Wallace Allen
Wallace Allen
Class of 1989
Marine Corps, 18 Years

Still on AD and stationed at Camp LeJeune, NC
William Luttrell
William Luttrell
Class of 1970
Navy, 20+ Years

Bill Luttrell served as a Medical Service Corps offficer in the US Navy for 20 years
William R. Snapp
William R. Snapp
Class of 1963
Army, 2 Years

Infantry, Mortars

Classmates Spotlight

Seneca High School Classmates

Laura Stevens
Class of '73

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New Athletic Website

The Seneca athletic department is in the early stages af building a website to help everyone stay informed of all happe...
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Our Seneca High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Seneca High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Louisville are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!