Class of 2000 and 2001 reunion
What you need to know (so far):
It’s our 20ish year reunion and we’re really excited to share the celebration with the class of 01! Please share event details with any 2000 or 2001 classmates.
Homecoming game starts at 7pm.
- Food trucks and DJ will be set up out side the stadium before the game so, decorate your car & come early to hang out with everyone
- There will be a section for our class in the stands
- We’re encouraging you to wear our MTHS reunion shirt!
- We’re planning on leaving after half time to head over to Radar.
- Tickets are 7 dollars at the gate
Radar Brewing Celebration
- Marissa (c/o 01) and her husband own the brewery
- Food Truck TBA
- Music starts at 8 by John Ray (MTHS alum)
- We’ll have a private area with a photo booth by It's a Photo Booth Life (c/o 00)
At the moment Radar closes at 11pm, if you’re up for it head to The Tap for the last part of the evening.
If the food truck is not your thing- pick up some food on your way from the game and enjoy at Radar.
Friday, October 8th, 2021 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
2000, 2001
Event Details
7221 Shallowford Rd. Lewisville NC 27023
Friday, October 8th, 2021 (multiple event dates, click here for full details)
Invited Classes:
1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974
Event Details
40th Reunion for the Class that never was
Tanglewood - Shelter #3
BBQ dinner and lots of fun - BYOB - Casual dress We also welcome all the former classes prior to 1972 and extend a warm invitation to all our friends from the Class of 1973.
Saturday, October 13th, 2012
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1989 20 year Reunion
Bridger Field House
We are in the process of planning a weekend of events. Friday night be will casual - perhaps at a local bar/restaurant. Everyone is invited to attend if they'd like. Saturday, we've rented Hathaway Park for a soccer match and family picnic. Saturday night will be from 8-12. We'll have some food but it's recommended you eat dinner before you arrive.
Saturday, September 26th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details
Class of 1989 Reunion
All of the info is TBD at this point. We are simply trying to get the word out and have everyone send their current info to
Invited Classes:
Event Details
10 Yr MTHS Class of '99 Reunion
Party Like It's 1999 Semi-Formal at Millennium Center; 101 W 5th St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101; 8pm (includes heavy hors d' oeuvres, music, and momentums)
REUNION EVENT REGISTRATION IS OPEN ! MTHS Class of 1999 Reunion Weekend Events are now open for online or mail in registration and payment. An optional Registration Form is available for those who prefer paper and mailing a check to the online method. Read carefully about each of the reunion activities described below and register online at to get yourself signed up. Be sure to read about all of the online registration options: - Friday night Mt. Tabor vs. North Forsyth Football Game; 7pm (Away game) - Friday night Post Game Happy Hour at Fox & Hound Pub & Grille - Saturday morning golf tournament, Tanglewood Park, 8am - Saturday MTHS Self-Guided Tours, 11am-1pm - Saturday afternoon Flag Football Game, MTHS Field, 12pm - Saturday evening Party Like It's 1999 Semi-Formal at Millennium Center, 8pm TICKET PRICE INCLUDES: Catering, Venue, Alumni Search, Mailings, Decorations, DJ, Photo Name Tags & Momentums. - $35.00 single $60.00 couple; (Early bird by 7/13) - $40.00 per person/$65.00 per couple by Sept 4th, 2009 via paypal NOTE: Your REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE until you have made the full payment as stated (for those items requiring a payment) by credit card or PayPal. If interested in PayPal/credit card payment please request an email money request/invoice be sent to your email in order to pay online via PayPal. TICKETS: After you register, you will receive an email confirmation. This confirmation and/or a Photo Id will serve as your admittance ticket to the reunion events. CANCELLATION POLICY: Refund Requests must be emailed to by 30 days in advance of the reunion. A $10.00 cancellation fee applies to each individual registration. REUNION MEMORY BOOK: At the reunion a complementary reunion memory book will be given to each pre-paid classmate. If attending or not and you are interested in being included in the Reunion Memory Book, in order to allow processing time, please fill out your bio information at: Submit your Reunion Book info/photos by July 31, 2009. Please be sure to send a current scanned or digital photo of you, you and your spouse/significant other, or your family by regular mail or email to [email censored] Actual photos will not be able to be returned. If interested in an Extra Reunion Memory Book or an interested Non-attendee please send $12.00 to cover the cost & mailing. HOTEL ROOM BOOKING: The final action you may need to take is to book your room at either the Hawthorne Inn for $79/night or the Embassy Suites for $129/night. There are also a number of other options Downtown Winston-Salem.
Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Invited Classes:
Event Details