Saranac High School Alumni
Saranac, New York (NY)
Caity Worley (Caity Saunders)
Saranac High School
Class of 2004
→ Join 1937 Alumni from Saranac High School that have already claimed their alumni profiles.
→ There are 70 classes, starting with the class of 1925 all the way up to class of 2024.
First Name | Caity |
Last Name | Worley |
Maiden Name | Saunders |
Graduation Year | Class of 2004 |
Gender | Female |
Current Location | Plattsburgh, New York |
Relationship Status | Married |
About Me | **Nothing is ever "impossible". They said the Titanic was impossible to sink and look what happened there.** Wife since October 14, 2009 to Mark. Mother of 3 -- my daughter Elora Symone, and our 2 feline fur-babies Calvin and Dog. Daughter. Sister. College graduate, B/A Poli Sci 2009. Living the dream, loving my life. I work hard and perform well in all aspects... until my trust is broken. Then I'm a completely different person. Conservative leaning independent. Pro gun, pro choice, pro marriage equality, pro limited government, pro military, pro equality in the workplace, pro music programs, pro personal responsibi...(read more) |
Class of 2004 Alumni and Other Nearby Classes
→ Reunite with 21 class of 2004 alumni that have joined.
Brittany Mcdonald
Class of 2008
John Pelkey
Class of 1990
Robin Reiblein
Class of 1984
Joy Gruetzmacher
Class of 1966
Mandi Mawhinney
Class of 2000
Maureen O'reilly
Class of 1972
Kathleen Randall
Class of 1978
Julie Johnson
Class of 1989
Larry Lambert
Class of 1986
Perry Lawton
Class of 1981
Giuseppe Contini
Class of 2004
Carol Plumadore
Class of 1977
Kevin Norcross
Class of 1989
Kd Cross
Class of 1989
Miranda Gilman
Class of 1996
Jennifer Strack
Class of 1985
Karen Eremin
Class of 1977
Chester White
Class of 1991
Jose Jones
Class of 1983
John Miner
Class of 1982
Katie Tripp
Class of 2000
William Rankin
Class of 1943
Jessica Fanor
Class of 2000
Janice Leclair
Class of 1979