Class of 1974
Sheriff Posse Grounds
The NSHS Class of 1974 is celebrating their 40th reunion on Saturday, September 20th at the Sheriff's Posse Grounds. The event will start at 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM. The fun will begin with a car show. If you would like to enter a car, we are looking for all kinds, vintage, muscle (new or old), sports, lowrider. Classmates will get to judge their favorite. Joe Escalante is organizing this. BBQ dinner will be followed by a local band who specializes in 70's and 80's music. Dance the night away and visit friends and classmates. Friday night, Sept. 19th, Social to be held at The Growers Pub, Monterey St., Salinas.
Please help us locate classmates and put the word out to Save the Date.
If you would like more information contact Joe Nemeth @ Jnemeth215@aol.com or check out Facebook NSHS reunion page.
Saturday, September 20th, 2014 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
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Class of 1974, 75 & 76 Reunion
Bayonet Black Horse Golf Resort - 1 Mc Clure Way - Seaside, CA
NSHS Class of 1975 35 Year "Bookend' Class Reunion Type: Party - Reunion Date: Saturday, August 21, 2010 Time: 6:00pm - 11:55pm Location: Bayonet Black Horse Golf Resort Street: 1 Mc Clure Way City/Town: Seaside, CA Description The Class of 1975 is having their 35 Year Class Reunion. We are inviting the classes of 74 and 76 to attend! It will be at the Bayonet Black Horse Golf Resort in Seaside. Tickets are $55 per person until July 21st. After July 21st they will be $65 per person. Raffle tickets are for sale in advance, 15 for $10, or $1 each the night of the event. Please make checks payable to: NSHS 1975 Class Reunion, send them to me, Tina Jones at 1908 Julius Ave. Madera, CA 93637.For any questions please call Tina or Phil Jones @ 559-675-9118. Here is a list of motels/hotels within 5 mile of the event: Monterey ~ Pacific Grove Best Western Beach Resort 2600 Sand Dunes Dr. Special Group rate at Best Western Beach Resort: Contact Liz Bala @ 831-394-3321 Non-ocean view rooms $139+$8 energy surcharge Ocean view rooms $179+$8 energy surcharge Must reference our Group name “North Salinas High School Reunion†Must book by June 21st. Hilton Garden Inn 1000 Aguajito Rd 831-373-6141 Seaside Embassy Suites 1441 Canyon Del Rey 831-393-1115 Holiday Inn Express 1400 Del Monte Blvd. 1-877-786-9480 831-394-5335 Marina Ramada Inn 323 Reservation Rd. 831-582-9100 Holiday Inn Express 189 Seaside Circle 1-877-786-9480 831-884-2500 Comfort Inn 140 Reservation Rd. 831-883-4000 Best Western Beach Dunes 3290 Dunes Rd. 831-883-0300 Check-In / No Host Social 6:00 - 7:00 Buffet Dinner 7:00 - 9:00 Dancing 9:00 - Midnight Menu for the Night Texas Back Yard BBQ Seasonal fresh fruit and berries New potato salad with onion, egg and green onion aioli Mixed greens with tomato, cucumber, onion and whole grain mustard vinaigrette Barbecue ribs Barbecue chicken Grilled tri-tip of beef Fresh corn on the cob with butter Baked beans with bacon, molasses and mustard Dinner rolls Apple Berry Cobbler If anyone needs or desires a vegetarian meal, please let us know.
Saturday, August 21st, 2010
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ALL CLASSES of NSHS Mexico party cruise!
Sail from Long Beach California to Ensenada Mexico for a 3 night get together and FUN! We already have 10 members from the class of 1966 and 4 for 1971 signed up.
Contact Linda Newby (class of 1971) at linda@gallerytravel.com for all of the details!
Friday, October 8th, 2010
Invited Classes:
All Classes
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