Military Alumni

Military High School Alumni

Honoring Our Heroes

This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces!

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Honored Military Alumni

Andrew Thomas Marrone
Andrew Thomas Marrone
Class of 1992
Air Force, 16 Years

Technical Sergeant
Served in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan.
Station in Washington, Portugal, Germany and New Jersey
Daryll Slimmer
Daryll Slimmer
Class of 1995
Army, 12 Years

I enlisted in the winter of 1995 and right after Christmas I attended Basic Training at Ft. Sill, Ok. Immediately following Basic Training, I attended Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Ft. Bliss TX. After graduating AIT, I was stationed in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Shortly after my arrival, I was deployed to Saudi Arabia as a Patriot Missile Crewmwmber. I spent the next 2 years in Germany before our unit was moved back to Ft. Bliss, TX.

After leaving Active Duty, I joined up with the NJ National Guard which I am still a member. I have been stationed in Hammonton, Pemberton, Bordentown and lastly Mt. Holly. In the summer of 2005, I voluntered for the war in Iraq and was then deployed to Balad Iraq. Our National Guard unit was extended due to the surge and to date, are in the record books as being the unit with the longest tour during the war. I currently serve as an Observer/controller/trainer at Ft. Dix, assisting in the training of soldiers that will be deployed this June.
Daryll Slimmer
Daryll Slimmer
Class of 1995
Army, 12 Years

Saudi Arabia in 1996 and Iraq 2005-2007
Frank L. Ulissi Jr.
Frank L. Ulissi Jr.
Class of 1964
Army, 2 Years

Served with 17th Airborne, Germany
Served with 173rd Airborne, Republic of Vietnam
Frank L. Ulissi Jr.
Frank L. Ulissi Jr.
Class of 1964
Army, 2 Years

US Army Airborne, served in a LRRP team Germany. 1 year in vietnam 67, 173 rd airborne
forward observer.
John Peter Efelis
John Peter Efelis
Class of 1990
Army, 20+ Years

I signed my initial contract on 12 June 91 and I retired on 1 Nov 12. I served more than 17 yrs on AD w/ 9 yrs 8 months spent oversea's. In Nov 98 I deployed to Guatemala City, Guatemala for Humanitarian reasons. In Dec of 95 I deployed to Bosnia as part of IFOR. In Mar 2003 I deployed to Iraq for the war, in 2005 and again in 2007. I left AD in May 2009 for a Drill Sergeant position in the Reserves and finished my career.
Karen Claxton
Karen Claxton
Class of 1999
Air Force, 11 Years

I have been in almost 11 years. I started out as a Weapon's Loader on F-16s and A-10s. I was stationed at Luke AFB, Osan AB, Luke AFB again. Then after 6 years i decided to cross-train and try a new job out. So i then became a Medical Technician-worked on the Med-Surg ward and Women's Health clinic while stationed at Langley AFB and I am currently at RAF Croughton, UK working in the Family Practice clinic and will be here for 3 years, then off to somewhere else. I am also working on my Bachelor's Degree and am going for nursing. i plan to stay in until my 20 years come around and then i am out! I finally made E6 and will be sewing on this January 1st 2011. (My married name is Sheffer)
Leonard C Purnell
Leonard C Purnell
Class of 1963
Air Force, 19 Years

Leonard served in the United States Air Force, did a tour of duty in Da Nang, Vietnam, was a member of the ANG 166 MS DE, and received letters, ribbons and recommendations of service awards, and was honorably discharged after 20 years of service.
Leonard Purnell Jr
Leonard Purnell Jr
Class of 1992
Navy, 5 Years

SK2 United States Navy Reserves
Myles Gill Jr. SFC (Ret)
Myles Gill Jr. SFC (Ret)
Class of 1967
Army, 20+ Years

24 years in as a Combat Airborne Engineer. Station oversea in Vietnam, Korea, Italy, and two time in Germany. Have been in Central America and Mediterranean. I have 21 Medals starting with Bronze Star, 2 Purple Heart, 2 Meritorious Service ,and have a CIB, Master Parachutist, Drill Sgt, Ranger, and Sapper.
Robert J Shiles
Robert J Shiles
Class of 1985
Navy, 20+ Years

