Class of 1977 40th Reunion!
Schertz Civic Center (Friday 0/29)
Samuel Clemens Class of 77 Reunion!
It's time to register and commit to having fun with old friends! Send your registration to Carol Sassman Fray.
Those that will be traveling -- book your hotel or place to couch surf and flights.
Friday Sept 29
Schertz Civic Center (1400 Schertz Parkway)
6p - 12p
Finger foods and desserts
Margaritas, beer, wine, tea, water
Optional: Buffaloes football game tickets (more info soon on game tickets)
$15 per person per event
Make checks out to:
Samuel Clemens 1977
Mails checks to:
Carol Fray
125 Rhonda Dr
Universal City, Tx 78148
PayPal: SCUC77@yahoo.com Please send a note saying how many people and which night.
When sending in your payment,
please indicate which night(s) and if you are bringing a guest please provide their name.
SPREAD THE WORD! All Buffaloes from classes near 1977 are welcome!
Friday, September 29th, 2017 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981
Event Details
Class of 1981 35th Reunion
Oct 7 2016 - Mix and Mingle at Conway’s in New Braunfels. This place is really cool! Great upstairs looking down on the dance floor, pool table. More FUN out back, bean bag toss (corn hole), beer pong. 6pm til Midnight. Register upstairs. Live Music at 9pm. Food available for purchase. http://www.conwaysnb.com/
Oct 8 2016 - Photo Town Circle at 5pm. 6pm - 8 pm Dinner at Coopers BBQ in New Braunfels. 8 pm - ? Scavenger Hunt on W San Antonio St. New Braunfels.
Oct 9 2016 - Noon - 4pm. Chili CookOff and BBQ at Mountain Breeze River Resort on River Rd. New Braunfels. Tx
Friday, October 7th, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1975's 40th Class Reunion
Class of 75's 40th Reunion
Mark your calendars for the weekend of Oct 2 & 3 for our 40th reunion. We will tour the high school first for old times sake and take a group photo on the staircase, attend the Clemens/Steele Football game Friday night until half-time, then off to Blue Bonnet Palace for some boot skootin'. We will have a picnic on Saturday and then dinner that evening. I'll be posting hotels and more info soon. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! Coach Charles Rouse and his sweet wife, Sandra Parks Rouse should be in attendance, as well as other coaches/teachers/faculty! GO BUFFS!!!
Friday, October 2nd, 2015 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1974's 40th Reunion
Class of 74's 40th Reunion
Date: Friday, September 26, 2014 –
Samuel Clemens vs Judson Football Game (game starts at 7:30); Meet in front of the high school at 5:30 for a fun tour of the school and a group photo.
We will then go to the game and sit together & cheer on the Buffs!!!
At half time (or after the game if you choose), go to the VFW-dance to the band Alibi) - munchies provided. Cash bar.
Saturday, September 27 @ 12:00
Lunch at Dave McNair’s house (bring your drink of choice and a dish to share---also a folding chair)
176 Golden Meadow, Cibolo, TX 78108
Dinner - VFW in Schertz on FM 78
6:00 – 7:30 (Harmon’s BBQ)
7:30 – Midnight - dance
We will have a raffle for some fun items!!!
Cost: $20.00 per per person (includes game & dinner)
Contact Pam Sinclair (who is assisting Tommy Howard, Marty Rothrock, Elsie Osburn Adams and Dave McNair) at: psinclair1957@yahoo.com or on Facebook.
Friday, September 26th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977
Event Details
Class of 1993 20yr Reunion
Rio Cibolo Ranch
When: November 16th 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Where: Rio Cibolo Ranch
1101 Ullrich Road
Marion, TX 78124
PH: (830) 914-3325
Price: $50/person
Where to mail payments: Mike Sledge
709 Zen Gardens Terrace
Austin, TX 78732 --- Money Orders, Checks or cash
This is an expensive endeavor - >$6,000 - currently on my credit card. Please help me out and send in your payments ASAP. There will be tickets at the door but they will be more expensive. Without enough support, we don't have a reunion. There will be a list for prepaid individuals at the door. I'm expecting a minimum of 150 people. The more the merrier.
The ticket prices include the following:
Dinner - BBQ Brisket, Sausage, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Beans and all the condiments, cake and ice cream, s'mores in the outdoor firepit
Drinks - Ice Tea, Water, Lemonade, MARGARITAS, BEER and WINE (There will also be a cash bar for sodas and liquor.)
Entertainment - Photo Booth, Games (pool, shuffleboard, ping pong, air hockey, foos ball, horse shoes, washers), music, dancing (only if you still can, or could back in the day).
Description of the place - It's a huge pavilion with great outdoor lighting. If it is cold they will have outdoor heaters (propane lamps) and fire pits. Truly a great place with plenty of space and lots to do.
