Class of 88 Reunion
Various Locations Friday and Saturday
Class Reunion begins Friday night at the Reynolds football game and continues with a brewery crawl in downtown Winston-Salem. Saturday we have a tour of the school set up to begin at 10:30 a.m. Saturday evening, will be a social event on the Patio at Carolina Ale House beginning at 7:30. No tickets need to be purchased, except for the football game.
Friday, October 26th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
RJ Reynolds Class of 1998 - 20 yr Reunion
Fiddlin Fish & Embassy Suites
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH - Let's kickoff the reunion with a casual gathering at Fiddlin Fish, from 7pm till 10pm. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH - Look good and get your party on at the Embassy Suites! Dance the night Dance the night away from 8pm till 11pm while reconnecting with class of 1998 alumni. Tickets are $45 per person. Check us out online: https://rjrclassof98.weebly.com/ , and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/8269932102/
Friday, September 14th, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
R.J.Reynolds Reunion Weekend-Class of 1996
Saturday Night: Camel City BBQ Factory
ATTENTION: Contact Katy (Eshelman) Fisher at katyfish@gmail.com with your email address & purchase tickets online using the invite emailed to you!
Make sure to check out the FB landing spots:
Go to our FB page:https://www.facebook.com/events/224419387960158/
FB Group: Class of 1996 Reunion
FB Page: R.J. Reynolds Class of 1996
Come join your fellow class of '96 grads for a weekend you won't forget! We'll kick it off at the homecoming football game on Friday night to cheer on the Demons and reminisce about Friday nights in the 90's, before cell phones and, thank goodness, social media!
Saturday Terry Hicks will give a tour of the school to tell us how times have changed, and how they haven't. Saturday night, meet us at the new Camel City BBQ downtown to enjoy appetizers, drinks and dancing, and partying with your "old" friends. Dates are welcome.
Go ahead, call/text your friends and make sure they are coming. Don't miss the party everyone will be talking about!
The events for the upcoming reunion weekend for the c/o '96 are as follows:
Friday September 23rd~ Homecoming Game at Deaton-Thompson Stadium @7pm
Friday September 23rd~ Meet up at The Tap after the game 10pm-2am
Saturday September 24th~Tour of Reynolds High with Terry Hicks (Time TBD)
Saturday September 24th~Main Event at Camel City BBQ Factory on N. Liberty Street in downtown starting at 7pm
Friday, September 23rd, 2016 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
First Annual All Class Reunion Ball
Milton Rhodes Center
This is a formal event. The ladies will be in beautiful gowns and the men in tuxedos. Non alumni are invited as long as they are accompanied by an alumni.
Saturday, June 20th, 2015
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
RJ Reynolds Class of 1974 40th Reunion
Womble. Carlyle Club 4th Floor
$40 by 9/15/2014. $45 after 9/15/2014 and at door
Includes dinner buffet and non-alcoholic drinks. Cash bar available. Dress:Informal/ Casual (Neat)
Make checks to Gayla Posey. Mail to Gayla Posey. 6170 Narrow Way Lane. Winston-Salem, NC. 27105
Questions: Contact Gayla Posey bbqqueen@triad.rr.com
Frank Clayton fclayton@wsjournal.com
Deronda Kee-Lucas wkee@triad.rr.com
We will be glad to answer all questions that you have about the reunion. Our cutoff date to let the club know if we have 75 paid attendees by October 1, 2014. Please send your payment in soon if you are going to attend. In the words of Frank, "This is your reunion."
Saturday, October 25th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1973, 1974
Event Details
Class of '79 35th Reunion
The Founder's Club at BB&T Ballpark
$55 per person at the door - cash only please
See www.rjr79.com for details, discounts and early registration.
Saturday, October 11th, 2014
Invited Classes:
1978, 1979, 1980
Event Details
Class of 1964-Our 50th Reunion in 2014
The Planning Committee is working now to plan our 50th High School Reunion. Tom Livengood, Bonnie Deal Russell, John Reaves, Bob Hudspeth, Laura Beth Smith Spivey, Phil Stith and his wife Frankie Peace Stith, and me Judi Dean Rose. Please send me a message on this site to give us your email address and we will keep you posted. Thanks, Judi Dean Rose
Invited Classes:
Event Details
RJR Class of 1988 Reunion 2013
The class of 1988 is in the early stages of planning their 25th reunion. To stay up to date, please join our Facebook page, RJR class of 1988, or message me (Amie Daniel) here and I will add you to our mailing list.
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 77 35th Reunion
Old Staleys on Reynolda Road
You have over two months for skin treatments, teeth whitening or liposuction ( Sorry Bald guys,might not ever be enough time to replace golden locks !) Seriously folks lets look our best dress is causal Landing worthy! Hope to see everyone ... I ll be wearing glasses!! If you feel the need my number is 919 755-0660 Day one and already have 16 yes'
Saturday, November 24th, 2012
Invited Classes:
1977, 1976, 1978
Event Details
Class of '61 - 50th Reunion
Friday, 10/14/11-Millennium, North Point, 515 Specialty Park Drive, W-S 27106 - Sat.,10/15/11-Old Town Club, off Coliseum Drive, 2875 Old Town Club Drive
Golf Friday and school tour Saturday morning.
Friday, October 14th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
RJR 45th Reunion
Old Staley's Restaurant 2000 Reynolda Rd. Winston-Salem - Sat. Aug. 20th 11:30 am RJR Tour and Picnic on the school grounds - Sat. nite 6:30 pm dinner dance Old Town Club 2875 Old Town Club Dr.Winston-Salem
Fri nite: casual, pay for your own beverage and food Saturday, Aug. 20th 11:30 am RJ Reynolds High School Tour and Picnic Bring your own picnic basket, beverages provided Aug. 20th 6:30 pm dinner dance $55 each person Southern Buffet and DJ Business casual attire, bring a spouse or friend
Friday, August 19th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1963 – Age 65 Reunion
Main Event-Saturday night - Casual Event and Buffet Dinner - Forsyth Country Club - 3130 Country Club Rd. - Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Optional-"on your own": Friday night Big Shotz Tavern-Stratford Rd Saturday K&W-8:30 AM RJR High School Tour-10:30 AM Bibs Downtown Restaurant-1 PM
Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
35th Class Reunion
Benton Convention Center
Mini get-togethers are being planned by Mike Hamilton. If you are interested in attending, please email me at bbqqueen@triad.rr.com. The next one is 4/15 at 6 PM at Foothills Brewing in WS. We need rsvps. Thank you.
Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details