Joined the US Navy delayed entrty program in June 1984, left for boot camp Great Lakes, IL, June 1985, two weeks after graduation. Graduated boot camp August '85, and atteneded Hull Maintenace Techician (HT) "A" School, at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. Reported to USS Moinester FF-1097, 28DEC85, NOB Norfolk, and spent 3 1/2 years there, including 2 Med Cruises, and earning my Blue Nose by crossing the Artic Circle in OCT'86. Converted over to Damage Controlamn (DC) in 1988, making DC2 in Jun'89. Also earned my Enlisted Surface Wafare Specialist in APR'89. Aug'89 transefered and attended 6 weeks at the Navy Phyiscal Security School at Lackland AFB, San Antonia, TX. Upon completion was station at NCTANSLANT (communications station) Norfolk for 3 years. Spedning time in both the Security and Facilities Maintenance Depts. OCT'92 transfered and spent 3 weeks at Ft McClellan, AL, for CBR Defense Specialist training. NOV'92 reported to USS Yorktown CG48, NOB Norfolk, spending a little over 5 yrs aboard, making 1 Med Cruise & 1 major DrugOp deployment, and making DC1 in DEC'93. Transfer DEC'97 and spent the next 3 years on shore duty at NAS & NOB Norfolk Base 1St Lt. Jan'01 reported to USS Elrod FFG55, and in SEP'01, deployed a week after 9/11 as part of Operation Eduring Freedom. In APR'04 deployed on my last (5th Med Cruise) major deployment 2nd on Elrod. Retiring in June 1985. Served with many a great bunch of guys as each command. Lost a few along the way, R.I.P. Brothers. Shared some lasting memories, and have some that I wish I could forget. Proud to be a member of a Brotherhood that only those who have served can and do understand!! Salutes to my fellow Alumni, Past, Present, and Future!! Go Navy, it's not just a job, it was an adventure!!
Ron Newsome
Ron Newsome
Class of 1981
Army, 3 Years

Russ Heaton
Russ Heaton
Class of 1964
Navy, 4 Years

Communications Technician Naval Security Group
thomas keith lewis jr
thomas keith lewis jr
Class of 1992
Marine Corps, 14 Years

US Marine Corps, stationed in Camp Lejeune, NC
Thomas Shockley
Thomas Shockley
Class of 1964
Army, 2 Years

2 years Army unwanted but had to of the worst years of my life still living one of those years everyday there are days I feel like I might be better to not have made it back
Vincent Hess
Vincent Hess
Class of 1982
Air Force, 20+ Years

12 yrs Active Duty. 9 years Reserves. Electronic Warfare Technician, EC-130H Compass Call Maintenace instructor.
William Till
William Till
Class of 1973
Coast Guard, 20+ Years

I joined in 1973 went to boot camp Capemay N.J.
1st duty station - Rockland Me.
Then to technical school - Governors Island N.Y.
Off to San Francisco, Ca.- ship traveled all up and down west coast of U.S. & South America (Alaska to South America).
Back to east coast - Yorktown, Va. (training)
To the south- Charleston,S.C. (training) Midwest- Saint Louis, Mo. (training
Overseas- Guam ( south pacific 0
Retirement- Yorktown, Va. (training)

Main job was a Gunnersmate worked on and with all types of weapons. Also trained other people on these same weapons. Also did law enforcement for drugs & pleasure boats.

Classmates Spotlight

Pennsville Memorial High School Classmates

Russell Tilton
Class of '68

Alumni Stories

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School News

New Hope Counseling, Inc.

My name is Nancy Mills, and I am from the class of 1973. I am a therapist and have a non-profit Christian ministry, New ...
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Our Pennsville Memorial High School military alumni are some of the most outstanding people we know and this page recognizes them and everything they have done! Not everyone gets to come home for the holidays and we want our Pennsville Memorial High School Military to know that they are loved and appreciated. All of us in Pennsville are proud of our military alumni and want to thank them for risking their lives to protect our country!