Transportation - * not included * for ~$10/person I can arrange party buses that will pick up at 5:30 at a destination point (High School, two hotels?)and drop off at Rio Cibolo and do the opposite at 10:30. We would need some interest in order to do this. Perhaps we could set up a new room for that and I will arrange. We can also get a block of cabs to pick up. This is still a work in progress but I have quotes for 3 57 passenger buses if there is enough interest.
*** There were 267 people in our class. Help me get the word out.
We used to be able to party back in the day - let's see if you've still got it and can shake it. This is really only the second time we all can legally have a party with adult beverages! ***
Saturday, November 16th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Clemens Class of 73 and Friends Reunion
Clemens Party House
Catered Dinner and live music
BYOB wine, beer etc. tea/ water provided.
No children please
Saturday, October 26th, 2013
Invited Classes:
1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979
Event Details
Clemens Memorial for all classmates that have "Gone Too Soon"
Clemens Memorial
Schertz/Cibolo Samuel Clemens High School Alumni will be hosting a Clemens Memorial on Friday, June 7th at 7:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church on Aero Ave. in Schertz---to remember all known classmates that have passed away.
The idea originally began as a 10 year anniversary of the passing of Samantha Stritmatter, class of 2004 who passed away June 7, 2003. Jessica McNamara, class of 2004, wanted to remember her best friend by hosting a gathering of friends at the school. Posting it on Facebook entitled “Gone Too Soon”, grew beyond leaps and bounds and as word got out, it became a group memorial for “all” classes of Samuel Clemens and former Schertz/Cibolo High School since their inception.
Alumni Pam Sinclair (class of 1975), Lorelei Schufletowski (class of 1982), Dianna Fowler (class of 1979), Lorraine Ackermann Swinney (class of 1978) and Robert Lehnhoff (former coach/athletic director) – all pitched in and began researching to find those that have passed away and finding/scanning pictures for each of them (almost 500 classmates from the early 1960’s through 2013).
Beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the church, a slideshow will play while past & current Clemens Principals and faculty read those names of each classmate that is known to have passed away. Immediately following, all alumni, faculty and family are invited to go to Samuel Clemens High School to take a group photo and visit with one another.
Everyone is also invited to go to Schertz Pickrell Park after the event is over.
All Schertz/Cibolo Samuel Clemens alumni, faculty and families are invited to this memorial. Plans are being made to plant a tree at the school in memory of those that have gone too soon, as well as a scholarship in their memory.
For more information, please contact Pam Sinclair at: psinclair1957@yahoo.com.
Friday, June 7th, 2013 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class of '77 is hosting a 70's reunion
The New Blue Bonnet Palace, Selma, TX.
It's 10 whole US dollars per person at the door. This includes BBQ so don't be late or you'll get leftovers.
Saturday, October 27th, 2012
Invited Classes:
1977, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980
Event Details
30 Year Reunion
Blue Bonnet Palace17630 Lookout Rd.Selma, TX. 78154 (210)651-6702http://bluebonnetpalace.com/index.html
Every event is 'Pay as you Go'. SATURDAY: April 2, 2011 7pm - 12am Tycoon Flats 210-320-0819 2926 N St Marys San Antonio, TX 78212 SUNDAY April 3, 2011 2pm - 5pm Schertz Pickrell Park Large Pavilion Pot Luck Karaoke Bring your own cooler
Friday, April 1st, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Happy Birthday we are all turning 40!
Saturday, July 31st, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Schertz Park on Friday Night, Party House on Saturday
$25 per person for each event Golf tournament $60 email me at joy.clemens79@yahoo.com for more details
Friday, June 26th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '85 - 25th Reunion
San Antonio - Sonterra Country Club
At this time the Alumni Committee is in planning stage and detail will be posted as they are secured. Please feel free to contact us for updates and give us you contact information.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
26th Reunion
Event: Mixer for 26th Reunion weekend - Class of 1983 events » - - Event Type: Reunion - When: - Jun 26 2009 6:00 PM - - Jun 27 2009 12:00 AM - This will be our mixer for the 26th reunion. There will be a family picnic the afternoon of the 27th and
Still working on the details - next meeting on March 22. Contact Rhonda for more info.
Friday, June 26th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
30th Reunion
Initial plans are underway for the Class of 1980 30th Reunion.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1998 10-YEAR Reunion
Friday, October 24, 20008 - 7:30 pm Samuel Clemens High School Homecoming Football Game - 9:30 pm Adults only social at Hooligan's Bar & Grill - - Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 11:30 am Family Lunch at Niemietz Park in Cibolo, TX (Families and children we
Please view our reunion website at www.freewebs.com/samuelclemenshs1998 for more details ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE IN CASH AT EVENT LOCATION
Friday, October 24th, 2008
Invited Classes:
Event Details