Pottsville High School Alumni

Pottsville, Pennsylvania (PA)

Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Archie Michael Hair
Archie Michael Hair
Class of 1984
Navy, 20+ Years

Served in the US Navy for 22 years retiring as an AMC (AW) in 2006. Attended boot camp at Great Lakes September 11, 1984, AMS "A" school in Millington TN, EA-6B FRAMP Whidbey Island WA, VAQ-136 in Japan on the USS Midway from 1985 to 1988, VF-45 in Key West FL from 1988 to 1992, HSL-46 in Mayport FL from 1992 to 1996, SH-60B/F and HH-60H airframes systems instructor at NAMTRAGRUDET Mayport FL from 1996 to 1999, HSL-48 Mayport FL from 1999 to 2003, DCMA Sikorsky Aircraft Corp from 2003 to 2006 when I retired.
Barry Heffner
Barry Heffner
Class of 1986
Navy, 20+ Years

Will retire in July 2009 after 23 years of service. Served onboard several ships and Dental Clinics in San Diego, Hawaii, and Guam.
Bill Liptok
Bill Liptok
Class of 1987
Army, 9 Years

Served as a Non Commissioned Officer for 9 years. Recieved several Army accomidation Awards and citations. Served in 3 theaters under the 101st Airborne Division. Currently Owns and Operates a Custom Home BVuilding Company in North Carolina
David B. Koch
David B. Koch
Class of 1969
Air Force, 4 Years

aircraft maint. stationed at Plattsburgh A.F.B. N.Y. a Strategic Air Command base, served throughout S.E.Asia
Dennis Ward
Dennis Ward
Class of 1992
Air Force, 20+ Years

USA Air Force Active Duty 13 yrs, PA Air National Guard 11 yrs
Dick Hoffman
Dick Hoffman
Class of 1960
Air Force, 6 Years

1100 Civil Engineers Headquarters Command Bolling AFB DC. Attached USAF Honor Guard.
Donna (Smith) Orwan
Donna (Smith) Orwan
Class of 1991
State Guard, 8 Years

Served in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard as a Light Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic from 2000-2008.
Ed Tokonitz Jr
Ed Tokonitz Jr
Class of 1988
Navy, 20+ Years

Retired as Chief Hospital Corpsman (Fleet Marine Force) in 2012 after 24 years of service. Spent 75% of career with the USMC, even though ID said US Navy!! Ops included several combat deployments and numerous other deployments. Awards include Commendation with Valor, Combat Action X2, etc.
edward r. harig
edward r. harig
Class of 1963
Navy, 20+ Years

spent 30 yeard 1963-1993
Eugene Fitzpatrick
Eugene Fitzpatrick
Class of 1954
Navy, 20+ Years

Graduated from US Naval Academy in 1959. Served 4 years aboard ship including being the Engineer Officer on a DLG. Went to MIT for 3 years earning 2 advanced Engineering Degrees becoming an Engineering Duty Officer upon completion. Worked directly for Admiral H.G. Rickover for many years, retiring as a Commander in 1979 to pursue a second career in civilian nuclear power.
ICC(SW)Schweikert, William J.
ICC(SW)Schweikert, William J.
Class of 1985
Navy, 20+ Years

Recrute Training Command(Basic Training) San Diego 1988
USS Saratoga (CV60) 1988-1992
Naval Training Center San Diego(IC A School)1992-1993
Naval Training Center Great Lakes Illinois (C School)1993
Shore Intermidiate Maintance Activity San Fansisco 1993-1994
Shore Intermidiate Mantaince Activity Pascagoula Miss. 1994-1996
USS John F. Kennedy(CV67)1996-1999
Navy And Marine Corps Reserve Center Norfolk Va. 1999-2002
Recruit Training Command Great Lakes Ill. 2002-2005
Navy Operational Support Center Austin Tx 2005-2009
Navy Operational Support Center Pensacola Fl. 2009-Present
Joseph L. Bowler, Jr.
Joseph L. Bowler, Jr.
Class of 1965
Army, 28 Years

Commissioned 2LT in 1969 after graduating from Penn State. Major assignments include Ft. Knox, KY; Ft. Holabird, MD; Ft. Shafter, HI; Ft. Huachuca, AZ; MACV HQs Vietnam; Indian Town Gap, PA; 4150th USAR School, TX; Ft. Sam Houston, TX; Ft. Gordon, GA; Ft. Totten NY; and retired at HQs, 1st U.S. Army; GA in 1997. The above assignments included my serving in the Regular Army, U.S.Army Reserve and Active Guard Reserve (AGR).
Karl  Lachler
Karl Lachler
Class of 1944
Air Force, 2 Years

Air Cadet to be trained as a pilot but the war ended.
Leonard J Radziewicz
Leonard J Radziewicz
Class of 1972
Army, 3 Years

Ft. Jackson,S.C. (Basic)
Ft. Lee, Va. (Advanced Individual Training)
Duty Assignments

Bad Hersfeld, Germany
Cam Rahn Bay, S. Vietnam
Lai Khe, S. Vietnam
F Troop 4th Air Cav
A Troop 3/17th Air Cav

Panama Canal Zone
U.S. Southern Command
FT. Guzick
Ft. Clayton
Mark Davis
Mark Davis
Class of 1978
Air Force, 20+ Years

Retired 31 Jul 09 after 30 years of service. Last duty was Chief of Security Forces Inspections, AETC/IG, Randolph AFB, TX
Robert Borowski
Robert Borowski
Class of 1979
Navy, 20+ Years

Retired 30 June 2009 with 28 years of service. Last duty station was as the Command Master Chief at the Naval Safety Center, Norfolk, VA.
Scott Horning
Scott Horning
Class of 2005
Army, 3 Years

Joined U.S. Army Aug 05-Honorable Discharge Dec 08. Went to Ft Knox, Ky of Basic and MOS training to be a 19D Cavalry Scout. Directly after went to Ft Benning, GA to Airborne School. Once completed got stationed in the 4/73rd Cavalry Regiment of "THE" 82nd Airborne Division! While there I achieved the rank of Sergeant and deployed to Afghanistan for a 15 month tour before I was even legal to drink in this country.
Stephen Wesnoski
Stephen Wesnoski
Class of 1970
Army, 20+ Years

Armor/Armored Cavalry
Timothy Wrona
Timothy Wrona
Class of 1999
Army, 9 Years

Deployed in Afghanistan

Classmates Spotlight

Pottsville High School Classmates

David Faust
Class of '79

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