1986 Class Reunion
Marion's Piazza - 3443 N. Dixie Drive - Dayton, Ohio
We will meet and go out afterward.
Saturday, August 13th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
NHS Class of 2000 - 10 Year Reunion
F&S Harley-Davidson Banquet Hall - 7220 N. Dixie Drive - Dayton, OH 45414
Other Activities: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 7:30 pm Homecoming Football Game at NHS Stadium 2011 Timber Lane, Dayton, OH 45414 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 Reunion Banquet (See above for details) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 11 am Family & Friends Picnic at Art Van Atta Park Shelter #2, Corner of N. Dixie Drive & Benchwood Road, Dayton, OH 45414 2 pm Northridge Community Day Parade
Saturday, October 9th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
35th Class Reunion
The Irish Club - 6555 Dog Leg Road - Dayton, OH 45415
The NHS Class of 1975 will be holding its 35th Class Reunion on September 10 and 11, 2010. The reunion starts out with an Icebreaker at Milano's (6129 North Dixie Drive, Dayton, OH 45414) Friday, September 10th from 7:00pm until Midnight. Join us to start the weekend off as we gather at Milano's to enjoy pizza/appetizers and toast another five year get together as the great class of 1975. A cash bar will be open with happy hour drink prices all night long. . Our Dinner Dance will be held at the Irish Club (6555 Dog Leg Road, Dayton, OH 45415) Saturday, September 11th from 6:00 p.m. until Midnight. The bar will open at 6:00 p.m. with light snacks and a dinner buffet will at 7:00. A delicious meal will be served complete with dessert. A special memorial is planned right after dinner in remembrance of our fellow classmates who have passed. A tribute to our fellow classmates/spouses/families who have served in the military will also coincide with the memorial. Music, dancing and other activities including a couple of surprises will continue to round out the evening as we make many new memories and reminisce on old ones. Tickets for the Icebreaker are $10.00 per person and $25.00 per person for the Dinner Dance. The price drops to $30.00 per person if you attend both events. Reunion invitations have been sent out to everyone who we had a current mailing address. Everyone who was ever part of the class is welcome to attend. If you didn’t receive an invitation or would like more information regarding the reunion, please call Belinda Elam Stallard at 937-836-6974 or Stan Howard at 937-836-5846 or send an email to Northridge1975@yahoo.com.
Saturday, September 11th, 2010
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Class reunion
Fairway Inn at Kitty Hawk Golf Course. 9am Scramble $32.00 3-4 par course. Then at 6:00 PM get together with friends and picnic style food provided by The Fairway Inn. Fee of $15.00 is only if you choose to eat. You are welcome to attend and not eat wi
If you are reading this and are not sure we have your address please contact Becky Shoemaker Sanford at 937-239-0659 or Cub Harris at 937-572-6206
Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details