50th Class Reunion
Nevada Fairgrounds Community Bldg
Class of '71! Welcome to Your 50th Reunion!
COST: $50 per classmate. No cost for spouse/guest to attend Fri evening activities. However, if they want to attend the Alumni Banquet (Sat. evening), they'll need to purchase a ticket for $20 each. RSVP and payment ASAP to Mary Harrison, 25507 Country Club Rd, Nevada, IA. 50201. Please make the check out to Nevada Class 1971 and put in the memo line- "NHS Class of 1971 Reunion".
JUNE 25 - FRIDAY at the Community Building, upper level:
5:30pm-7pm: Social Hour/Heavy hors' doeuvres & limited non-alcoholic drinks. BYOB (beer & wine only)
7-8pm: Program, recognition of veterans and those who have left us
8-11pm: Socializing
Morning/afternoon: Ladies coffee, school tour
4:30pm-6pm: Cocktail Hour at NHS Alumni Banquet, Gates Hall. BYOB - wine & beer only (no hard liquor allowed)
6:00pm: Banquet and Program
Post Alumni Banquet: Gather for socializing at Cindy & Dean Olingers, 18525 570th Ave, Ames - their barn/outdoor area. Limited snack & non-alcoholic drinks provided. BYOB & lawn chairs.
The committee will continue to monitor CDC Covid recommendations and make modifications to our plans as needed. Our goal is to have a fun and safe event!
Friday, June 25th, 2021 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1969 Reunion
Indian Creek Country Club
Ticket prices include tickets to the Alumni banquet and both events at the Indian Creek Country Club and the Nevada Fairground's Community Building. There is no cost for spouse/guest to attend the class activities at the country club and community building. However, if they want to attend the Alumni Banquet, they will need to purchase a ticket for $16. Please make your check out to Fran Dunshee and mail to 5285 Skycrest Dr, Ames, IA 50010 and put in the memo line :NHS Class of 1969 Reunion.
Friday, June 21st, 2019 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
40th Class Reunion
Nevada Fairgrounds Community Building
Class of '78! Welcome to Your 40th Reunion!
COST: $25/person. The cost includes your meal, rental of building, decorations, booklet, etc.
Please mail payment to: Kyla Davis, 863 SE Delaware Ave., Ankeny, IA 50021. Please make
check out to Kyla Davis. Payment must be mailed by May 1st! Sorry, no PayPal.
6:00 pm: Party at Dean & Jolene (Thompson) Tjelmeland’s, 17607 610th Ave. in Nevada (5 miles north of town). BYOB, munchies, and lawn chairs.
10-2:00: Golf @ Indian Creek Country Club Contact Chris Nady cartguru@gmail.com
11:00 am: Decorate Community Building (need volunteers)
1:00 pm: Tour of Nevada High School, given by Karl Corbin - No Tour @ Milford School
6:00 pm: Social Hour & Pictures Community Building BYOB (Beer/Wine Only)
7:00 pm: Dinner & Dancing (Dinner catered by Golly’s in Maxwell)
11:00 pm: Clean-up (need volunteers)
12:00 midnight: Tour of Evergreen Lane, 1204 H Ave., Nevada, given by Kris Corbin
Let’s Make This A Great 40th Class Reunion!
Friday, June 22nd, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
Event Details
70 year young Class of 66 reunion
Nevada banquet
Party after banquet at Dan and Nancy (Nelson ) Newman. Come even if you don't attend the banquet. Start time 8:30 or 9:00 pm.
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class of '68 Reunion
Friday - Indian Creek Country Club
Hello to all our 68 Classmates!
Are you getting excited for your 50th reunion? Here are a few details to keep you in the loop:
Friday - 6:30-10:30pm - Indian Creek Country Club, Nevada, lower level. Hors D'oeuvres and Cash Bar. Handicap accessible entrance/cart path to the west of main entrance.
Saturday - 10:00am - Decorate and set-up Community Building at Fairgrounds (need volunteers)
Saturday - 2:00pm - Tour of Nevada High School
Saturday - 4:30 - 6:00pm - Social time at Gates Hall, BYOB, Beer/wine only
Saturday - 6:00 - 8:00om - Alumni Banquet, Gates Hall, BYOB, Beer/wine only. 50th class recognition.
8:00 - 12:00am - Party at Community Building, BYOB (beer/wine only),
recognition of veterans and those who have left us, NHS trivia
12:00am - Call it a night! Need volunteers to help take down tables/chairs.
We have over 50 classmates registered to attend with 25+ spouses/dates joining in!
The planning committee is so very excited about your response to this event. Let's make it a great one!
Friday, June 22nd, 2018 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Class of 1965 Reunion
Class of 1965 50th Reunion
Class of '65 will be gathering at Indian Creek Country Club on Friday, June 26th at 6:00 PM and again on Saturday, June 27th following the Alumni Banquet for our 50th High School Reunion. Everyone is welcome to stop by!!
Saturday, June 27th, 2015
Invited Classes:
All Classes
Event Details
Nevada High School Class of 66 45th Reunion
Bill VanSickle's Place, 66216 Lincoln Highway, Nevada.
The alumni banquet is on June 25 and many classmates will be attending that. After the banquet we will be gathering at Roger Sampson's place, 1108 West T Avenue, Nevada The price above includes the banquet and both gatherings. If you choose just to attend one or both of the gatherings, it is $15.00.
Friday, June 24th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
We're the Class of '81 30th Reunion
Indian Creek Country Club on Saturday, July 30th. - - Friday night (29th) is BYOB at Davis' shed, as per usual...
Doug Calhoun's band will play! Trivia, slideshow, door prizes and yummy food! You won't want to miss this one.
Saturday, July 30th, 2011
Invited Classes:
Event Details
70s Class Reunion & Then Some
Indian Creek Country Club :: Nevada, IA
Are you interested in seeing people you went to high school with from different classes? A reunion is being planned for Nevada alumni from the 70's and also for some who graduated from the late 60's and early 80's. What a great way to see and catch up with alumni from other classes that we miss when we have our 5 year reunions. Join us Saturday September 4th, 2010 (Labor Day Weekend) at Indian Creek Country Club. There will be no cost to attend. The club's restaurant bar will be open. We will try to have munchies and snacks available through the day and evening. If enough interested to golf is returned, we can have the course available. Some costs will be anticipated, such as; newspaper ads, some printing and possibly a tent. If you would like to contribute a donation, any amount would be appreciated. Send checks payable to "70's Reunion" and mail to: First Federal Savings Bank P.O. Box 466 Nevada, IA 50201 ATTN: Vawn There will be more information as this comes together. If you have any ideas to help make this a success and if you are interested in attending, please let us know. Thank You John Swanson Class of '76 Mike Potter Class of '75 Jodie Hunt (Stone) Class of '79 * Please return emails to John Swanson: swanny57@gmail.com
Saturday, September 4th, 2010
Invited Classes:
1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979
Event Details
Reunion Tour 35!
ICCC, south 11th St. Mix & Mingle on main floor. Buffet dinner time TBA.
We need current name (if changed) address, e-mail, home and/or cell numbers. We want updated bios whether you attend or not.
Friday, June 27th, 2014
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of '78 Turns 50
Alumni Banquet Gates Hall - 5:00 - 6:30 Social Hour - 6:30 - 8:30 Banquet - 8:30 Party @ Chris Nady's, 711 Cherokee, Nevada
Please let Chris know if you're planning on attending the banquet - he will reserve you a ticket. They're $13.00/person. There is no cost to attend the party @ Nady's. Beer, 'The Can', & Snacks Provided
Saturday, June 27th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details